2. Your first simulations
In a terminal, navigate to the directory where you installed CONCEPT.
Unless otherwise specified, all code examples to come is meant to be executed
from within this directory. At the top level you’ll find a few key files, like
the all-important concept
script used to launch the code.
Try invoking the script using
./concept --local
This will fire up CONCEPT, which should display a few lines of colourful
text before shutting back down. The --local
option specifies that we wish
to run CONCEPT on the local machine, as opposed to submitting the
simulation as a job on a remote cluster. If you are working locally, you may
omit the --local
option, just as this tutorial will do from now on. If you
are working remotely, please add the --local
option yourself to all future
invocations of the concept
script. Later this tutorial covers how to submit
CONCEPT jobs to the scheduler when
working on a cluster.
You may set the CONCEPT_local
environment variable to True
which is equivalent to supplying --local
to all future invocations
of concept
export CONCEPT_local=True
As we did not provide any parameters to CONCEPT, it shut down
immediately. We can add parameters using the -c
option, like so:
./concept \
-c "initial_conditions = {'species': 'matter', 'N': 64**3}" \
-c "a_begin = 0.02" \
-c "output_times = {'powerspec': 1}"
A simulation with \(N = 64^3\) matter particles will now be run, with
initial conditions generated at a scale factor of \(a = 0.02\) and a power
spectrum produced at \(a = 1\). Once completed, check the output
directory, where you’ll find the power spectrum data (a plain text file)
and plot.
Once a simulation is complete, its total computation time is shown in the last line of output
Don't forget about gravity
The above simulation should only take a few seconds to complete. The reason
for the rapid time evolution is that CONCEPT does not assign
interactions implicitly, meaning that no gravitational forces were applied
during the simulation. This also explains the low simulation power spectrum
compared to the linear power spectrum (which do include the effects of
gravity), both of which are present in output/powerspec_a=1.00
and output/powerspec_a=1.00.png
Let’s try again, this time specifying a size for the gravitational potential grid:
./concept \
-c "initial_conditions = {'species': 'matter', 'N': 64**3}" \
-c "a_begin = 0.02" \
-c "output_times = {'powerspec': 1}" \ -c "potential_options = 128"
The simulation time will increase noticeably. Once done, take a look at the
output output/powerspec_a=1.00.png
again, and you should see that the
simulated power spectrum has caught up to the linear one.
The role of the potential grid will be discussed in detail in a little while.
Going multi-core
To cut down on the computation time we may make use of multiple CPU cores. To run with e.g. 4 CPU cores, execute
./concept \
-c "initial_conditions = {'species': 'matter', 'N': 64**3}" \
-c "a_begin = 0.02" \
-c "output_times = {'powerspec': 1}" \
-c "potential_options = 128" \ -n 4
A choice of e.g. -n 3
is illegal as \(N = 64^3\) is not divisible
by \(3\). Further such restrictions exist. If an illegal number of
processes is chosen, CONCEPT exits with a helpful error message.
Other command-line options
The concept
script accepts quite a few command-line options in addition
to the ones we’ve seen so far. To see a complete list of possible options,
./concept -h
We shall explore some of these in later parts of this tutorial. For now, let’s
try out the interesting (though typically not recommendable)
, which runs the CONCEPT Python source code as is,
rather than making use of the transpiled and optimized build. Simply rerun the
previous simulation, now with --pure-python
added as an option
to concept
You should find that running in pure Python mode is unbearably slow, even if running with multiple cores. In fact, comparing some of the timing measurements printed to the screen to those of the previous run, you should find the difference in performance to be \(\gtrsim 10^3\).
Waiting for the pure Python simulation to finish is not worth it. You may
cancel (Ctrl
) it now. Though not essential for using the code,
being aware that CONCEPT is a Python code, drastically sped up through
transpiler magic, gives some appreciation of what sets CONCEPT apart
from other cosmological simulation codes.
For full documentation on each option to concept
, consult
Command-line options.