
The ‘cosmology’ parameter category contains parameters specifying the cosmology, as well as the starting time for the simulation.



The Hubble constant \(H_0\), i.e. the value of the Hubble parameter at the present time \(a = 1\)




Setting H0 also defines the inferred parameter h as h = H0/(100*km/(s*Mpc)). With e.g.

H0 = 67*km/(s*Mpc)

we then have h = 0.67. This h is available for other parameters to use, see e.g. the boxsize parameter for an example.


The value of h will not be properly set unless you explicitly define H0.

Example 0

Use a value of \(H_0 = 74\,\text{km}\, \text{s}^{-1}\, \text{Mpc}^{-1}\) for the Hubble constant:

H0 = 74*km/(s*Mpc)



Density parameter for baryonic matter \(\Omega_{\text{b}}\) at the present time \(a = 1\)




Within a simulation CONCEPT treats baryonic matter as though it were cold dark matter, i.e. it has no gas physics. Typically, the species used for the particles in a simulation is (total) ‘matter’, meaning combined baryonic and cold dark matter. As the baryons and the cold dark matter have different linear perturbations (from CLASS), a distinction must still be made within CONCEPT as they have different initial conditions. This is why we need both the Ωb parameter and the Ωcdm parameter.

Example 0

Specify \(\Omega_{\text{b}} = 0.05\):

Ωb = 0.05

Example 1

Specify \(\Omega_{\text{b}}\) via known value of \(h^2\Omega_{\text{b}} \equiv \omega_{\text{b}} = 0.022\):

Ωb = 0.022/h**2



Density parameter for cold dark matter \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}}\) at the present time \(a = 1\)




Typically, the species used for the particles in a simulation is (total) ‘matter’, meaning combined baryonic and cold dark matter.

Example 0

Specify \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}} = 0.28\):

Ωcdm = 0.28

Example 1

Specify \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}}\) via known value of \(h^2\Omega_{\text{cdm}} \equiv \omega_{\text{cdm}} = 0.12\):

Ωcdm = 0.12/h**2

Example 2

Specify \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}}\) such that \(\Omega_{\text{m}} \equiv \Omega_{\text{b}} + \Omega_{\text{cdm}} + \Omega_{\nu} = 0.30\):

Ωcdm = 0.30 - Ωb - Ων

Here Ων is the current total density parameter for massive neutrinos, automatically inferred from the class_params parameter.



Scale factor value \(a\) at the start of the simulation



You should not rely on this default, as the code detects if you do not specify a_begin explicitly.


If you start the simulation from a snapshot you should make sure to set a_begin to the value of \(a\) set in the snapshot.

Alternatively, you may define t_begin, the cosmic time \(t\) at the start of the simulation.

Example 0

Begin simulation at \(a = 0.01\):

a_begin = 0.01



Cosmic time \(t\) at the start of the simulation



If unset and running a cosmological simulation (the default), the initial \(t\) will really be set in accordance with the initial scale factor and the cosmology.


You may not set both t_begin and a_begin.

Example 0

Begin simulation at time \(t = 10\,\text{Myr}\):

t_begin = 10*Myr



Parameters for specifying the primordial curvature perturbation (power spectrum)


    'A_s'  : 2.1e-9,    # amplitude
    'n_s'  : 0.96,      # tilt / spectral index
    'α_s'  : 0,         # tilt running
    'pivot': 0.05/Mpc,  # pivot scale


Linear power spectra can be written as \(P_{\text{lin}}(a, k) = \zeta^2(k) T^2(a, k)\), with \(T(a, k)\) some transfer function (obtained from CLASS) and \(\zeta(k)\) the primordial curvature perturbation. CONCEPT adopts the parametrisation

\[\require{upgreek} \zeta(k) = \uppi \sqrt{2A_{\text{s}}} k^{-\frac{3}{2}} \biggl(\frac{k}{k_{\text{pivot}}}\biggr)^{\frac{n_{\text{s}} - 1}{2}} \exp\biggl[\frac{\alpha_{\text{s}}}{4} \ln\biggl(\frac{k}{k_{\text{pivot}}}\biggr)^2\biggr]\, ,\]

where \(A_{\text{s}}\) ('A_s') is the amplitude, \(n_{\text{s}}\) ('n_s') is the ‘tilt’ or ‘spectral index’, \(\alpha_{\text{s}}\) ('α_s') is the ‘tilt running’ and \(k_{\text{pivot}}\) ('pivot') is the ‘pivot scale’.

Note that though these exists as CLASS parameters, you should never set any of these primordial parameters in class_params. CLASS is only responsible for the transfer functions \(T(a, k)\), with CONCEPT performing the scaling by \(\zeta(k)\).

Example 0

Enhance the primordial perturbations, leading to stronger clustering:

primordial_spectrum = {
    'A_s': 2.3e-9,


Non-specified items in primordial_spectrum will be set to their default values.



Parameters to pass on to the CLASS code


{}  # default CLASS parameters except H0, Omega_b, Omega_cdm


CONCEPT relies on the CLASS code for computing the cosmological background (unless enable_class_background is False) as well as linear perturbations. As such it is vital that CLASS is run with the correct cosmological parameters. These parameters are exactly the ones specified in class_params, with the addition of the H0 parameter, the Ωb parameter and the Ωcdm parameter. That is, specifying class_params = {} (the default) really amounts to

class_params = {
    'H0'       : H0/(km/(s*Mpc)),
    'Omega_b'  : Ωb,
    'Omega_cdm': Ωcdm,

You thus never have to (and should not) include any of these three parameters in class_params.

Any CLASS parameters not specified in class_params (besides 'H0', 'Omega_b' and 'Omega_cdm') will take on default values as defined by CLASS. To find out what they are, consult e.g. the explanatory.ini example CLASS parameter file.


Note that the most basic CLASS cosmology obtained from class_params = {} contains photons, massless neutrinos, baryons, cold dark matter and a cosmological constant. If you want to run simulations with no radiation included in the background, see the enable_class_background parameter.

Example 0

Use a cosmology with a slightly warmer CMB:

class_params = {
    'T_cmb': 2.8,  # in K


Unlike CONCEPT, CLASS do assume its input parameters to be specified using particular units. As the class_params are fed more or less directly to CLASS as is, these unit conventions must be respected when adding items to class_params.

Example 1

Use a cosmology with three massive neutrinos with a total mass of \(\sum m_\nu = 0.1\, \text{eV}\):

class_params = {
    'N_ur'    : 0,      # no massless neutrinos
    'N_ncdm'  : 1,      # one massive neutrino
    'deg_ncdm': 3,      # three times degenerate
    'm_ncdm'  : 0.1/3,  # Σmν = 0.1 eV


Using a cosmology with massive neutrinos also defines the inferred parameter Ων, the total density parameter for all massive neutrino species \(\Omega_{\nu}\) at the present time \(a = 1\). This may then be used to set other parameters (see the Ωcdm parameter).

See the tuturial for a walk-through of using a cosmology with massive neutrinos.

Example 2

Use a cosmology with massive neutrinos of (possibly) different masses:

# List of neutrino (ν) masses, possibly containing duplicates
_mν = [0*eV, 8.7e-3*eV, 5.0e-2*eV]  # any number of masses allowed

_N_eff = 3.046  # effective number of ν species
class_params = {
    'N_ur'    : 0,              # no massless ν
    'N_ncdm'  : len(set(_mν)),  # number of ν species with unique masses
    'deg_ncdm': [               # number of ν species for each mass
        _mν.count() for  in sorted(set(_mν))
    'm_ncdm'  : [               # ν masses (avoid exact value of 0.0)
        max(/eV, 1e-100) for  in sorted(set(_mν))
    'T_ncdm'  : [               # ν temperatures

In the above we additionally specify the neutrino temperature (equal for all neutrino species), parametrised via the effective number of neutrinos \(N_{\text{eff}}\), as

\[T_{\nu} = \biggl(\frac{4}{11}\biggr)^{\frac{1}{3}} \biggl(\frac{N_{\text{eff}}}{N_{\nu}}\biggr)^{\frac{1}{4}} T_{\gamma}\, ,\]

with \(N_{\nu}\) the integer number of massive neutrino species and \(T_{\gamma}\) the photon temperature T_cmb (not explicitly referenced in the above class_params).


In the above parameter specification we use lists for multi-valued items within class_params. When using standard CLASS, such values must be specified as single strs of comma-separated values. CONCEPT takes care of the required conversion.


The above parameter specification is more involved than it needs to be. What one gains from this is a more efficient CLASS computation, as specifying multiple neutrinos with equal mass in _mν here is picked up and used to properly set the degeneracy 'deg_ncdm'.

Example 3

By default, CLASS adjusts the density parameter \(\Omega_{\Lambda}\) of the cosmological constant \(\Lambda\) to ensure a flat universe, given the specified amounts of matter, photons, neutrinos, etc. If we instead wish to have dynamic dark energy, with equation of state parametrised as \(w(a) = w_0 + (1 - a)w_a\), we can request it like so:

class_params = {
    'Omega_Lambda':    0,  # disable cosmological constant
    'w0_fld'      : -0.8,
    'wa_fld'      :  0.1,

See the tuturial for a walk-through of using a cosmology with dynamical dark energy.



Specifies whether to use CLASS to solve the cosmological background evolution




The CLASS code is fully integrated within CONCEPT and provides the cosmological background (e.g. \(a(t)\)) as well as linear perturbations, the latter used for e.g. generation of initial conditions. The background computation within CLASS takes all species into account. Even in the most basic case of not specifying any CLASS parameters, this includes radiation (photons and massless neutrinos), matter (baryons and cold dark matter) and a cosmological constant. Alternatively, CONCEPT implements a simplified background containing just matter and a cosmological constant.

Example 0

Swap the full CLASS background with a simplified background containing just matter and a cosmological constant:

enable_class_background = False

This is useful when seeking compatibility with other simulation codes which use this simplified background.