
The following sections list the various parameters accepted by CONCEPT, along with explanations, default and example values. Each section deals with a specific category of parameters.

To learn how to use parameters and parameter files, see the tutorial as well as the -p and -c command-line options.

Parameters are specified as Python 3 variables. As such, it is helpful to be familiar with basic Python syntax and data types, such as strings, lists and dictionaries.

Below you will find the parameter categories, corresponding to the sections ahead. Besides bringing some organization to the large set of parameters, these categories have no meaning.

Besides these sections, you may also look in the provided example parameter files. In particular, example_explanatory defines close to all supported parameters. Though this makes it impractically large for actual use, it serves to briefly showcase the many possible parameters.

The rest of this page contains information regarding parameter specification generally, independent of the specific parameters.

Parameter files as Python scripts

You may think of parameter files as (glorified) Python scripts, and use any valid Python 3 statements to formulate or compute your parameters, including print() for debugging.

Even without any explicit import statement present in the parameter file, all of numpy is readily available. As an example, consider the following specification of 7 power spectrum outputs placed logarithmically equidistant in scale factor \(a\), from \(a = 0.01\) to \(a = 1\):

# Input/output
output_times = {'powerspec': logspace(log10(0.01), log10(1), 7)}

Units and constants

For dimensional parameters, it is important to explicitly tack the unit onto the value, as no default units are ever assumed by CONCEPT. For example,

# Numerics
boxsize = 512      # ❌
boxsize = 512*Mpc  # OK

# Cosmology
H0 = 67             # ❌
H0 = 67*km/(s*Mpc)  # OK

A large set of units is understood:

  • [mck]m (meter), AU (astronomical unit), [kMG]ly (light-year), [kMG]pc (parsec).

  • s (second), minutes, hr (hour), day (24 hours), [kMG]yr (Julian year).

  • [k]g (gram), [kMG]m☉ or [kMG]m_sun (solar mass).

  • [mkMGT]eV (electron volt), J (Joule).

with brackets [...] indicating allowed SI prefixes.

CONCEPT always expresses angles in terms of radians.

The following physical constants are further available:

  • c or light_speed (speed of light in vacuum).

  • G or G_Newton (gravitational constant).

  • ħ or h_bar (reduced Planck constant).


The precise relations between the above units and constants are adopted from the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units, exact IAU definitions and experimental 2020 values from the Particle Data Group.

A few mathematical constants are similarly readily available:

  • π or pi (half-circle constant).

  • τ or tau (circle constant).

  • e (Euler’s number).

  • or inf (infinity).

  • machine_ϵ or eps (double-precision machine epsilon).


For more exotic mathematical constants you are encouraged to make use of NumPy/SciPy:

import scipy.special
scipy.special.zeta(3)  # Riemann ζ(3)


The actual numerical value resulting from e.g. 512*Mpc depends on the internal unit system employed by CONCEPT. The unit system itself is not statically defined, but specified on a per-simulation basis via parameters. Though the vast majority of users have no need to manually specify the internal unit system, it is useful for e.g. testing against other simulation codes that use some other, fixed system of units.

Non-linear parsing of parameter file

Parameters may be defined in terms of each other. Unlike with regular scripts, the definition order does not matter (i.e. you may reference a variable before it is defined). The magic that makes this work is cyclic execution of the parameter file, so that a variable that is needed on some line but only defined by some later line, is correctly set at the second execution. This non-linear variable dependence may continue arbitrarily, requiring many more execution passes.

In the following example, the initial scale factor value a_begin is included in the list of scale factor values at which to dump power spectrum output, even though a_begin is not defined before further down:

# Input/output
output_times = {'powerspec': [a_begin, 0.3, 1.0]}

# Cosmology
a_begin = 0.01

The path, param and jobid objects

Available for use in parameter files is the convenient path object, which holds absolute paths to various useful directories and files. For example, path.output_dir evaluates to the output directory, which by default is output. If you prefer, you may instead use the dict-like syntax path['output_dir']. The contents of the path variable is supplied by the .path file.

Another convenience object available within parameter files is param, which evaluates to the name of the parameter file in which it is used. As an example, consider this nice way of ensuring that the power spectrum output gets dumped in a subdirectory of the output directory, labelled according to the parameter file:

# Input/output
output_dirs = {'powerspec': f'{path.output_dir}/{param}'}

If used within the parameter file param/my_param, f'{path.output_dir}/{param}' then evaluates to 'output/my_param'.

The param object is not just a plain str though:

  • Evaluates to the name of the parameter file (equivalent to to using param on its own within a str-context).

  • param.path: Evaluates to the absolute path of the parameter file.

  • param.dir: Evaluates to the absolute path of the directory containing the parameter file.

Lastly, the jobid variable is also available within parameter files. This is the unique integer ID labelling the current job. To e.g. direct power spectrum output to a directory named after this ID, one can use

# Input/output
output_dirs = {'powerspec': f'{path.output_dir}/{jobid}'}

This way, previous outputs are not overwritten when running multiple simulations using the same parameter file.

Custom non-parameter variables

Using custom non-parameter variables in parameter files can help provide better organisation. For example, you may want to define both the boxsize and the resolution of the gravitational potential grid in terms of a common variable:

# Non-parameter helper variable used to control the size of the simulation
_size = 256

# Numerics
boxsize = _size*Mpc
potential_options = 2*_size

Both the boxsize and the potential grid size given by potential_options can now be simultaneously updated through the newly introduced _size variable, which itself is not a parameter. When defined in a parameter file, CONCEPT treats any variable whose name does not begin with an underscore ‘_’ as a proper parameter; hence ‘_size’ and not ‘size’.


The potential_options parameter is in fact much more involved than what it would appear from the above example. The potential_options is an example of a “nested” parameter, with many “sub-parameters” definable within it. For your convenience, CONCEPT allows for a plethora of different non-complete specifications of such nested parameters (with non-specified sub-parameters being auto-assigned), simplifying the writing of parameter files. See the full specification of the potential_options parameter for details.

Inferred parameters

Some parameters are automatically defined based on the values set for other parameters. These may then be used when defining further parameters. Currently, the only two such inferred parameters are h and Ων:

  • h is simply defined through \(h \equiv H_0/(100\, \text{km}\, \text{s}^{-1}\, \text{Mpc}^{-1})\), with the Hubble constant \(H_0\) being a normal parameter, H0, defined as e.g.

    # Cosmology
    H0 = 67*km/(s*Mpc)

    in which case h is set equal to 0.67. Having h available is useful if you want to use the common unit of \(\text{Mpc}/h\), e.g. when defining the box size:

    # Numerics
    boxsize = 256*Mpc/h
  • Ων is the total density parameter \(\Omega_\nu\) for all massive neutrino species. It is set based on the massive neutrino parameters defined by the class_params parameter. As the computation of \(\Omega_\nu\) is non-trivial, this is nice to have available for simulations with massive neutrinos where the sum \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}} + \Omega_\nu\) is constrained. With e.g. \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}} + \Omega_\nu = 0.27\), one would set

    # Cosmology
    Ωcdm = 0.27 - Ων

    in the parameter file. As Ων is non-trivial to compute from the user-defined parameters (class_params), its value is printed at the beginning of the CONCEPT run (if running with massive neutrinos).


You must not yourself explicitly define any inferred parameters within parameter files.

Dynamic value insertion using ellipses

Several of the parameters are dicts with which one often wants the values to be identical for multiple keys. Instead of typing out the same value multiple times, this may be copied over dynamically from the placement of ellipses ‘...’ like so:

# Input/output
output_dirs = {
    'snapshot' : f'{path.output_dir}/{param}',
    'powerspec': ...,
    'bispec'   : ...,
    'render2D' : ...,
    'render3D' : ...,

Here, the keys 'powerspec', 'bispec', 'render2D' and 'render3D' will all map to the same value as 'snapshot'. More generally, an ellipsis is replaced by the first non-ellipsis value encountered when looking back up the key-value definitions, wrapping around if necessary. Thus,

# Input/output
output_times = {
    'snapshot' : ...,
    'powerspec': 1,
    'bispec'   : ...,
    'render2D' : ...,
    'render3D' : [0.1, 0.3, 1],

results in 'snapshot' being mapped to [0.1, 0.3, 1] while 'bispec' and 'render2D' are being mapped to 1.


Another takeaway from the above example is the fact that CONCEPT rarely is picky about the exact data types used when defining parameters. We see that the keys of the output_times dict may be either single numbers or lists of numbers, which again may be either ints or floats. Furhtermore, the container used did not have to be a list, but might instead have been e.g. a tuple (0.1, 0.3, 1) or a set {0.1, 0.3, 1}.

Checking parameter specifications

With all the possible magic surrounding parameter specifications, one might feel the need to explicitly check exactly how a given parameter ends up being defined. For this, you can do either of:

  • Run CONCEPT with a printout of specific parameters (here parameter0 and parameter1) as a substitute for the usual main entry point, e.g.

    ./concept --pure-python \
        [-p param] [-c cmd-param] \
        -m "from commons import *; \
            print(f'{parameter0 = }'); \
            print(f'{parameter1 = }'); \
  • Run CONCEPT in interactive mode like so:

    ./concept --pure-python -i -m "from commons import *;" \
        [-p param] [-c cmd-param]

    and then check the values of the parameters on the interactive Python prompt:

    >>> parameter0
    >>> parameter1
    >>> exit()

Here brackets [...] indicate optional command-line arguments, with param the parameter file and cmd-param any command-line parameters.

Remember that all dimensional parameters are expressed in accordance with the employed unit system.

Components and selections

In CONCEPT, the different species (e.g. matter, neutrinos) within a simulation are each represented by a component. Typically, the matter component consists of some number \(N\) of particles. All particles within a component are identical, so that they have the same mass, softening length, etc. Besides particle components, CONCEPT also implements fluid components. Conceptually, such components consist of a grid of cells, where again each cell share the same properties (e.g. equation of state). The type of a component — either ‘particles’ or ‘fluid’ — is called its representation.

Though all components must have an assigned species, a component is not identical to its species: A species is a particular (usually physical) substance inhabiting particular traits. A component is a given numerical implementation of such a species, with additional properties on top. One such property is a unique name, which however typically is just set equal to the name of the species. See the specification of initial conditions for how to separate the component name from its species.


To get some practical experience with both particle and fluid components of various species, check out the tutorial, especially the large section going beyond matter-only simulations.

Several parameters either are or contain so-called component selections. These are dicts which assign some property (dict value) to the component(s) (dict key).

An example of a component selection is the select_softening_length parameter. Say we have two particle components; one named 'spam' of species 'baryon' and one named 'ham' of species 'cold dark matter'. We can then assign separate softening lengths to particles within each of these components like so:

select_softening_length = {
    'spam': 25*kpc,
    'ham' : 15*kpc,

The component selection system is however much more flexible. Beside names, components may also be referenced using their species:

select_softening_length = {
    'baryon'          : 25*kpc,
    'cold dark matter': 15*kpc,

If we wish to employ the same softening length for all components, we can use the short-hand

select_softening_length = {
    'all': 25*kpc,


Often, properties like the softening length can be described as an expression common to all or multiple components, though the evaluated value may differ. Consider

select_softening_length = {
    'all': '0.025*boxsize/cbrt(N)',

which sets the softening length to be \(2.5\,\%\) of the mean inter-particle distance within each component separately. That is, while boxsize is a global constant, N is understood to be an attribute specific to each component, here its number of particles \(N\).

We can also refer to components using their representation, like so:

select_softening_length = {
    'particles': 25*kpc,
    'fluid'    : -1,

which again would assign \(25\,\text{kpc}\) as the softening length to both 'spam' and 'ham', assuming these are particle components. As fluid components do not have an associated softening length, the value set for 'fluid' does not matter for this particular component selection, even in the case where fluid components are present within the simulation.

Component selections support the ellipsis syntax, as in

select_softening_length = {
    'spam': 25*kpc,
    'ham' : ...,
    'all' : 15*kpc,

which assigns \(25\,\text{kpc}\) as the softening length to the 'spam' and 'ham' components and \(15\,\text{kpc}\) to all others.

There is also a 'default' key — which works similar to 'all' — but which should not be set by the user. Instead, this is set internally by the code, intended to catch otherwise unset components within a selection.

Some component selection parameters further support component combinations. An example is the powerspec_select parameter. The following specifies that we want power spectrum outputs for both 'spam' and 'ham' individually, as well as their combined (auto) power spectrum:

powerspec_select = {
    'spam'         : True,
    'ham'          : True,
    ('spam', 'ham'): True,

The order in which the components are listed within a combination has no significance, so ('spam', 'ham') is equivalent to ('ham', 'spam').


While it would be nice to use a set {'spam', 'ham'} to express this lack of ordering, we cannot do so as sets are not hashable and thus cannot be used as keys in a dict.

Any number of components may be paired together, not just two. Finally, all possible combinations of components may be specified as

powerspec_select = {
    'all combinations': True,

Ensuring determinism

Reproducibility is a highly desirable feature of any complex software system. Running the same simulation twice, we of course expect very similar outcomes for the two runs. However, due to the non-associativity of floating-point arithmetic, two supposedly equivalent simulations generally do not produce exactly the same results (though any such differences ought to be much smaller than the inherent precision of the simulations).

Below we list the parameter settings needed in order to guarantee fully deterministic simulations, always yielding bitwise identical outputs (snapshots included) when run several times over. Note that this does come at a performance penalty.

  • random_seeds: CONCEPT makes use of explicit (pseudo-)randomness for generating initial conditions, specifically the primordial noise. For the sake of reproducibility, this random noise is generated using particular random seeds, specified by the random_seeds parameter.

    For deterministic behaviour, you should then keep the values of these seeds fixed between simulations, e.g.

    random_seeds = {
        'primordial amplitudes': 1_000,  # keep fixed between runs
        'primordial phases'    : 2_000,  # keep fixed between runs
  • shortrange_params: By default, the decomposition of tiles into subtiles is dynamically updated throughout the simulation, based on CPU timing measurements (see the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’ for details). This naturally introduces indeterminism, as timing measurements are affected by whatever else is going on within the system, as well as the real-world physical circumstances regarding the hardware. The subtile decomposition is controlled by the 'subtiling' sub-parameter of the shortrange_params parameter.

    For deterministic behaviour, you should set some static subtile decomposition, e.g.

    shortrange_params = {
        'subtiling': 2,
  • particle_reordering: The order in which particles of a component appear in memory ultimately determines the order in which direct particle-particle interactions — typically short-range gravity — are computed, corresponding to a specific ordering of the sum

    \[\boldsymbol{f}_i = -G m^2 \sum_{j} \frac{\boldsymbol{x}_i - \boldsymbol{x}_j}{|\boldsymbol{x}_i - \boldsymbol{x}_j|^3}\, ,\]

    for the force on particle \(i\) at \(\boldsymbol{x}_i\) due to all other particles \(j\) at \(\boldsymbol{x}_j\). As this sum consists of floating-point numbers it is not associative, and so the order matters for determinism. By default, the particles in memory are periodically re-sorted for performance reasons (see the particle_reordering parameter for details).

    For deterministic behaviour, you should restrict the in-memory reordering of particles to be done in a deterministic fashion,

    particle_reordering = 'deterministic'

    or disable the reordering entirely:

    particle_reordering = False
  • fftw_wisdom_*: The FFTW library used for the distributed FFTs is able to compute these in a multitude of different ways, with the results not being exactly identical to machine precision, introducing non-determinism into the simulations. Controlling the FFTW behaviour we have the fftw_wisdom_rigor parameter, the fftw_wisdom_reuse parameter and the fftw_wisdom_share parameter.

    For deterministic behaviour, we can specify this set of parameters in a few different ways, depending on the circumstances.

    • If running CONCEPT locally or always on a single, specific node of a cluster, every simulation should make use of the same FFTW plans, stored as FFTW wisdom:

      fftw_wisdom_reuse = True

      Note that this is the default.

    • If running CONCEPT simulations on a cluster, possibly using a different set of nodes for different simulations, one should further allow the different nodes to share the same FFTW wisdom:

      fftw_wisdom_reuse = True
      fftw_wisdom_share = True

      Note that this is not the default.

    • With the above solutions for determinism within FFTW, the rigour level does not matter. An alternative to the above is to always stick with the lowest-level rigour, which estimates a good FFTW plan without running any performance tests, always resulting in the same plan for the same problem:

      fftw_wisdom_rigor = 'estimate'

      Note that this is not the default.

Besides the above parameter settings, the way in which CONCEPT is run may also break strict determinism:

  • Fixed set of parameters: On top of using specific parameter values as described above, the total set of parameters used should of course be exactly the same across the simulations, if exactly identical outputs are required.

  • Number of processes: The number of processes used to run the simulation directly dictates the domain decomposition and thus the order of various operations, again degrading the determinism due to the non-associativity of floating-point arithmetic. For deterministic results, always run with the same number of processes. How these processes are distributed across nodes does not matter, at least if the fftw_wisdom_* parameters are set according to the above.

  • Different builds: Different systems (exact compiler version, operating system, etc.) may compile the CONCEPT source code into different machine code, which can lead to different results for otherwise equivalent simulations, performed on different systems. As usual, such differences should only be observed around the level of machine precision. For deterministic CONCEPT runs on a cluster, build the code once and make use of this build for all runs.

  • Different hardware: Running the same build of CONCEPT on different hardware can lead to slight differences in the results. If you work on a cluster with nodes of e.g. different CPU architectures, you should make sure to only and always use nodes of identical CPU architecture, if strict determinism is desirable.