
The ‘input/output’ parameter category contains parameters specifying the initial conditions as well as the wanted results to be outputted from the CONCEPT run.



Specifies the initial conditions of the simulation


''  # no initial conditions


There are two kinds of initial condition specifications:

  • Component specifications, describing a component for which initial conditions should be generated.

  • Paths to snapshot files containing the initial conditions.

Several such specifications may be used together when defining initial_conditions, and the two kinds may be used together.

Example 0

Generate initial conditions consisting of a single component comprised of \(128^3\) matter particles. The particle positions and momenta will be set according to the combined baryonic and cold dark matter transfer functions:

initial_conditions = {
   'species': 'matter',
   'N'      : 128**3,

Example 1

Load initial conditions from the snapshot snapshot in the ic directory:

initial_conditions = f'{path.ic}/snapshot'


If the snapshot is distributed over multiple files, use the path to either the first file, the directory containing the files (and nothing else) or use globbing as in f'{path.ic}/snapshot*'.

Example 2

Generate initial conditions where baryonic and cold dark matter particles are realised separately as individual components, each comprised of \(64^3\) particles:

initial_conditions = [
        'species': 'cold dark matter',
        'N'      : 64**3,
        'species': 'baryon',
        'N'      : 64**3,

When realising two particle components with the same number of particles \(N\), the two particle distributions will be pre-initialised on relatively shifted lattices, amounting to using a body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice for the combined particle system.

Example 3

Generate initial conditions consisting of a combined matter component with \(64^3\) particles, as well as a fluid component containing the combined linear energy density perturbations of the photons, the neutrinos and the metric, having a linear grid size of \(64\) (and thus \(64^3\) fluid elements):

initial_conditions = [
        'species': 'matter',
        'N'      : 64**3,
        'name'           : 'linear component',
        'species'        : 'photon + neutrino + metric',
        'gridsize'       : 64,
        'boltzmann order': -1,  # completely linear


The 'name' assigned to a component is used only for referencing by other parameters and may generally be omitted. If so, this will be set equal to the value of 'species'.

Example 4

Use combined initial conditions from the two snapshots snapshot_b and snapshot_cdm in the ic directory, supplemented by a non-linear neutrino component generated on the fly:

initial_conditions = [
        'species'        : 'neutrino',
        'gridsize'       : 128,
        'boltzmann order': +1,  # non-linear

Example 5

Generate initial conditions consisting of a single component comprised of \(2\times 64^3\) matter particles:

initial_conditions = {
   'species': 'matter',
   'N'      : 2*64**3,

As the number of particles is of the form \(N = 2n^3\) rather than the standard \(N = n^3\), the particles will be pre-initialised on lattice points of a body-centered (bcc) lattice rather than a simple cubic (sc) lattice. Similarly, components with \(N = 4n^3\) (e.g. 'N': 4*64**3) particles will be pre-initialised on a face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice.



Directories for storing output


    'snapshot' : path.output_dir,
    'powerspec': path.output_dir,
    'bispec'   : path.output_dir,
    'render2D' : path.output_dir,
    'render3D' : path.output_dir,
    'autosave' : f'{path.ic_dir}/autosave',


This is a dict with the keys 'snapshot', 'powerspec', 'bispec', 'render2D', 'render3D' and 'autosave', mapping to directory paths to use for snapshot outputs, power spectrum outputs, bispectrum outputs, 2D render outputs, 3D render outputs and autosaves, respectively.

Example 0

Dump power spectra to a directory with a name that reflects the name of the parameter file:

output_dirs = {
    'powerspec': f'{path.output_dir}/{param}',


Unspecified entries will take on their default values

Example 1

Use the same directory for all output, and let its name reflect the ID of the running job:

output_dirs = {
    'snapshot' : f'{path.output_dir}/{jobid}',
    'powerspec': ...,
    'bispec'   : ...,
    'render2D' : ...,
    'render3D' : ...,

Example 2

Dump all output (even autosaves) to the directory containing the parameter file currently in use:

output_dirs = {
    'snapshot' : param.dir,
    'powerspec': ...,
    'bispec'   : ...,
    'render2D' : ...,
    'render3D' : ...,
    'autosave' : ...,

When all the different outputs should go to the same directory (like above), we may instead specify this as simply

output_dirs = param.dir



File base names for output


    'snapshot' : 'snapshot',
    'powerspec': 'powerspec',
    'bispec'   : 'bispec',
    'render2D' : 'render2D',
    'render3D' : 'render3D',


This is a dict with the keys 'snapshot', 'powerspec', 'bispec', 'render2D' and 'render3D', mapping to file base names of the respective output types.

The file name of e.g. a power spectrum output at scale factor \(a = 1.0\) will be output_bases['powerspec'] + '_a=1.0'. The directory of this file is controlled by output_dirs['powerspec'].

Example 0

Use a shorter name for power spectrum files:

output_bases = {
    'powerspec': 'p',


Unspecified entries will take on their default values



Times at which to dump output


{}  # no output times


In its simplest form this is a dict with the keys 'snapshot', 'powerspec', 'bispec', 'render2D' and 'render3D', mapping to scale factor values \(a\) at which to dump the respective outputs.

Alternatively, such dicts can be used as values within an outer dict with keys 'a' and 't', for specifying output times at either scale factor values \(a\) or cosmic times \(t\).

Example 0

Specify a single power spectrum output at \(a = 1\):

output_times = {
    'powerspec': 1,

Example 1

Specify snapshot outputs at \(a = 0.1\), \(a = 0.3\) and \(a = 1\):

output_times = {
    'snapshot': [0.1, 0.3, 1],

Example 2

Specify 8 power spectrum outputs between the initial \(a = a_{\text{begin}}\) and final \(a = 1\), placed logarithmically equidistant:

output_times = {
    'powerspec': logspace(log10(a_begin), log10(1), 8),

Example 3

Specify a series of power spectrum outputs and use these same values for 2D renders:

output_times = {
    'powerspec': [0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1],
    'render2D' : ...,

Example 4

Specify snapshots at cosmic times \(t = 1729\,\text{Myr}\) and \(t = 13\,\text{Gyr}\), as well as at scale factor \(a = 1\).

output_times = {
    't': {
        'snapshot': [1729*Myr, 13*Gyr],
    'a': {
        'snapshot': 1,



Time interval between successive automated saves of the simulation to disk


  # never autosave


Setting this to some finite time will periodically dump a snapshot, intended for use with restarting the simulation in case of crashes or similar. The autosaved snapshot is written to a subdirectory of output_dirs['autosave'] and named in accordance with the parameter file in use.

Starting a simulation with the same parameter file will pick up on such an autosaved snapshot, if it exists.

When autosaving, the previous autosave will be overwritten (in a fail-safe manner), so that only the newest autosave remains.

Example 0

Autosave about every hour:

autosave_interval = 1*hr

Example 1

Autosave 5 times a day:

autosave_interval = day/5

Example 2

Disabling autosaving, including starting from an existing autosave on disk:

autosave_interval = 0


This is different from having an infinitely long autosave interval,

autosave_interval = 

as this still makes use of already existing autosaves on disk.



Specifies what data of which components to include when reading and writing snapshots


    'save': {
        'default': {
            'pos': True,
            'mom': True,
            'ϱ'  : True,
            'J'  : True,
    'load': {
        'default': {
            'pos': True,
            'mom': True,
            'ϱ'  : True,
            'J'  : True,


The subdicts snapshot_select['save'] and snapshot_select['load'] are component selections determining what data of which components to include when writing and reading snapshots, respectively. Here 'pos' and 'mom' are particle positions and momenta, respectively, while 'ϱ' and 'J' are fluid energy and momentum densities, respectively.

Example 0

Only include the component with a name/species of 'matter', for both reading and writing. Include all data, which is generally desirable:

snapshot_select = {
    'save': {
        'matter': {
            'pos': True,
            'mom': True,
            'ϱ'  : True,
            'J'  : True,
    'load': {
        'matter': {
            'pos': True,
            'mom': True,
            'ϱ'  : True,
            'J'  : True,

When all data is to be included, the above can be simplified to

snapshot_select = {
    'save': {
        'matter': True,
    'load': {
        'matter': True,

Equivalently, but a bit shorter:

snapshot_select = {
    'save': {
        'matter': True,
    'load': ...,

Even shorter still:

snapshot_select = {
    'matter': True,

Example 1

Exclude any (and only) fluid components when writing snapshots:

snapshot_select = {
    'save': {
        'all'  : True,
        'fluid': False,

Components not captured by any specification defaults to True, so the above may be shortened to

snapshot_select = {
    'save': {
        'fluid': False,

Example 2

Only read in positions when loading particles, i.e. ignore momenta:

snapshot_select = {
    'load': {
        'particles': {
            'pos': True,
            'mom': False,

Data variables left out defaults to False, so the above may be shortened to

snapshot_select = {
    'load': {
        'particles': {
            'pos': True,


Leaving out certain data when reading in snapshots will result in components not being fully initialised, e.g. in this example all particles loaded from disk will not have any momenta assigned (not even \(0\)). Running a simulation with such a partially initialised component will result in a crash.

The usefulness of this example is found when using e.g. the powerspec utility utility, where reading in the momentum information only wastes time and memory.



Specifies the kind of power spectrum output to include for different components


    'default': {
        'data'     : True,
        'corrected': False
        'linear'   : True,
        'plot'     : True,


This is a component selection determining which components participate in power spectrum output, as well as what kind of power spectrum output to include.

Here 'data' refers to text files containing tabulated values of the (auto) power spectrum \(P(k)\). A separate column within these files containing a noise-corrected version of the power spectrum may be enabled through 'corrected'. A column for the linear-theory power spectrum is added if 'linear' is selected. Selecting 'plot' results in a plot of the specified data, stored as a PNG file.

To tune the specifics of how power spectra are computed, see the powerspec_options parameter.

Example 0

Dump power spectrum data files containing spectra for all components, including both non-linear and linear data. Do not dump any plots of this data:

powerspec_select = {
    'all': {
        'data'  : True,
        'linear': True,
        'plot'  : False,

Example 1

Leave out the linear power spectrum for every component except the one with a name/species of 'matter', and do not make any plots:

powerspec_select = {
    'all': {
        'data': True,
    'matter': {
        'data'  : True,
        'linear': True,


Unspecified values are assigned False

Example 2

Do not create any power spectrum outputs except plots of the component with a name/species of 'matter':

powerspec_select = {
    'all': False,
    'matter': {
        'plot': True,

Example 3

Besides the standard, “raw” simulation power spectra, further output noise-corrected versions, for all components:

powerspec_select = {
    'all': {
        'data'     : True,
        'corrected': True,
        'plot'     : True,


Noise-corrected simulation power spectra are obtained from their “raw” counterparts together with a correction factor unique to each bin. This correction factor is computed by performing a full 3D, linear, Eulerian (fluid) realisation of the component in question, and then measuring its power spectrum. The ratio between the measured spectrum and the linear-theory prediction (used as input for the Eulerian realisation) gives the correction. This corrects for noise due to the binning procedure as well as cosmic variance from the given realisation in use. To only correct for the former, disable 'realization correction' within the powerspec_options parameter, in which case the Eulerian realisation used for the correction will employ fixed primordial amplitudes, instead of imprinting the actual realisation noise.

While the correction factors do depend on cosmology, they are very nearly time-independent. In practice, we always carry out the temporary Eulerian realisation used for the correction factors at \(a = 1\), meaning that the same correction factors are used for all power spectra computed throughout a given simulation. Furthermore, the correction factors are cached to disk, allowing them to be reused between simulations.

Example 4

Create full (auto) power spectrum outputs for all components, as well as for the combined 'matter' and 'neutrino' components:

powerspec_select = {
    'all'                 : True,
    ('matter', 'neutrino'): True,



Specifies the kind of bispectrum output to include for different components


    'default': {
        'data'      : True,
        'reduced'   : True,
        'tree-level': True,
        'plot'      : True,


This is a component selection determining which components participate in bispectrum output, as well as what kind of bispectrum output to include.

Here 'data' refers to text files containing tabulated values of the (auto) bispectrum \(B(k, t, \mu) = B(k_1, k_2, k_3)\). If 'reduced' is also selected, a separate column containing the reduced bispectrum \(Q(k_1, k_2, k_3) \equiv B(k_1, k_2, k_3)/[P(k_1)P(k_2) + P(k_2)P(k_3) + P(k_3)P(k_1)]\) will be included within the text file. When 'tree-level' is selected, a separate column containing the perturbative tree-level prediction of \(B\) is added, and likewise for \(Q\) if 'reduced' is simultaneously selected. Selecting 'plot' results in a plot of the specified data, stored as a PNG file.


Tree-level predictions are available for matter-like species only, and are given by

\[\begin{split}B_{\text{tree-level}}(k_1, k_2, k_3) = 2 [ \quad &\mathcal{K}(k_1, k_2, k_3)P_{\text{L}}(k_1)P_{\text{L}}(k_2) \\ + &\mathcal{K}(k_2, k_3, k_1)P_{\text{L}}(k_2)P_{\text{L}}(k_3) \\ + &\mathcal{K}(k_3, k_1, k_2)P_{\text{L}}(k_3)P_{\text{L}}(k_1) ]\,,\end{split}\]
\[\mathcal{K}(k_1, k_2, k_3) = 1 - \frac{1}{2}\biggl(1 + \frac{D^{(2)}}{D^2}\biggr) (1 - \mu^2) - \frac{\mu}{2}\biggl( \frac{k_1}{k_2} + \frac{k_2}{k_1} \biggr)\,,\]
\[\mu = -\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}_1\cdot\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}_2 = \frac{k_1^2 + k_2^2 - k_3^2}{2k_1k_2}\,,\]

where \(P_{\text{L}}(k)\) is the linear power spectrum while \(D\) and \(D^{(2)}\) are the first- and second-order growth factors.

To tune the specifics of how bispectra are computed, see the bispec_options parameter.

Example 0

Dump bispectrum data files containing spectra for all components, including both non-linear and tree-level data, for both the full and reduced bispectrum. Do not dump any plots of this data:

bispec_select = {
    'all': {
        'data'      : True,
        'reduced'   : True,
        'tree-level': True,
        'plot'      : False,

Example 1

Leave out the reduced bispectrum for every component except the one with a name/species of 'matter'. Do not include any tree-level predictions and do not make any plots:

bispec_select = {
    'all': {
        'data': True,
    'matter': {
        'data'   : True,
        'reduced': True,


Unspecified values are assigned False

Example 2

Do not create any bispectrum outputs except plots of the component with a name/species of 'matter'. Include both the full and reduced bispectrum as well as their tree-level predictions in the plots:

bispec_select = {
    'all'   : False,
    'matter': {
        'reduced'   : True,
        'tree-level': True,
        'plot'      : True,

Example 3

Create full (auto) bispectrum outputs for all components, as well as for the combined 'matter' and 'neutrino' components:

bispec_select = {
    'all'                 : True,
    ('matter', 'neutrino'): True,



Specifies the kind of 2D render output to include for different components


    'default': {
        'data'          : True,
        'image'         : True,
        'terminal image': True,


This is a component selection determining which components participate in 2D render outputs, as well as what kind of 2D render outputs to include.

Here 'data' refers to HDF5 files containing the values of the 2D projection, while 'image' refers to an actual rendered image, stored as a PNG file. Finally, 'terminal image' refers to colour renders printed directly in the terminal, which thus become part of the job log.

To tune the specifics of how 2D renders are created, see the render2D_options parameter.

Example 0

Store 2D renders as image files for all components, and also display these in the terminal. Do not store the raw 2D render data.

render2D_select = {
    'all': {
        'data'          : False,
        'image'         : True,
        'terminal image': True,

Example 1

Dump 2D render images for all components, but only show the ones for the component with a name/species of 'neutrino' in the terminal:

render2D_select = {
    'all': {
        'image': True,
    'neutrino': {
        'image'         : True,
        'terminal image': True,


Unspecified values are assigned False

Example 2

Create full 2D render outputs for the combined 'matter' and 'neutrino' components, and nothing else:

render2D_select = {
    ('matter', 'neutrino'): True,



Specifies which components to include in 3D render outputs


    'default': True,


This is a component selection determining which components participate in 3D render outputs. These are stored as PNG files.

To tune the specifics of how 3D renders are created, see the render3D_options parameter.

Example 0

Only do 3D renders of the component with a name/species of 'matter':

render3D_select = {
    'matter': True,

In a manner similar to the specifications within e.g. the render2D_select parameter we may also specify this as

render3D_select = {
    'matter': {'image': True},

Example 1

Create 3D render outputs for the combined 'matter' and 'neutrino' components, and nothing else:

render3D_select = {
    ('matter', 'neutrino'): True,



Specifies the snapshot format to use when dumping snapshots




CONCEPT understands two snapshot formats; 'concept', which is its own, well-structured HDF5 format, and 'gadget', which is the binary, non-HDF5 format of GADGET. Note that the value of snapshot_type does not affect which snapshots may be read, e.g. used within the initial_conditions parameter.

Example 0

Dump output snapshots in GADGET format:

snapshot_type = 'gadget'


Though which components to include in/from snapshots are generally determined by the snapshot_select parameter, additional information is needed to map components to/from the particle types of GADGET (see table 3 of the user guide for GADGET-2). When loading in a GADGET snapshot, the available particle types will be read into separate components, with names matching the particle type, e.g. 'GADGET halo' (particle type 1), 'GADGET disk' (particle type 2), etc. To similarly map components in CONCEPT to specific particle types when writing GADGET snapshots, simply use the appropriate names for the components within CONCEPT (i.e. set the 'name' according to the GADGET particle type when defining the initial_conditions parameter). If a single particle component is to be saved and its name does not correspond to a GADGET particle type, the halo type will be used.

By default, the species of all components read from GADGET snapshots will be 'matter'. This can be changed through the select_species parameter.

To adjust the specifics of the GADGET format to your needs, see the gadget_snapshot_params parameter.



Specifies various details for reading and writing of GADGET snapshots


    'snapformat': 2,
    'dataformat': {
        'POS': 32,
        'VEL': 32,
        'ID' : 'automatic',
    'particles per file': 'automatic',
    'parallel write': True,
    'Nall high word': 'NallHW',
    'header': {},
    'settle': 0,
    'units': {
        'length'  : 'kpc/h',
        'velocity': 'km/s',
        'mass'    : '10¹⁰ m☉/h',


This parameter is a dict of several individual sub-parameters, each of which is described below.

Sub-parameters which affect the writing of GADGET snapshots:

  • 'snapformat': Specifies whether GADGET snapshots should use a SnapFormat of 1 or 2. Note that SnapFormat 3 (the HDF5 format) is not available. See section 5.1 in the user guide for GADGET-2 for more information.

  • 'dataformat': This is a dict specifying the data type sizes to use when writing out particle positions, velocities and IDs. The corresponding keys are 'POS', 'VEL' and 'ID', which may all have a value of either 32 or 64, specifying the size in bits (corresponding to single- or double-precision for 'POS' and 'VEL', and 4- or 8-byte unsigned integers (typically corresponding to unsigned int and unsigned long long in C) for 'ID'). In addition, the value of 'ID' may also be set to 'automatic', in which case 32 bits will be used if this is enough to uniquely label each particle (\(N < 2^{32}\)). If not, 64 bits will be used.

  • 'particles per file': This specifies the maximum number of total particles (across all particle types) to save within each file of a distributed (multi-file) GADGET snapshot. When set to 'automatic' (the default), CONCEPT will tune this number to be as large as possible, given the limitations of the file format. For single-precision data, this comes out to be \(178\,956\,969 \approx 563^3\) particles per file. By manually setting 'particles per file' to some number, you can control the maximum file size.

  • 'parallel write': Boolean specifying whether to write out snapshot files in parallel for distributed (multi-file) GADGET snapshots.

  • 'Nall high word': The Nall field of the header (see table 4 of the user guide for GADGET-2) is meant to store the total number \(N\) of particles (of each type) within the snapshot, summed over all files in case of the snapshot being distributed over several files. Unfortunately, this is a 32-bit field, and so cannot store \(N\) in the case of \(N \ge 2^{32}\). To overcome this limitation, another 32-bit field NallHW exists, meant to contain the “high word” part of a now distributed 64-integer, with Nall supplying the “low word” part. This is the behaviour given the default

    'Nall high word': 'NallHW'

    A separate convention (used by at least some versions of NGenIC) is to only allow for particle type 1 (halo particles, corresponding to (cold dark) matter; see table 3 of the user guide for GADGET-2) and store all 64 bits within Nall, overflowing into the (now unused) slot usually designated to particle type 2. This convention can be chosen by specifying

    'Nall high word': 'Nall'
  • 'header': The contents of the GADGET header (the HEAD block) will match the specifications in table 4 of the user guide for GADGET-2. You may overwrite the values of the various fields by specifying them in the 'header' sub-dict, e.g.

    'header': {
        'HubbleParam': 0.7,
        'FlagSfr'    : 1,

    Here 'HubbleParam' (\(h \equiv H_0/(100\, \text{km}\, \text{s}^{-1}\, \text{Mpc}^{-1})\)) will be set to 0.7, disregarding the value of the Hubble constant H0 actually in use. The FlagSfr field does not mean anything to CONCEPT and as so will always be set equal to 0. This is changed to 1 by the above parameter specification.

Sub-parameters which affect the reading of GADGET snapshots:

  • 'settle': If a GADGET snapshot is stored in SnapFormat 2 (see the user guide for GADGET-2), the size of a block is effectively stored twice before its data begins. If these two sizes disagree, we need to settle for one of them. A value of 0 for 'settle' picks the first size, while a value of 1 picks the second size. Regardless, a warning will be given if the two sizes disagree.

Sub-parameters which affect both the reading and writing of GADGET snapshots:

  • 'units': While the units used for the data within GADGET snapshots are typically as shown above, i.e.

    'units': {
        'length'  : 'kpc/h',
        'velocity': 'km/s',
        'mass'    : '10¹⁰ m☉/h',

    this is not guaranteed. Information about the unit system actually in use is however not stored within the snapshot. Thus, this sub-parameter allows you to specify the units used within existing snapshots, as well as what units should be used when writing out new snapshots.

Example 0

Use SnapFormat 1 with all data being stored in 64-bit, and using Mpc/h for the base length unit:

gadget_snapshot_params = {
    'snapformat': 1,
    'dataformat': {
        'POS': 64,
        'VEL': ...,
        'ID' : ...
    'units': {
        'length': 'Mpc/h',

Example 1

Fill each GADGET snapshot file with at most \(420^3\) particles when writing snapshot files to disk, thus limiting the size of each file to \(\sim 2\, \text{GB}\) (assuming single-precision):

gadget_snapshot_params = {
    'particles per file': 420**3,



Specifies whether or not to wrap out-of-bounds particles around the periodic box when reading snapshots




All particles should have positions \(0 \leq x, y, z < L_{\text{box}}\), with \(L_{\text{box}}\) corresponding to the boxsize parameter. During simulation, particles drifting out of the cubic box is immediately wrapped around.

When reading particles from a snapshot, some particles may be erroneously located outside of the box. If a particle is positioned exactly on the upper boundary \(L_{\text{box}}\), this is silently wrapped back to \(0\). Positions beyond this as well as negative positions are counted as out-of-bounds.

If this parameter is set to False (the default), any out-of-bounds particles found within a snapshot will cause CONCEPT to terminate with an error message. Setting this parameter to True, all out-of-bounds particles read from snapshots will be silently wrapped around, placing them within the box.

Example 0

Allow and correct for out-of-bounds particles read from snapshots:

snapshot_wrap = True



Specifies components that should keep track of particle IDs


    'default': False,


This is a component selection specifying particle components that should make use of particle IDs, i.e. unique integer labels, one for each particle.

When a component using particle IDs are saved to a snapshot, the IDs are saved as well.


When writing GADGET snapshots, IDs will be written even for components that do not make use of paticle IDs. In this case, some IDs are simply made up when the snapshot is written. Thus, the IDs in GADGET snapshots should not be relied upon in such cases.

When saving a GADGET snapshot, the data type used for the IDs is determined by the gadget_snapshot_params parameter.

When saving a CONCEPT snapshot, the data type used for the IDs is automatically determined to be an unsigned 8-, 16-, 32- or 64-bit integer.

When a component that should use particle IDs are loaded from a CONCEPT snapshot that does not contain such IDs, new IDs are assigned.

Example 0

Use particle IDs for all particle components:

select_particle_id = {
    'particles': True,



Specifies whether to plot CLASS perturbations used within the CONCEPT run




When enabled, all CLASS perturbations used within the CONCEPT run will be plotted and saved to image files. This is primarily intended for visual checks of convergence of CLASS computations.

Two new directories will be created — both within the specified power spectrum output directory output_dirs['powerspec'] — containing subdirectories for the various perturbations. The two directories are:

  • class_perturbations: The plots within this directory show the evolution of each of the computed \(k\) modes through time \(a\), for each type of perturbation. The time axis is cut into regions, within each of which the perturbations are ‘detrended’, meaning that a trend-line in the form of a power law in \(a\) has been fitted and subsequently subtracted. This detrending is done prior to any spline interpolation, greatly increasing the accuracy of interpolation.

    Perturbations used only indirectly (e.g. if they enter in a used gauge transformation) are plotted here as well.

  • class_perturbations_processed: The plots within this directory are of the final, processed perturbations, as they are used by CONCEPT for e.g. initial condition generation. These are plotted as functions of \(k\), for various \(a\).


This feature is primarily meant to be used with the class utility.

Example 0

Plot all CLASS perturbations used within the CONCEPT run:

class_plot_perturbations = True



Specifies additional CLASS background quantities to include as part of the CLASS data




Only a subset of the available CLASS background quantities are used by CONCEPT, and so only these are retrieved from CLASS computations. This also means that only these specific background quantities end up in the CLASS data stored on disk, be it the automatic CLASS disk cache or the data files generated by the class utility.

To include extra CLASS background quantities — not used by CONCEPT — within these files, specify them within the class_extra_background parameter. You can refer to the extra quantities by their name as defined by CLASS. In addition, the following easier names are provided by CONCEPT:

  • τ or tau: The conformal time \(\tau\) (in CLASS called conf. time [Mpc]).

Example 0

Include the conformal time \(\tau\) among the CLASS background quantities when dumping these to disk, e.g. when running the CONCEPT class utility:

class_extra_background = 'τ'

We can also refer to \(\tau\) using its CLASS name:

class_extra_background = 'conf. time [Mpc]'

Example 1

Include the luminosity distance and the angular diameter distance among the background quantities when dumping these to disk, e.g. when running the CONCEPT class utility:

class_extra_background = {'lum. dist.', 'ang.diam.dist.'}



Specifies additional CLASS perturbations to include as part of the CLASS data




Only a subset of the available CLASS perturbations are used by CONCEPT, and so only these are retrieved from CLASS computations. This also means that only these specific perturbations end up in the CLASS data stored on disk, be it the automatic CLASS disk cache or the data files generated by the class utility.

To include extra CLASS perturbations — not used by CONCEPT — within these files, specify them within the class_extra_perturbation parameter. You can refer to the extra quantities by their name as defined by CLASS. In addition, the following fancy names are provided by CONCEPT:

  • θ_tot: The total velocity divergence \(\theta_{\text{tot}}\) from all species (in CLASS called theta_tot).

  • ϕ: The spatial metric perturbation \(\phi\) in conformal Newtonian gauge (in CLASS called phi).

  • ψ: The temporal metric perturbation \(\psi\) in conformal Newtonian gauge (in CLASS called psi).

  • : The conformal time derivative of the trace of the spatial metric perturbation in synchronous gauge, \(\partial_{\tau} h\) (in CLASS called h_prime).

  • H_Tʹ: The conformal time derivative of the trace-free component of the spatial metric in N-body gauge, \(\partial_{\tau} H_{\text{T}}\) (in CLASS called H_T_prime).

Example 0

Include the two conformal Newtonian metric potentials \(\phi\) and \(\psi\) among the CLASS perturbations when dumping these to disk, e.g. when running the CONCEPT class utility:

class_extra_perturbations = {'ϕ', 'ψ'}

We can also refer to these using their CLASS names:

class_extra_background = {'phi', 'psi'}