
The ‘graphics’ parameter category contains parameters specifying the look of 2D and 3D renders, as well as of the general terminal output.



Specifies the maximum width of the terminal output




Long lines of terminal output from CONCEPT is generally wrapped into multiple lines before they are printed. This is preferable to having the wrapping done automatically by the terminal emulator, as these often do not care about e.g. splitting sentences at word boundaries. This parameter sets the width of the terminal in characters, beyond which line-wrapping should occur.

Example 0

Use a larger, more modern terminal width:

terminal_width = 120



Specifies whether to use formatted text in terminal output




By default, CONCEPT makes use of various formatting when printing to the terminal, e.g. bold red text for warnings and errors. This can be disabled by this parameter.

Example 0

Do not make use of terminal formatting:

enable_terminal_formatting = False

This can be helpful if you e.g. want to programmatically search the generated log files.


Though this disables the majority of the terminal formatting, a few bits and pieces remain



Specifications for 2D render computations


    'upstream gridsize': {
        'particles': 'cbrt(Ñ)',
        'fluid'    : 'gridsize',
    'global gridsize': {},
    'terminal resolution': {},
    'interpolation': {
        'default': 'PCS',
    'deconvolve': {
        'default': False,
    'interlace': {
        'default': False,
    'axis': {
        'default': 'z',
    'extent': {
        'default': (0, 0.1*boxsize),
    'colormap': {
        'default': 'inferno',
    'enhance': {
        'default': True,


This is a dict of several individual sub-parameters, specifying details of how to compute 2D renders. All sub-parameters are themselves component selections.

For constructing a 2D render, the energy density of one or more components is first interpolated onto individual upstream grids, possibly using deconvolution and interlacing, after which they are added together, producing a global grid. This scheme is similar to the one used for potentials, except that here nothing is interpolate back to the particles. See the potential_options parameter for a walk-through of the scheme. A slab of a given thickness along a particular axis is then projected along this axis, resulting in a greyscale image. The contrast within the image is then possibly enhanced, and colours applied according to a given colormap.

Each sub-parameter is described below:

  • 'upstream gridsize': Specifies the upstream grid sizes to use for each component. See the potential_options parameter for the use of the 'Ñ' notation.

  • 'global gridsize': Specifies the global grid size to use for each 2D render. Which 2D renders to compute are in turn specified by the render2D_select parameter.


    This has no default value, as a proper global grid size depends on the components within the simulation. If this is not set when a 2D render is to be computed, a value equal to the largest of the upstream grid sizes (in use for this particular 2D render) will be used.

  • 'terminal resolution': Specifies the resolution (in characters) to use for the 2D terminal render, if selected as an output.


    This has no default value, as a proper terminal resolution depends on the components within the simulation. If this is not set when a 2D render is to be computed, a value equal to the minimum of 'global gridsize' (in use for this particular 2D render) and the terminal_width parameter will be used.

  • 'interpolation': Specifies the interpolation order to use when interpolating particles to upstream grids. The implemented interpolations are:

    • 'NPG': ‘Nearest grid point’, order 1.

    • 'CIC': ‘Cloud in cell’, order 2.

    • 'TSC': ‘Triangular shaped cloud’, order 3.

    • 'PCS': ‘Piecewise cubic spline’, order 4.

  • 'deconvolve': Specifies whether to apply deconvolution for upstream particle interpolations.

  • 'interlace': Specifies whether to use interlacing for upstream particle interpolations. Possible values are 'sc' (or False) for a simple cubic lattice (meaning no interlacing), 'bcc' (or True) for a body-centered cubic lattice (meaning standard interlacing involving two relatively shifted particle interpolations) or 'fcc' for a face-centered cubic lattice (meaning interlacing involving four relatively shifted particle interpolations).

  • 'axis': Specifies the projection axis. Valid axes are 'x', 'y', 'z'.

  • 'extent': Specifies the thickness of a slab along the given axis to project, or a specific interval for said slab. Only data within this slab will contribute to the projected image.

  • 'colormap': The colormap to apply to the image.

  • 'enhance': Specifies whether to apply non-linear contrast enhancement to the image.

Example 0

Do the projection along the 'x' axis and include a quarter of the simulation box in the projection, for every 2D render:

render2D_options = {
    'axis': {
        'all'             : 'x',
        'all combinations': ...,
    'extent': {
        'all'             : boxsize/4,
        'all combinations': ...,


When only specifying a single number (the slab thickness) for 'extent' as above, the actual extent will be (0, boxsize/4)

Example 1

Apply different colormaps to the two components with names/species of 'matter' and 'neutrino', and only enhance the 2D render of the latter:

render2D_options = {
    'colormap': {
        'matter'  : 'cool',
        'neutrino': 'hot',
    'enhance': {
        'matter'  : False,
        'neutrino': True,


The colormaps are applied for both the saved PNG and for the terminal renders. The colours in the terminal are however defined using global state, meaning that only a single colormap can be applied within the terminal at any given time. When playing back the 2D terminal renders of a given component from a simulation using the play utility, the proper colormap will be applied.



Specifications for 3D render computations


    'upstream gridsize': {
        'particles': 'cbrt(Ñ)',
        'fluid'    : 'gridsize',
    'global gridsize': {},
    'interpolation': {
        'default': 'PCS',
    'deconvolve': {
        'default': False,
    'interlace': {
        'default': False,
    'elevation': {
        'default': π/6,
    'azimuth': {
        'default': -π/3,
    'roll': {
        'default': 0,
    'zoom': {
        'default': 1.05,
    'projection': {
        'default': 'perspective',
    'color': {},
    'depthshade': {
        'default': True,
    'enhancement': {
        'default': {
            'contrast'  : 0.5,
            'clip'      : lambda a: (0.45, 1 - 1e-6*a),
            'α'         : 1,
            'brightness': 0.35,
    'background': {
        'default': 'black',
    'fontsize': {
        'default': '0.022*resolution',
    'resolution': {
        'default': 1080,


This is a dict of several individual sub-parameters, specifying details of how to compute 3D renders. All sub-parameters are themselves component selections.

For constructing a 3D render, the energy density of one or more components is first interpolated onto individual upstream grids, possibly using deconvolution and interlacing, after which they are added together, producing a global grid. This scheme is similar to the one used for potentials, except that here nothing is interpolate back to the particles. See the potential_options parameter for a walk-through of the scheme. A 3D scatter plot is then constructed from the grid positions and values, using a desired colormap. Image enhancement is applied to bring out the details. Several components can be rendered together, in which case single-component renders are first constructed and then blended together. Lastly, the 3D render is given a solid background as well as labels stating the current (cosmic) time \(t\) and scale factor \(a\).

Most of the sub-parameters dealing with the interpolation of particles onto the grid for the render3D_options parameter are identical to those of the render2D_options parameter and will not be reiterated here. The remaining sub-parameters are described below:

  • 'interpolation': Specifies the interpolation order to use when interpolating particles to upstream grids, similar to the 'interpolation' sub-parameter of the render2D_options parameter:

    • 'NPG': ‘Nearest grid point’, order 1.

    • 'CIC': ‘Cloud in cell’, order 2.

    • 'TSC': ‘Triangular shaped cloud’, order 3.

    • 'PCS': ‘Piecewise cubic spline’, order 4.

    In addition to the usual interpolation orders above, one additional option exists:

    • 0: Do not perform interpolation at all. That is, instead of using the fixed grid cell positions with the scatter plot, use the particle positions as is. As no density information now exists, all particles of a given component will be assigned the same colour, rather than drawing individual colours from a colormap. Also, only the 'brightness' image enhancement will be performed (see further down).

  • 'elevation', 'azimuth' and 'roll': Together, these specify the camera viewing angles and rotation. A description can be found here. Note however that CONCEPT uses radians for all angles, not degrees.

    These can all be specified as numbers, or as functions of \(t\) or \(a\) returning a number. The latter case can be used to animate the camera.

  • 'zoom': Specifies the camera zoom, either as a number or a function of \(t\) or \(a\).

  • 'projection': Specifies the (3D \(\rightarrow\) 2D) projection type to use. This can be either of 'orthographic' or 'perspective'. In the case of the latter, a focal length may optionally be specified, as in ('perspective', 1) (1 being the default). Furthermore, the focal length may be given as a function of \(t\) or \(a\). A description of the projection types can be found here.

  • 'color': The colormap or single color to use for each component across all renders. In the case of the former, the colormap range may further be limited by also specifying a range (c_lower, c_upper), with \(c_{\text{lower}} \ge 0\), \(c_{\text{upper}} \le 1\). It is also possible to specify the range as a function (or two separate functions) of \(t\) or \(a\).

    Though no defaults are explicitly stated above, CONCEPT in fact automatically assigns colours — to components that have not been given a colour by the user — using he following prescription:

    1. First component with no colour specified:

      ('inferno', lambda a: (0.10, 0.75 + 0.25*a))
    2. Second component with no colour specified:

      ('viridis', lambda a: (0.15, 0.85 + 0.15*a))
    3. Any further components with no colour specified will be assigned single colours taken from the default Matplotlib colour cycle.


    In the above, we see examples of how sub-parameters of render3D_options can be specified as functions, here functions of the scale factor \(a\). Such functions may instead be written as depending on the (cosmic) time \(t\). CONCETP will figure out which of these is used through introspection and evaluate the given function accordingly.

  • 'depthshade': Specifies whether to apply “depth shading”, meaning lowering the opacity of particles in proportion to their distance from the camera, helping to construct the illusion of depth within the image.

  • 'enhancement': Specifies the amounts of different kinds of image enhancement to perform, specified via four sub-sub-parameters:

    • 'contrast': The interpolated density values are first linearly transformed to lie in the interval [0, 1], then non-linearly transformed such that the most common value is that specified by 'contrast'. A value of 'contrast' around 0.5 serves to normalise the density values, enhancing the contrast of the generated image. This value should be in the interval \([0, 1]\), or \(-1\) to not apply this enhancement at all.

    • 'clip': Specifies minimum and maximum value for the densities (now in the interval [0, 1]), beyond which they are clipped/saturated. Having a lower 'clip' value significantly above 0 helps to remove dull, semi-homogeneous features, whereas having an upper 'clip' value somewhat below 1 helps to highlight small, very overdense regions (halos).

    • 'α': Each marker in the scatter plot is assigned an α (opacity) value based on its density value, but many other factors come into play. One such factor is this parameter, which acts as a scaling applied to all markers. This value should be in the interval \([0, \infty)\), or \(-1\) to not apply this enhancement at all.

    • 'brightness': After the 3D \(\rightarrow\) 2D projection, the image is brightened or dimmed so that its brightness matches this specification. This value should be in the interval \([0, 1]\), or \(-1\) to not apply this enhancement at all.

    All four of the sub-sub-parameters above may be given as functions of \(t\) or \(a\).

  • 'background': Solid background color to use. If instead you want a completely transparent background, you can use a value of None.

  • 'fontsize': Font size to use for the \(t\) and \(a\) labels. Can be given as a number or as a str expression involving the resolution. Set to 0 to remove the text labels.

  • 'resolution': The height and width of the square render image, in pixels.

The above sub-parameters are component selections and may be specified for a single or multiple components. However, a given component will look the same across all 3D renders, meaning that certain options apply directly to the components and not the render. To illustrate this, consider the below specification of 3D renders for a 'matter' and a 'neutrino' component:

render3D_select = {
    'matter'  : True,              # single-component render
    'neutrino': True,              # single-component render
    ('matter', 'neutrino'): True,  # multi-component render
render3D_options = {
    'color': {
        'matter'              : 'red',
        'neutrino'            : 'green',
        ('matter', 'neutrino'): 'blue',  # ❌
    'background': {
        'matter'              : 'black',
        'neutrino'            : 'white',
        ('matter', 'neutrino'): 'silver',

The above specifies that we want three renders; one with just 'matter', one with just 'neutrino', and one with the two components together. Each component is given a colour, but so is the two components together. This additional colour specification will be ignored, as colours belong to the components, not the renders. Separate background colours are similarly given for all three renders, but since the background colour is a property of the render itself, none of the background specifications will be ignored. We can even remove e.g. 'neutrino' from render3D_select (setting its value to False), leaving the 'matter'-only render as well as the multi-component render. In the multi-component render, the 'neutrino' component will still be rendered with the 'green' colour.

The full list of sub-parameters can thus be split into two categories, depending on whether they behave as render attributes or component attributes, where the latter should only be assigned to single components:

  • Render attributes: 'elevation', 'azimuth', 'roll', 'zoom', 'projection', 'depthshade', 'background', 'fontsize', 'resolution'.

  • Component attributes: 'upstream gridsize', 'global gridsize', 'interpolation', 'deconvolve', 'interlace', 'color', 'enhancement'.

An exception from the above clean categorization is the 'brightness' sub-sub-parameter within the 'enhancement' sub-parameter, which really belongs to both categories. That is, though each component has an associated (relative) brightness across all renders, the total brightness of multi-component renders may be specified as well.

Example 0

Give the component with a name/species of 'matter' the 'lawngreen' colour, while using the 'cool' colormap for the component with a name/species of 'neutrino':

render3D_options = {
    'color': {
        'matter'  : 'lawngreen',
        'neutrino': 'cool',

We might instead specify the single colour as an RGB value:

render3D_options = {
    'color': {
        'matter'  : (124/255, 252/255, 0),
        'neutrino': 'cool',


To quickly convert any Matplotlib colour to the RGB representation, you can use

python -c "import matplotlib; \

Example 1

Use a white background:

render3D_options = {
    'background': {
        'all': 'white',


The text labels for the time \(t\) and scale factor \(a\) will always be either white or black; white for dark backgrounds and black for light backgrounds.

The above 'all' specification only captures single-component renders. We can further apply the white background to all multi-component renders:

render3D_options = {
    'background': {
        'all'             : 'white',
        'all combinations': ...,

Example 2

For renders of the component with a name/species of 'matter', let the camera rotate around the box, completing one full revolution during the simulation time span:

render3D_options = {
    'azimuth': {
        'matter': lambda a: 2*π*(a - a_begin)/(1 - a_begin),

Combined with frequent renders linearly spaced in \(a\), the resulting renders can be combined into a nifty animation.

Example 3

Do not interpolate particles of the component with a name/species of 'matter' onto a grid for the 3D renders:

render3D_options = {
    'interpolation': {
        'matter': 0,

Though this disables the colormap and enhancement features, this has the benefit of being able to better represent small structures, as the particle resolution is not limited to the grid spacing.