
The ‘numerics’ parameter category contains parameters specifying various options regarding the numerical methods used within the simulation, as well as some numerical resolutions and length scales.



Specifies size of simulation box




All CONCEPT simulations take place within a cubic box of constant comoving side length \(L_{\text{box}}\). This parameter sets this length.

Example 0

Use a box size of \(1024\,\text{Mpc}\):

boxsize = 1024*Mpc

Example 1

Use a box size of \(1\,\text{Gpc} = 1000\,\text{Mpc}\):

boxsize = 1*Gpc

Example 2

Use a box size of \(1024\,\text{Mpc}/h\):

boxsize = 1024*Mpc/h

With e.g. \(H_0 = 64\,\text{km}\, \text{s}^{-1}\, \text{Mpc}^{-1}\), this is equivalent to

boxsize = 1600*Mpc


See the H0 parameter for details on h



Specifications for potential computations


    'gridsize': {
        'global': {},
        'particles': {
            'gravity': {
                'pm' : (  'cbrt(Ñ)',   'cbrt(Ñ)'),
                'p3m': ('2*cbrt(Ñ)', '2*cbrt(Ñ)'),
            'lapse': {
                'pm': ('cbrt(Ñ)', 'cbrt(Ñ)'),
        'fluid': {
            'gravity': {
                'pm': ('gridsize', 'gridsize'),
            'lapse': {
                'pm': ('gridsize', 'gridsize'),
    'interpolation': {
        'gravity': {
            'pm' : 'CIC',
            'p3m': 'CIC',
        'lapse': {
            'pm': 2,
    'deconvolve': {
        'gravity': {
            'pm' : (True, True),
            'p3m': (True, True),
        'lapse': {
            'pm': (True, True),
    'interlace': {
        'gravity': {
            'pm' : (False, False),
            'p3m': (False, False),
        'lapse': {
            'pm': (False, False),
    'differentiation': {
        'default': {
            'gravity': {
                'pm' : 2,
                'p3m': 4,
            'lapse': {
                'pm': 2,


This parameter is a dict of several individual sub-parameters, specifying the details of how potentials are constructed and applied to components. Below you will find a summary of how potentials are implemented in CONCEPT, after which the sub-parameters are described.

Potentials are discretised on grids in order to implement long-range interactions.


Currently, two distinct long-range interactions/forces are implemented; 'gravity' (via the PM or P³M method, the latter of which further has a short-range part) and 'lapse' (via the PM method). The 'lapse' interaction is relatively obscure and has to do with gravitational time dilation. See the decaying cold dark matter part of the tutorial as well as the paper on ‘Fully relativistic treatment of decaying cold dark matter in 𝘕-body simulations’ for details on the 'lapse' interaction/potential. For specifications of forces and methods, see the select_forces parameter. Though we shall focus on 'gravity' below, all long-range interactions and their potentials behave similarly.

In CONCEPT a long-range interaction takes place between two groups of components; the suppliers and the receivers, which respectively build the potential and receive a force due to it. In the simplest case of self-gravity between particles of a single component, this component is both the sole supplier and receiver component.

CONCEPT uses an ‘upstream \(\rightarrow\) global \(\rightarrow\) downstream scheme’ for potentials, as outlined below:

  1. Interpolate each supplier component onto individual ‘upstream’ grids, the size of which are individual to each component. More precisely, a specific quantity of the supplier components is interpolated, e.g. the mass (particle components) or energy density (fluid components) in the case of gravity. For particle components, the interpolation may be interlaced, meaning carried out multiple times with shifted grids.

  2. Transform each upstream grid to Fourier space.

  3. Optionally perform deconvolution and/or shifting of the complex phase (due to interlacing) of upstream grids constructed from particle suppliers (see “Computer simulation using particles”).

  4. Add upstream Fourier grids together, producing a ‘global’ Fourier grid, with the global grid size being a free parameter.


    Grids of different sizes can be seamlessly added together in Fourier space, as all \(\boldsymbol{k}\) modes (grid cells) of smaller grids are contained within larger grids. Complex phase shifts are needed to correct for the change of grid size, all taken care of by CONCEPT.

  5. Convert the values within the global grid to potential values. For gravity, this amounts to solving the Poisson equation.

  6. For each receiver component, produce a ‘downstream’ version of the global Fourier potential by copying (and shifting) the modes onto grids individual to each receiver.

  7. Optionally perform (another) deconvolution for downstream grids of particle receivers, due to the upcoming interpolation back to the particle positions.

For receivers obtaining the force grid from the downstream real-space potential grid:

  1. Transform downstream potential to real space.

  2. Obtain force grid by differentiating the downstream real-space potential using some finite difference method.

For receivers obtaining the force grid from the downstream Fourier-space potential:

  1. Obtain Fourier-space force grid by differentiating the downstream Fourier-space potential through multiplication by \(\mathrm{i}\boldsymbol{k}\).

  2. Transform the force grid to real space.

  1. Apply each force grid by interpolating it back onto the corresponding receiver. This downstream interpolation may again be carried out using interlacing, requiring steps 8–9 to be carried out multiple times as well as shifting of the complex phases.


Though the above recipe is conceptually faithful to the actual implementation in CONCEPT, typically many of the steps can be combined, reducing the total number of steps (and grids in memory) significantly. In all cases, CONCEPT collapses the above procedure to its minimal equivalence, which in simple (typical) cases among other things leaves out the upstream and downstream potentials completely and combines the two deconvolutions into one.

With the implemented potential scheme outlined above, the different sub-parameters of the potential_options parameter are presented below:

  • 'gridsize': This is a dict which functions as a component selection, mapping components to dicts specifying the various grid sizes, e.g.

    'gridsize': {
        'matter': {
            'gravity': {
                'pm' : (gridsize_pm_upstream,  gridsize_pm_downstream),
                'p3m': (gridsize_p3m_upstream, gridsize_p3m_downstream),

    where 'matter' is used as a stand-in for some component and 'gravity' could be any long-range interaction. The gridsize_* variables are then integers specifying the upstream and downstream grid sizes (i.e. the number of grid cells along each dimension) for the given interaction and component.


    One can refer to the number of particles \(N\) by using 'N' within a str, as used in the above default specifications. Similarly, 'gridsize' can be used to refer to the intrinsic ‘fluid grid size’ of fluid components. Importantly, fluid components must have upstream and downstream grid sizes equal to their fluid grid size. For particle components with \(N = 2n^3\) or \(N = 4n^3\) particles (pre-initialised on interleaved lattices, see the initial_conditions parameter), you can refer to just the cubic part as 'Ñ'. That is, regardless of whether the number of particles is \(N = n^3\), \(N = 2n^3\) or \(N = 4n^3\), we always have \(\widetilde{N} = n^3\).

    A special key 'global' is further specified within the 'gridsize' sub-dict, with a value of the form

    'gridsize': {
        'global': {
            'gravity': {
                'pm' : gridsize_pm_global,
                'p3m': gridsize_p3m_global,

    where again 'gravity' could be any long-range interaction, with the gridsize_*_global parameters specifying the global grid sizes to use for this interaction.


    The 'global' dict within the 'gridsize' sub-parameter does not have a default value, as appropriate grid sizes depend on the components used within the simulation.

  • 'interpolation': This is a dict of the form

    'interpolation': {
        'gravity': {
            'pm' : order_interp_pm,
            'p3m': order_interp_p3m,

    where the order_interp_* variables specify the interpolation order to use when interpolating particles to/from upstream/downstream grids. The implemented interpolations are:

    • 'NPG': ‘Nearest grid point’, order 1.

    • 'CIC': ‘Cloud in cell’, order 2.

    • 'TSC': ‘Triangular shaped cloud’, order 3.

    • 'PCS': ‘Piecewise cubic spline’, order 4.

    These may be specified using either their name (e.g. 'CIC') or integer order (e.g. 2). See the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’ for details on these.

  • 'deconvolve': This is a dict of the form

    'deconvolve': {
        'gravity': {
            'pm' : (deconv_pm_upstream,  deconv_pm_downstream),
            'p3m': (deconv_p3m_upstream, deconv_p3m_downstream),

    with the deconv_* variables specifying whether deconvolution due to particle upstream and downstream interpolation should take place.

  • 'interlace': This is a dict of the form

    'dinterlace': {
        'gravity': {
            'pm' : (interlace_pm_upstream,  interlace_pm_downstream),
            'p3m': (interlace_p3m_upstream, interlace_p3m_downstream),

    with the interlace_* variables specifying whether grid interlacing should be used for particle upstream and downstream interpolation. Possible values are 'sc' (or False) for a simple cubic lattice (meaning no interlacing), 'bcc' (or True) for a body-centered cubic lattice (meaning standard interlacing involving two relatively shifted particle interpolations) or 'fcc' for a face-centered cubic lattice (meaning interlacing involving four relatively shifted particle interpolations).

  • 'differentiation': This is a component selection dict of the form

    'differentiation': {
        'matter': {
            'gravity': {
                'pm' : order_diff_pm,
                'p3m': order_diff_p3m,

    with the order_diff_* variables specifying the order of differentiation to use to construct the force grid(s) from the (downstream) potential grid(s). For real-space differentiation, symmetric finite differencing of orders 2, 4, 6 and 8 are implemented (see the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’ for details). If instead you wish to make use of Fourier-space differentiation, set the order to either 'Fourier' or 0.

Example 0

Use default potential options, but set the global gravitational P³M potential grid size to \(128\):

potential_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'global': {
            'gravity': {
                'p3m': 128,

This can be shortened to

potential_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'global': {
            'gravity': 128,

though now both the P³M and PM method of gravity gets a global grid size of \(128\) (if the simulation does not make use of PM, this does not matter). The above can be further shortened to

potential_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'global': 128,

Here it will be detected that no force/interaction has been specified, in which case the default one — 'gravity' — will be used. The above can be further shortened to

potential_options = {
    'gridsize': 128,

though this now also sets 128 as the upstream and downstream grid sizes for 'all' components. In simple cases with e.g. only one component, this is typically what we want. Finally, this can be simplified to just

potential_options = 128

Example 1

Use default potential options, but set the gravitational P³M potential grid size to \(128\), for the global potential as well as for the upstream and downstream potential grids for the component with a name/species of 'matter'. For PM gravity, use a global potential grid of size \(64\):

potential_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'global': {
            'gravity': {
                'pm' :  64,
                'p3m': 128,
        'matter': {
            'gravity': {
                'p3m': (128, 128),


As the upstream and downstream grid size within the 2-tuple are identical, this can be shortened to

potential_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'global': {
            'gravity': {
                'pm' :  64,
                'p3m': 128,
        'matter': {
            'gravity': {
                'p3m': 128,


This further assigns 64 as the upstream and downstream gravity PM grid sizes for all components for which these are unset, including 'matter'.

Example 2

For the gravitational interaction, be it PM or P³M, make use of the highest available order for particle interpolation (PCS), as well as both upstream and downstream (standard) interlacing. Use \(80\) as the size of all potential grids.

potential_options = {
    'gridsize': 80,
    'interpolation': {
        'gravity': 'PCS',
    'interlace': {
        'gravity': (True, True),  # or ('bcc', 'bcc')

Example 3

Use \(128\) as the size of all potential grids, use order-6 real-space finite differencing to obtain the force from the gravitational PM potential and use Fourier-space differentiation to obtain the force from the gravitational P³M potential:

potential_options = {
    'gridsize': 128,
    'differentiation': {
        'all': {
            'gravity': {
                'pm' : 6,
                'p3m': 'Fourier',



Specifications for short-range forces


    'gravity': {
        'scale'    : '1.25*boxsize/gridsize',
        'range'    : '4.5*scale',
        'tilesize' : 'range',
        'subtiling': ('automatic', 16),
        'tablesize': 4096,


This parameter is a dict which maps short-range interactions to sub-parameter dicts, which specifies sub-parameters for each short-range force. Currently, 'gravity' is the only short-range force implemented. For detailed information about the short-range force — including the short-/long-range force split scale \(x_{\text{s}}\) and cut-off \(x_{\text{r}}\) as well as tiles, subtiles and automatic refinement thereof — we refer to the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’.

Each of the sub-parameters are described below.

  • 'scale': This is the short-/long-range force split scale \(x_{\text{s}}\), specifying the scale at which the short- and long-range P³M forces are comparable. The default value corresponds to a scale of \(1.25\) grid cell widths, as 'gridsize' is dynamically substituted for the global grid size of the long-range potential grid. See the potential_options parameter for details on this grid.

  • 'range': This is the cut-off scale \(x_{\text{r}}\), specifying the range of the short-range force. The default value is set to \(4.5 x_{\text{s}}\), as 'scale' is being dynamically substituted.

  • 'tilesize': This sets the (minimum) width of the tiles. To ensure that all particle pairs within \(x_{\text{r}}\) of each other gets paired up, this should be set no lower than \(x_{\text{r}}\), i.e. 'range'. At the same time, there is typically no reason to set a larger value, as this just slows down the short-range interaction without actually increasing the number of particle-particle interactions.

  • 'subtiling': This specifies the subtile decomposition. It may be defined as a triplet of integers specifying a fixed decomposition or a single integer specifying a fixed cubic decomposition. Alternatively, it may be defined to be the str 'automatic', which specifies automatic and dynamic subtile refinement, or a 2-tuple with 'automatic' as the first element and the length of the refinement period (in number of time steps) as the second element.


    The automatic subtile refinement is based on CPU timing measurements within the simulation and so breaks strict deterministic behaviour.

  • 'tablesize': The gravitational short-range force between two particles is a complicated expression, and so it is pre-tabulated, with actual forces found through cheap (1D) NGP lookups in this table. As we do not even use linear interpolation, this table needs to be rather large. Exactly how large is controlled by the 'tablesize' sub-parameter.

Example 0

Extend \(x_{\text{r}}\) all the way to \(5.5 x_{\text{s}}\), for the gravitational short-range interaction:

shortrange_params = {
    'gravity': {
        'scale': '1.25*boxsize/gridsize',
        'range': '5.5*scale',

We can shorten the above to

shortrange_params = {
    'scale': '1.25*boxsize/gridsize',
    'range': '5.5*scale',

in which case 'gravity' will be set as the force/interaction automatically, as it is the default force/interaction.


In both cases, the remaining sub-parameters will receive default values

Example 1

Use a fixed subtile decomposition of \((3, 3, 3)\) for the gravitational short-range interaction:

shortrange_params = {
    'subtiling': (3, 3, 3),

As all three subdivisions are equal, this can be shortened to

shortrange_params = {
    'subtiling': 3,

While probably a bit slower than using automatic subtile refinement, this subtile decomposition has the benefit of being static and thus deterministic.

Example 2

Use dynamic subtile refinement with a period of \(8\) time steps for the gravitational short-range interaction:

shortrange_params = {
    'subtiling': ('automatic', 8),



Specifications for power spectrum computations and dumps


    'upstream gridsize': {
        'particles': '2*cbrt(Ñ)',
        'fluid'    : 'gridsize',
    'global gridsize': {},
    'interpolation': {
        'default': 'PCS',
    'deconvolve': {
        'default': True,
    'interlace': {
        'default': True,
    'realization correction': {
        'default': True,
    'k_max': {
        'default': 'nyquist',
    'bins per decade': {
        'default': {
            '  4*k_min':  4,
            '100*k_min': 40,
    'tophat': {
        'default': 8*Mpc/h,
    'significant figures': {
        'default': 8,


This is a dict of several individual sub-parameters, specifying details of how to compute and save power spectra. All sub-parameters are themselves component selections.

For computing a power spectrum, one or more components are first interpolated onto individual upstream grids, possibly using deconvolution and interlacing, after which they are added together in Fourier space, producing a global grid. This scheme is similar to the one used for potentials, except here we never go back to real space, neither do we interpolate anything back to the particles. See the potential_options parameter for a walk-through of the scheme.

Each sub-parameter is described below:

  • 'upstream gridsize': Specifies the upstream grid sizes to use for each component. See the potential_options parameter for the use of the 'Ñ' notation.

  • 'global gridsize': Specifies the global grid size to use for each power spectrum. Which power spectra to compute are in turn specified by the powerspec_select parameter.


    This has no default value, as a proper global grid size depends on the components within the simulation. If this is not set when a power spectrum is to be computed, a value equal to the largest of the upstream grid sizes (in use for this particular power spectrum) will be used.

  • 'interpolation': Specifies the interpolation order to use when interpolating particles to upstream grids. The implemented interpolations are:

    • 'NPG': ‘Nearest grid point’, order 1.

    • 'CIC': ‘Cloud in cell’, order 2.

    • 'TSC': ‘Triangular shaped cloud’, order 3.

    • 'PCS': ‘Piecewise cubic spline’, order 4.

  • 'deconvolve': Specifies whether to apply deconvolution for upstream particle interpolations.

  • 'interlace': Specifies whether to use interlacing for upstream particle interpolations. Possible values are 'sc' (or False) for a simple cubic lattice (meaning no interlacing), 'bcc' (or True) for a body-centered cubic lattice (meaning standard interlacing involving two relatively shifted particle interpolations) or 'fcc' for a face-centered cubic lattice (meaning interlacing involving four relatively shifted particle interpolations).

  • 'realization correction': Specifies whether to also correct for the current realisation (cosmic variance) when computing corrected power spectra (see the powerspec_select parameter), as opposed to only correcting for noise stemming from the binning procedure.

  • 'k_max': Specifies the largest \(k\) mode to include in the power spectrum output files (data files and plots). If given as a str, 'nyquist' is dynamically substituted for the Nyquist mode,

    \[\require{upgreek} k_{\text{Nyquist}} = \biggl\lfloor\frac{n_{\text{ps}}}{2}\biggr\rfloor \times \frac{2\uppi}{L_{\text{box}}}\, ,\]

    with \(L_{\text{box}}\) given by boxsize and \(n_{\text{ps}}\) the global grid size used for the power spectrum.


    Setting 'k_max' above 'sqrt(3)*nyquist' will not yield further data points, as no further data is available in the 3D grid.

  • 'bins per decade': Specifies the number of power spectrum bins per decade in \(k\). By specifying different numbers at different \(k\), a running (logarithmically interpolated) number of bins is obtained. When the \(k\)‘s are given as strs, the following substrs are dynamically substituted:

    • 'k_min': 2*π/boxsize.

    • 'k_max': Value set for 'k_max', though at most sqrt(3)*(gridsize//2)*k_min.

    • 'gridsize': gridsize.

    • 'nyquist': gridsize//2*k_min.

    • 'k_fundamental'/'k_f': 2*π/boxsize.

  • 'tophat': Included in the power spectrum data files is also the root-mean-square density variation \(\sigma_R\), smoothed with a spherical top-hat filter \(W(s)\) of radius \(R\):

    \[\begin{split}\require{upgreek} \sigma_R &= \frac{1}{2\uppi^2} \left( \int k^2 W^2(kR) P(k)\,\mathrm{d}k \right)^{\frac{1}{2}}\, , \\ W(s) &= \frac{3}{s^3}\bigl(\sin(s) - s\cos(s)\bigr)\, ,\end{split}\]

    with \(P(k)\) the power spectrum.


    Though the integral should really be over all \(k\), naturally we can only use those within the tabulated power spectrum

    The radius \(R\) is controlled by this sub-parameter. The default value of 8*Mpc/h results in the standard \(\sigma_8\).

  • 'significant figures': Specifies the number of significant figures to use for the data in the power spectrum data files.


For all sub-parameters above except 'upstream gridsize', the keys used within the component selection sub-dicts may refer to either a single component or a combination of components. In the case of the latter, this designates a combined (auto) power spectrum.

Example 0

Use an upstream grid size of \(256\) for the component with a name/species of 'matter':

powerspec_options = {
    'upstream gridsize': {
        'matter': 256,

As we did not specify a global grid size, this will similarly be \(256\). We can also set both explicitly by using

powerspec_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'matter': 256,

Here 'gridsize' is not a real sub-parameter of powerspec_options. It merely acts as a convenient shortcut for setting both 'upstream gridsize' and 'global gridsize'.

Example 1

Employ many (small) bins of the same (logarithmic) size for all \(k\) of every power spectrum:

powerspec_options = {
    'bins per decade': {
        'all'             : 100,
        'all combinations': ...,

This may be shortened to

powerspec_options = {
    'bins per decade': 100,

Example 2

Use CIC interpolation and disable interlacing for power spectra of the component with a name/species of 'matter':

powerspec_options = {
    'interpolation': {
        'matter': 'CIC',
    'interlace': {
        'matter': False,  # or 'sc'



Specifications for bispectrum computations and dumps


    'configuration': {
        'default': ('equilateral', 20),
    'shellthickness': {
        'default': [
                '1*k_fundamental': '0.25*k_fundamental',
                '4*k_fundamental': 'max(3*k_fundamental, 1/20*log(10)*k)',
                '1*k_fundamental': '0.25*k_fundamental',
                '4*k_fundamental': 'max(3*k_fundamental, 1/20*log(10)*k)',
                '1*k_fundamental': '0.25*k_fundamental',
                '4*k_fundamental': 'max(3*k_fundamental, 1/20*log(10)*k)',
    'upstream gridsize': {
        'particles': '2*cbrt(Ñ)',
        'fluid'    : 'gridsize',
    'global gridsize': {},
    'interpolation': {
        'default': 'PCS',
    'deconvolve': {
        'default': True,
    'interlace': {
        'default': True,
    'significant figures': {
        'default': 8,


This is a dict of several individual sub-parameters, specifying details of how to compute and save bispectra. All sub-parameters are themselves component selections.

For computing a bispectrum, one or more components are first interpolated onto individual upstream grids, possibly using deconvolution and interlacing, after which they are added together in Fourier space, producing a global grid. This scheme is similar to the one used for potentials, except here we never go back to real space, neither do we interpolate anything back to the particles. See the potential_options parameter for a walk-through of the scheme.

Many of the sub-parameters are the same as within the powerspec_options parameter, and have the same meaning. These will not be reiterated here. The remaining sub-parameters are described below:

  • 'configuration': Specifies the triangle configurations for which to compute the bispectrum for each component. Rather than writing the bispectrum as a function of the length of the three wave vectors \(B(k_1, k_2, k_3)\), CONCEPT makes use of parametrisation \(B(k, t, \mu)\), where

    \[\begin{split}k &\equiv k_1\,,\\ t &\equiv \frac{k_2}{k_1}\,,\\ \mu &\equiv \frac{k_1^2 + k_2^2 - k_3^2}{2k_1k_2}\,,\end{split}\]

    or conversely

    \[\begin{split}k_1 &\equiv k\,,\\ k_2 &\equiv tk_1\,,\\ k_3 &\equiv \sqrt{k_1^2 + k_2^2 - 2\mu k_1k_2}\,.\end{split}\]

    Using this parametrisation, the configurations to use may be specified in multiple different ways:

    • (k, t, μ): Single configuration, corresponding to one bispectrum bin. Note that k, t and μ must each be a single number, given in that order. The bin represents the average of triangles with \((k, t, \mu)\) in the vicinity of the values specified, in accordance with the 'shellthickness' sub-parameter (see below).

    • {'k': <...>, 't': <...>, 'μ': <...>}: Multiple configurations spanning a chunk of configuration space. Here each <...> is stand-in for either a single number or multiple numbers (e.g. within in a list). All configurations in the Cartesian product of the three <...> will be included.

    • '<named-configuration>': Multiple configurations spanning a named portion of configuration space. Many typical configurations are known to CONCEPT by name. These include:

      • 'equilateral': \(t = 1\), \(\mu = \frac{1}{2}\), \(\,(k_1 = k_2 = k_3).\)

      • 'stretched': \(t = \frac{1}{2}\), \(\mu = 1\), \(\,(k_1 = 2k_2 = 2k_3).\)

      • 'squeezed': \(t = 1\), \(\mu = 0.99\), \(\,(k_1 = k_2, k_3 \approx 0).\)

      • 'isosceles right': \(t = 1/\sqrt{2}\), \(\mu = 1/\sqrt{2}\), \(\,(k_1 = \sqrt{2}k_2 = \sqrt{2}k_3).\)

      • 'L-isosceles': \(t = 1\), \(\frac{1}{2} \le \mu < 1\), \(\,(k_1 = k_2 \ge k_3).\)

      • 'S-isosceles': \(\frac{1}{2} \le t \le 1\), \(\mu = (2t)^{-1}\), \(\,(k_1 \ge k_2 = k_3).\)

      • 'elongated'/'flattened'/'folded'/'linear': \(\frac{1}{2} \le t < 1\), \(\mu = 1\), \(\,(k_1 = k_2 + k_3).\)

      • 'right': \(1/\sqrt{2} \le t = \mu < 1\) \(\,(k_1^2 = k_2^2 + k_3^2).\)

      • 'acute': \(1/\sqrt{2} \le t \le 1\), \((2t)^{-1} \le \mu < 1\), \(\,(k_1^2 \le k_2^2 + k_3^2).\)

      • 'obtuse' \(1/\sqrt{2} \le \mu < 1\), \((2\mu)^{-1} \le t < \mu\), \(\,(k_1^2 \ge k_2^2 + k_3^2).\)

      • 'all' \(\frac{1}{2} \le t \le 1\), \((2t)^{-1} \le \mu < 1\) \(\,(k_1 \ge k_2 \ge k_3).\)

      In all of th above named configurations, \(k = k_1\) goes from 5*k_f to 2/3*nyquist, with k_f = 2*π/boxsize and nyquist = gridsize//2*k_f.

      For all of the bove named configurations, the convention that \(k_1 \ge k_2 \ge k_3\) is used, corresponding to

      \[\begin{split}\frac{1}{2} &\le t \le 1\,, \\ \frac{1}{2} &\le \mu \le 1\,, \\ \frac{1}{2} &\le t\mu\,.\end{split}\]

      Note that this restriction is not imposed when manually specifying \(k\), \(t\), \(\mu\).

    • ('<named-configuration>', n): Named portion of configuration space like above, with the number of bins set through the integer n. This is interpreted as the number of bins per decade along the \(k = k_1\) dimension, with the total number further depending on the global grid size in use for the bispectrum measurement. The \(t\) and \(\mu\) dimensions are likewise subdivided, using the same total number of cuts as for the \(k\) dimension.

      When n is not specified (corresponding to the previous bullet point), n defaults to 20.


      From the above, it can be shown that the total number of bispectrum bins in the named configurations grows approximately like \(\mathcal{O}[(n^d(\ln (n_{\text{bs}}) - 1)^d]\), with \(n_{\text{bs}}\) the global grid size used for the bispectrum computation and \(d\) the dimensionality of the selected chunk of parameter space:

      • \(d = 1\): 'equilateral', 'stretched', 'squeezed', 'isosceles right'.

      • \(d = 2\): 'L-isosceles', 'S-isosceles', 'elongated', 'right'.

      • \(d = 3\): 'acute', 'obtuse', 'all'.

    • Finally, multiple specifications of any of the above kinds can be simultaneously selected by writing them together in a list.

  • 'shellthickness': Specifies the thickness of the three \(k\) shells (one for each of \(k_1\), \(k_2\), \(k_3\)) making up each bispectrum bin. By specifying different thicknesses at different \(k\), a running (logarithmically interpolated) thickness is obtained. Both the thickness values themselves and the \(k\) values (shell radii) at which they apply can be given as either numbers (in units of inverse length) or as strs. In the latter case, the following substrs are dynamically substituted:

    • 'k_min': 2*π/boxsize.

    • 'k_max': sqrt(3)*(gridsize//2)*k_min.

    • 'gridsize': gridsize.

    • 'nyquist': gridsize//2*k_min.

    • 'k_fundamental'/'k_f': 2*π/boxsize.

    For specifying individual shell thicknesses for the \(k_1\), \(k_2\) and \(k_3\) shells, 'shellthickness' should be specified as a list of three dicts. If instead 'shellthickness' is given as just a single such dict, the same shell thickness will be used for all three shells.


For all sub-parameters except 'upstream gridsize', the keys used within the component selection sub-dicts may refer to either a single component or a combination of components. In the case of the latter, this designates a combined (auto) bispectrum.

Example 0

Use the equilateral configurations for bispectra of the component with a name/species of 'matter':

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': 'equilateral',

If we want more control over the number of bispectrum bins (the density of sampling points), we can specify the number of bins/subdivisions per decade along the \(k = k_1\) dimension (with the number of subdivisions along the \(t\) and \(\mu\) dimensions also adapting accordingly):

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': ('equilateral', 30),

Instead of using the predefined name 'equilateral', we can specify such configurations — defined by having \(t = 1\) and \(\mu = \frac{1}{2}\) — manually:

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': {
            'k': 'logspace(log10(k_f), log10(nyquist), int(30*log10(nyquist/k_f)))',
            't': 1,
            'μ': 0.5,

The above specification for 'k' results in 30 values per decade, placed logarithmically equidistant between k_f and nyquist; a wider parameter range than what is used by the built-in 'equilateral' configuration.

If we prefer, we might instead list each equilateral bin individually:

_gridsize = 128  # global grid size for bispectrum
bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': [
            (k, 1, 0.5)
            for k in logspace(

Note that in the above we have to reference the grid size explicitly, whereas previously this was encoded in 'nyquist'. Likewise we previously made use of the fundamental frequency 'k_f', whereas just above we write this out explicitly as 2*π/boxsize. We can reintroduce 'k_f' to (perhaps) simplify the above:

_gridsize = 128  # global grid size for bispectrum
bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': [
            (f'{q}*k_f', 1, 0.5)
            for q in logspace(

Example 1

Use a constant shell thickness equal to three times the fundamental frequency, for shell \(k_1\), shell \(k_2\) and shell \(k_3\), for every bispectrum:

bispec_options = {
    'shellthickness': {
        'all'             : ['3*k_f', '3*k_f', '3*k_f'],
        'all combinations': ...,

This may be shortened to

bispec_options = {
    'shellthickness': ['3*k_f', '3*k_f', '3*k_f'],

or indeed

bispec_options = {
    'shellthickness': '3*k_f',

Example 2

Use the equilateral configurations for bispectra of the component with a name/species of 'matter', with 30 bins per decade along the \(k\) dimension.

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': ('equilateral', 30),

Ideally, the concentric shells of different bins should not overlap, as otherwise the same underlying modes will each contribute to multiple bins. At the same time, we would like to include all available modes within our bins, and so together they should cover all of configuration space, i.e. we want there to be no gaps between the concentric shells. Given the 30 logarithmically equidistant shell radii above, we can match the shell thicknesses in order to achieve this:

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': ('equilateral', 30),
    'shellthickness': {
        'matter': '1/30*log(10)*k',

Note that with the growing shell thickness above, the usual shell thickness of \(3k_{\text{f}}\) is not achieved until \(k \sim 40k_{\text{f}}\). We may introduce a minimum shell thickness — say of \(1.5k_{\text{f}}\) — like so:

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': ('equilateral', 30),
    'shellthickness': {
        'matter': 'max(1.5*k_f, 1/30*log(10)*k)',

The above minimum shell thickness of \(1.5k_{\text{f}}\) applies for \(k \lesssim 20k_{\text{f}}\), though for the very lowest \(k\) we might want a smaller value. We can introduce a lowest thickness of e.g. \(0.25k_{\text{f}}\) below e.g. \(1k_{\text{f}}\), with the previous thickness specification being applied above e.g. \(10k_{\text{f}}\):

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': ('equilateral', 30),
    'shellthickness': {
        'matter': {
             '1*k_f': '0.25*k_f',
            '10*k_f': 'max(1.5*k_f, 1/30*log(10)*k)',

Between the two control points \(1k_{\text{f}}\) and \(10k_{\text{f}}\), the shell thickness is obtained through logarithmic interpolation. For example, the shell thickness at \(4k_{\text{f}}\) becomes \(\sim 1.0k_{\text{f}}\), given the above specification.

Note the similarity with the above shell thickness settings and the default settings.

Example 3

Measure the bispectrum for all isosceles configurations — i.e. both L-isosceles and S-isosceles — for the component with a name/species of 'matter'.

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': ['L-isosceles', 'S-isosceles'],

We might want to explicitly control the number of bins for each of two configuration subspaces:

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': [('L-isosceles', 15), ('S-isosceles', 25)],


Due to the many possible configuration specifications, the parsing of these specifications is less robust than what is usually the case. In particular, swapping lists for tuples or vice versa can lead to erroneous parsing, ultimately crashing the program. That is, while

['L-isosceles', 'S-isosceles']

is a valid specification, this is not:

('L-isosceles', 'S-isosceles')  # ❌

Note that the two sets of bins are written without separation in the output data file. However, the order in which the bins appear will always match the order in which they are specified.


For the case above (and most others), the transition from one configuration subset to another within a bispectrum data file can easily be located as the row where \(k\) decreases in relation to the previous row.

Example 4

Use a squeezed configurations for bispectra of the component with a name/species of 'matter':

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': 'squeezed',  # or e.g. (squeezed, 20)

The squeezed configurations are more tricky than other configurations, as the \(k_3\) shell vanishes in the squeezed limit \(t\rightarrow 1\), \(\mu\rightarrow 0\), while a reliable bispectrum measurement requires each shell to contain a substantial amount of grid points. For the built-in 'squeezed', he values t = 1, μ = 0.99 are chosen. We can use a less restrictive μ = 0.95 — leading to a less noisy bispectrum — by specifying the configurations manually:

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': {
            'k': (
                'logspace(log10(5*k_f), '
                'log10(2/3*nyquist), '
            't': 1,
            'μ': 0.95,

In the above we have kept the \(k = k_1\) range the same as the default; 20 points logarithmically equidistant between 5 times the fundamental frequency and two-thirds times the Nyquist frequency. Note however that some of these configurations are rejected when using the built-in 'squeezed', as \(k_3\) is deemed too small.

With \(k_3\) much smaller than \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) it might makes sense to assign the \(k_3\) shell a thickness that is different from the one used by the \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) shell:

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': {
            'k': (
                'logspace(log10(5*k_f), '
                'log10(2/3*nyquist), '
            't': 1,
            'μ': 0.95,
    'shellthickness': {
        'matter': ['3*k_f', '3*k_f', '1.5*k_f'],

Example 5

Imitate the way Pylians computes bispectra:

  • Specify \(k_1 = |\boldsymbol{k}_1|\) and \(k_2 = |\boldsymbol{k}_2|\) as well as the angle \(\theta = \cos^{-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}_1 \cdot \hat{\boldsymbol{k}}_2)\) (opposite sign convention compared to CONCEPT, making \(\mu = -\cos\theta\)).

  • Use a constant shell thickness of twice the fundamental frequency.

Use \(k_1 = 1.1\, h\, \text{Mpc}^{-1}\), \(k_2 = 0.8\, h\, \text{Mpc}^{-1}\) and \(50\) values of \(\theta\) between \(0\) and \(\require{upgreek}\uppi\). Apply all of this for the component with a name/species of 'matter':

_k1 = 1.1*h/Mpc
_k2 = 0.8*h/Mpc
 = linspace(0, π, 50)
bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': {
            'k': _k1,
            't': _k2/_k1,
            'μ': -cos(),
    'shellthickness': {
        'matter': '2*k_f',


In order to fully reduce the bispectrum computation within CONCEPT to one consistent with that of Pylians, one should further:

Example 6

Sample the full configuration space for the component with a name/species of 'matter':

bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': ('all', 5),

We recall that the full configuration space is parametrised as

\[\begin{split}\frac{1}{2} &\le t \le 1\,, \\ \frac{1}{2} &\le \mu \le 1\,, \\ \frac{1}{2} &\le t\mu\,,\end{split}\]

which uniquely covers each configuration (triangle shape) for a given \(k\) (triangle size). While the built-in 'all' samples configuration space evenly (logarithmically in \(k\), linear in \(t\) and \(\mu\)), we might instead wish to sample randomly.

np.random.seed(42)  # for consistent bins
def _sample():
    r = np.random.random(3)
    k = f'k_min*(k_max/k_min)**{r[0]}'
    t = (1 + r[1])/2
    μ = (1 + r[2])/2
    if t*μ < 0.5:
        return _sample()
    return k, t, μ
bispec_options = {
    'configuration': {
        'matter': [_sample() for _ in range(100)],

Note that the above samples the entire possible \(k = k_1\) range, whereas this range is reduced for the built-in 'all' (as well as the other named configurations).



Specifies whether to enable anti-aliasing for bispectrum shells




Numerically, each bispectrum shell is a collection of Fourier grid cells, each positioned a distance (measured from their centres) of about \(k\) from the origin (with \(k = k_1\) for the first shell, \(k = k_2\) for the second shell, \(k = k_3\) for the third shell). Call this distance the radial coordinate of the cell. With shell anti-aliasing disabled (not the default), a cell is included in the shell if its radial coordinate lies between \(k - s/2\) and \(k + s/2\), \(s\) being the shell thickness of the shell with radius \(k\).

The simple scheme for cell inclusion/exclusion within a shell described above comes with a number of drawbacks, arising from allowing the discrete nature of the underlying grid to spread into the shell. A more sophisticated approach is to treat the shells as being truly spherical and continuous, with cells on the boundary being taken into account in proportion to their volumetric overlap with the shell. This is what we refer to as shell anti-aliasing (enabled by default).

Note that with shell anti-aliasing, the inner and outer shell radii — related by their difference equalling the shell thickness \(s\) — can now be chosen such that the average (weighted) radial coordinate of the cells within the shell exactly equals the radius \(k\) of the shell, i.e. a measured bispectrum value \(B(k_1, k_2, k_3)\) really do belong exactly to the given \(k_1\), \(k_2\), \(k_3\). This is unlike the non-anti-aliased case where small changes to \(k_1\), \(k_2\), \(k_3\) do not alter the measured value \(B(k_1, k_2, k_3)\).


For all but the smallest \(k\), CONCEPT in fact chooses the inner and outer shell radii not so that the average radial coordinate of the cells results in the radius \(k\) of the shell, but instead so that the average of the logarithm of the radial coordinates of the cells results in \(\log k\).

Example 0

Turn off bispectrum shell anti-aliasing:

bispec_antialiasing = False

Though generally not preferable, this is useful if the resulting bispectra are to be compared with ones computed by a different code which does not have this feature.



Specifies whether to carry out a dedicated CLASS computation for use with perturbation theory spectra




When False (the default), rather than running CLASS, already obtained CLASS results are reused whenever a perturbation theory spectrum (a linear power spectrum or a tree-level bispectrum) is requested, even if this does not cover the entire \(k\) region in question. This often leads to a few missing (NaN) values in the perturbation theory columns of output spectra, but saves time as fewer invocations of CLASS are needed.


This will only affect the perturbation theory output in power spectrum and bispectrum data files; the CLASS data used internally for simulation purposes will always be complete.

Example 0

Always rerun CLASS as necessary, ensuring fully populated perturbation theory data in spectral output:

class_dedicated_spectra = True



Number of Fourier modes \(k\) per decade in CLASS computations


    3e-3/Mpc: 10,
    3e-2/Mpc: 30,
    3e-1/Mpc: 30,
       1/Mpc: 10,


This parameter determines the number of CLASS perturbations to compute, by specifying the density of Fourier modes \(k\) as a (running) number per decade. The resulting tabulation of \(k\) is employed for all CLASS perturbations, which are used for e.g. initial conditions. The default choice yields a relatively sparse tabulation of perturbations, except around baryon acoustic oscillations, where more detail is added.

If you seek highly resolved linear power spectra or tree-level, make sure to not just increase class_modes_per_decade, but also enable the class_dedicated_spectra parameter.

Example 0

Use a constant \(20\) modes per decade, i.e. \(20\) values of \(k\) placed logarithmically equidistant between \(k = 10^{-3}\,\text{Mpc}^{-1}\) and \(k = 10^{-2}\,\text{Mpc}^{-1}\), between \(k = 10^{-2}\,\text{Mpc}^{-1}\) and \(k = 10^{-1}\,\text{Mpc}^{-1}\), etc:

class_modes_per_decade = 20

Example 1

Use \(50\) modes per decade around \(k = 10^{-4}\,\text{Mpc}^{-1}\) and \(10\) modes per decade around \(k = 10^1\,\text{Mpc}^{-1}\), with a running number per decade in between found through logarithmic interpolation (resulting in e.g. \(42\) modes per decade around \(k = 10^{-3}\,\text{Mpc}^{-1}\)):

class_modes_per_decade = {
    1e-4/Mpc: 50,
    1e+1/Mpc: 10,