8. Bispectra and 2LPT

The focus of this section is on bispectrum measurements from simulations. We shall also see how using 2LPT initial conditions improves the initial bispectrum of the particle distribution.

Equilateral bispectra

We shall make use of the following parameter file throughout this section. Save it as e.g. param/tutorial-8:

# Non-parameter helper variable used to control the size of the simulation
_size = 64

# Input/output
initial_conditions = {
    'species': 'matter',
    'N'      : _size**3,
output_dirs = {
    'snapshot' : f'{path.output_dir}/{param}/{_lpt}LPT/seed{_seed}_shift{_shift}',
    'powerspec': ...,    'bispec'   : f'{path.output_dir}/{param}/{_lpt}LPT/seed{_seed}_shift{_shift}/{_conf}',}
output_times = {
    'powerspec': [a_begin, 0.3, 1],    'bispec'   : ...,}
if _lpt == 2:
    output_times |= {'snapshot': ...}
powerspec_select = {
    'matter': {'data': True, 'linear': True, 'plot': True},
}bispec_select = {    'matter': {'data': True, 'reduced': True, 'tree-level': True, 'plot': True},}
# Numerics
boxsize = 512*Mpc
potential_options = 2*_sizebispec_options = {    'configuration': {        'matter': _conf,    },}
# Cosmology
H0      = 67*km/(s*Mpc)
Ωb      = 0.049
Ωcdm    = 0.27
a_begin = 0.02

# Physicsrealization_options = {    'LPT': _lpt,}
# Simulationrandom_seeds = {    'primordial phases': 2_000 + _seed,}primordial_amplitude_fixed = Falseprimordial_phase_shift = _shift
# Non-parameter helper variables which should
# be supplied as command-line parameters._conf  = 'equilateral'  # triangle configurations for bispectra_seed  = 0              # seed offset used for the phases of the primordial noise_shift = 0              # phase shift for primordial noise_lpt   = 1              # order of Lagrangian perturbation theory

We start by running this parameter file as is:

./concept -p param/tutorial-8

(feel free to run this in parallel by further supplying -n). This will run a simple simulation and measure the matter bispectrum (as well as the power spectrum) at three different times along the evolution, as specified in output_times. The bispectra (data files and plots) are dumped into a nested set of subdirectories within output/tutorial-8 (for organisational purposes, as many more bispectrum measurements are to come). You can have a look at these, but what we really want is to plot the different bispectra together in a single plot, for which we make use of the plotting script below:

import collections, glob, os, re, sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Read in data
this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
data = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(float))
confs = set()
lpts = set()
a_values = set()
for dirname in glob.glob(f'{this_dir}/*LPT'):
    lpt = int(re.search(r'(\d)LPT$', dirname).group(1))
    for dirname in glob.glob(f'{dirname}/seed*_shift*'):
        for dirname in glob.glob(f'{dirname}/*'):
            if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
            conf = os.path.basename(dirname)
            a_files = set()
            for filename in glob.glob(f'{dirname}/bispec*'):
                if filename.endswith('.png'):
                with open(filename, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    a = float(re.search(r'a = (.+)', f.readline()).group(1))
                if a in a_files:
                        f'Found multiple bispectrum data files'
                        f'for a = {a} in {dirname}',
                k, t, μ, B, B_tree, Q, Q_tree = np.loadtxt(
                    filename, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8), unpack=True,
                data[conf, lpt, a]['k'     ] = k
                data[conf, lpt, a]['t'     ] = t
                data[conf, lpt, a]['μ'     ] = μ
                data[conf, lpt, a]['B_tree'] = B_tree
                data[conf, lpt, a]['Q_tree'] = Q_tree
                data[conf, lpt, a]['B'     ] += B
                data[conf, lpt, a]['Q'     ] += Q
                data[conf, lpt, a]['n'     ] += 1
for d in data.values():
    d['B'] /= d['n']
    d['Q'] /= d['n']
confs    = sorted(confs)
lpts     = sorted(lpts)
a_values = sorted(a_values)

# Plotting functions
def plot1D(conf):
    def get_color(a, lpt=1, color=None):
        if color is None:
            color = f'C{a_values.index(a)%10}'
        color = np.asarray(matplotlib.colors.ColorConverter().to_rgb(color))
        color /= (1 + 0.4*(lpt - 1))
        return color
    def get_linestyle(lpt):
        return {1: '-', 2: '--', 3: ':'}.get(lpt, '-.')
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
    for lpt in lpts:
        linestyle = get_linestyle(lpt)
        for a in a_values:
            subdata = data.get((conf, lpt, a))
            if subdata is None:
            k = subdata['k']
            axes[0].loglog  (k, subdata['B'], linestyle, color=get_color(a, lpt))
            axes[1].semilogx(k, subdata['Q'], linestyle, color=get_color(a, lpt))
            axes[0].loglog  (k, subdata['B_tree'], 'k--', linewidth=1)
            axes[1].semilogx(k, subdata['Q_tree'], 'k--', linewidth=1)
            axes[0].set_xlim(k[0], k[-1])
    axes[1].set_xlabel(r'$k\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
    axes[0].set_ylabel(r'$B\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^6]$')
    axes[0].tick_params('x', direction='inout', which='both')
    # Legends
    for a in a_values:
            0.5, 0.5, '-',
            color=get_color(a), label=rf'$a = {a}$',
    for lpt in lpts:
            0.5, 0.5, get_linestyle(lpt),
            color=get_color(1, lpt, 'grey'),
            label=f'simulation: {lpt}LPT',
        0.5, 0.5, 'k--',
        linewidth=1, label='tree-level',
    for ax in axes:
    return fig
def plot2D(conf, y):
    def get_logticks(logk, y, B):
        fig_tmp, ax_tmp = plt.subplots()
        k = 10**logk
        ax_tmp.tripcolor(k, y, B)
        x_min, x_max = k[0], k[-1]
        ticks = np.log10(ax_tmp.get_xticks())
        return ticks
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(
        2, len(a_values),
        figsize=(6.4*(1 + 0.5*(len(a_values) - 1)), 4.8),
    for lpt in lpts:
        for i, a in enumerate(a_values):
            subdata = data.get((conf, lpt, a))
            if subdata is None:
            logk = np.log10(subdata['k'])
            B, B_tree = subdata['B'], subdata['B_tree']
            Q, Q_tree = subdata['Q'], subdata['Q_tree']
            # B
            ax = axes[0, i]
            logc = (np.max(B[B > 0])/np.min(B[B > 0]) > 1e+2)
            pc = ax.tripcolor(
                logk, subdata[y], B,
                norm=(matplotlib.colors.LogNorm() if logc else None),
            cbar = fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax, shrink=0.9)
            cbar.set_label(r'$B\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^6]$')
            if logc:
                logk, subdata[y], B_tree,
                norm=pc.norm, linewidths=1,
            logc_tree = (np.max(B_tree)/np.min(B_tree) > 1e+2)
            tc = axes[0, i].tricontour(
                logk, subdata[y], B_tree,
                norm=(matplotlib.colors.LogNorm() if logc_tree else None),
                colors='k', linestyles='dashed', linewidths=1,
            fmt = matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterSciNotation()
            ax.clabel(tc, tc.levels, fmt=fmt)
            ticks = get_logticks(logk, subdata[y], B)
            # Q
            ax = axes[1, i]
            pc = ax.tripcolor(logk, subdata[y], Q, shading='gouraud')
            cbar = fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax, shrink=0.9)
                logk, subdata[y], Q_tree,
                norm=pc.norm, linewidths=1,
            tc = ax.tricontour(
                logk, subdata[y], Q_tree,
                colors='k', linestyles='dashed', linewidths=1,
            ax.clabel(tc, tc.levels)
            axes[0, i].set_title(rf'$a = {a}$')
            for j, ax in enumerate(axes[:, i]):
                ax.set_ylim(np.min(subdata[y]), 1 - 1e-6*j)
    for ax in axes[1, :]:
        ax.set_xlabel(r'$k\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
                lambda val, pos=None: matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterSciNotation()(
                    10**val, pos,
    for ax in axes[:, 0]:
        ax.set_ylabel({'t': r'$t$', 'μ': r'$\mu$'}[y])
    for ax in axes.flatten():
        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', labelsize=8)
    for ax in axes[0, :]:
        ax.tick_params('x', direction='inout', which='both')
    for ax in axes[:, 1:].flatten():
        ax.tick_params('y', direction='inout', which='both')
    for i in range(axes.shape[0]):
        for j in range(axes.shape[1]):
            axes[i, j].set_zorder(j - i)
    # Legend
    ax = axes[1, 0]
    markerfacecolors = getattr(
        matplotlib.cm, matplotlib.rcParams['image.cmap'],
    )([0.2, 0.8])[:, :3]
    ylim = ax.get_ylim()
        0.5, 2, 's',
        markersize=13, markeredgecolor='none', fillstyle='top',
        markerfacecolor=markerfacecolors[1], markerfacecoloralt=markerfacecolors[0],
        0.5, 0.5, 'k--',
    return fig

# Plot
for conf in confs:
    conf_simplified = (
        .replace('-', '')
        .replace('_', '')
        .replace(' ', '')
    if conf_simplified in {'equilateral', 'stretched', 'squeezed', 'isoscelesright'}:
        fig = plot1D(conf)
    elif conf_simplified in {'lisosceles', 'sisosceles'}:
        fig = plot2D(conf, 'μ')
    elif conf_simplified in {'elongated', 'linear', 'right'}:
        fig = plot2D(conf, 't')
            f'Configuration {conf} not known to plotting script',
    fig.savefig(f'{this_dir}/plot_{conf}.png', dpi=150)

Do not worry about the large size of the plotting script; though we shall make use of it, we shall not study its content in any detail. Store the plotting script as e.g. output/tutorial-8/plot.py. With the first simulation completed, run this script using

./concept -m output/tutorial-8/plot.py

This will produce a file named plot_equilateral.png in the output/tutorial-8 directory. Here, ‘equilateral’ refers to the particular bispectrum configuration measured within the simulation, as specified within the bispec_options parameter. In our parameter file this value is set through the helper variable _conf, which indeed is given a default value of 'equilateral'. The plot shows the full bispectrum \(B\) in the upper panel and the reduced bispectrum \(Q\) in the lower panel. Both the simulation results and the theoretical tree-level predictions are shown for both \(B\) and \(Q\). All of these are made available in the bispectrum data files due to them being enabled in the bispec_select parameter in the parameter file.

While the intermediary (\(a = 0.3\)) bispectrum seems to agree reasonably well with the tree-level prediction, the final (\(a = 1\)) bispectrum has grown beyond the tree-level prediction as a result of the non-linear gravity applied throughout the simulation. The initial (\(a = a_{\text{begin}} = 0.02\)) bispectrum looks very bad in comparison, which is caused by the low bispectrum signal mostly drowning in noise.


It may appear that only a single tree-level prediction is shown for the reduced bispectrum \(Q\) in the lower panel, but this is really due to this value being very close to time-independent (and approximately equal to \(\frac{4}{7}\) for the case of the equilateral bispectrum).

Precision through averages

To help with the noise issue (especially noticeable at early times), we can fix the amplitudes for the primordial random noise to all have the value of the ensemble average. For this we use the primordial_amplitude_fixed parameter, already present in the parameter file but set to False. Change this to True, rerun the simulation and update the plot.

While simply fixing the primordial amplitudes works wonders for the power spectrum, its usefulness for the bispectrum may not be so evident. The true strength of the fixed amplitudes comes when we combine two such simulations, having primordial noise which is completely out of phase with each other. That is, we now want to run a partner-simulation also with fixed amplitudes, but with the phases shifted by \(\require{upgreek}\uppi\). For this we can use the primordial_phase_shift parameter, which in the parameter file above is controlled through the _shift helper variable:

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-8 \
    -c "_shift = π"

Running the above does not overwrite the existing results, but dumps the new output into a separate subdirectory in accordance with the shift. If you now compare the automatically generated bispectrum plot at the initial time (output/tutorial-8/1LPT/seed0_shift0/equilateral/bispec_a=0.02.png) of the non-shifted simulation with that of the shifted simulation, you will find that the two bispectra almost look like each others negative (dashed pieces of the coloured line indicate negative \(B\)). Averaging them together will thus cancel out much of the noise, resulting in a much better measurement of the true matter bispectrum inherent to the cosmology under consideration. In fact, the plotting script is set up to do exactly that! Rerun the plotting script to now make plot_equilateral.png much nicer, especially at early times.

While the primordial amplitudes are kept fixed, the phases are still being randomly drawn. We can thus further reduce the noise in the bispectrum by increasing the number of phases. We could do this by increasing the simulation size, but we may instead choose to carry out the simulations multiple times over, each time making use of a different set of random primordial phases, again with the intent of averaging together their individual bispectra. The various random seeds used by CONCEPT live within the random_seeds parameter, with 'primordial phases' being the seed of interest currently. Furthermore, our parameter file is set up to construct this seed based on a _seed helper variable. To increase the precision of our final bispectrum significantly, let us perform three additional paired simulations, i.e. make use of three additional seeds, with two anti-correlated (“paired”) simulations being carried out for each such seed:

for seed in 1 2 3; do
    for shift in 0 π; do
        ./concept \
            -p param/tutorial-8 \
            -c "_seed = $seed" \
            -c "_shift = $shift"

Once all simulations are complete, update the plot. The bispectrum should now have become decently smooth at all three times, possibly with some numerical artefacts at the high and/or low \(k\) end. It is now very clear that the initial bispectrum falls short of the tree-level value, implying that the particle system is not initialised in a manner that respects this theoretical prediction.

Second-order Lagrangian perturbation theory initial conditions

The reason for the mismatch between the simulation initial conditions and the perturbative tree-level prediction is that the former makes use of first-order (Lagrangian) perturbation theory while the latter is a second-order result. By default, CONCEPT uses first-order Lagrangian perturbation theory (1LPT) to assign initial particle positions and momenta (through what is often referred to as the Zel’dovich approximation), though second-order (2LPT) corrections can optionally be applied on top. The order of LPT to use is specified by the 'LPT' sub-parameter of the realization_options parameter, which defaults to 1. In our parameter file, this is controlled through the _lpt helper variable.

To see what difference switching out 1LPT for 2LPT has on the initial as well as the later bispectra, we should run all \(4\times 2\) simulations again, this time with _lpt = 2:

for seed in 0 1 2 3; do
    for shift in 0 π; do
        ./concept \
            -p param/tutorial-8 \
            -c "_seed = $seed" \
            -c "_shift = $shift" \
            -c "_lpt = 2"

Once again, these new results will not overwrite any of the old. While you can in fact update the plot continually while the above simulations are busy being carried out, you should suspend any judgement until they are all complete. The 2LPT results will appear as dashed lines.

With the plot updated following the completion of every simulation, we see that opting for 2LPT indeed leads to excellent agreement with the tree-level prediction at the initial time. At later times, the (relative) difference in the simulation bispectra for 1LPT and 2LPT becomes less pronounced. We also see that the simulation bispectrum follows the tree-level prediction closely up until rather late times, before outgrowing it at the larger \(k\) values.

Since using 1LPT lands us on the desired linear power spectrum at the initial time, we might fear that opting for 2LPT ruins this behaviour. We can check this by comparing the automatically generated powerspec_a=0.02.png plot within any of the subdirectories of output/tutorial-8/1LPT with one from the subdirectories of output/tutorial-8/2LPT (the seed and shift does not matter much for the initial power spectrum, due to primordial_amplitude_fixed = True). They should appear completely indistinguishable, demonstrating that the 2LPT corrections leaves the 1LPT power spectrum invariant (at least for the large/intermediary scales we are working with here).

If you would like to see still better convergence of the bispectrum, feel free to run even more paired simulations with different seeds (using 2LPT, 1LPT, or both).


CONCEPT further implements 3LPT, which given our parameter file you can enable via _lpt = 3. The changes to the bispectrum when upgrading from 2LPT to 3LPT are however much less dramatic than the changes from 1LPT to 2LPT. In fact, given the parameters set in our parameter file, the difference will be virtually impossible to see from the plots generated by our plotting script. For 3LPT to be a significant improvement upon 2LPT, we need to initialise later and/or simulate smaller scales than what we have just done. For example, changing to a_begin = 0.08 and boxsize = 128*Mpc and then rerunning everything using _lpt = 1, _lpt = 2 and _lpt = 3, differences between 2LPT and 3LPT will show up in the generated plot at high \(k\).

Other bispectrum configurations

Let us now consider bispectrum configurations different from the equilateral case. Another commonly studied case is that of the “squeezed” bispectrum, where one of the triangle legs (one of the three \(k\) values) is much smaller than the other two. The configuration to use is controlled by the 'configuration' sub-parameter of the bispec_options parameter, which in the above parameter file is controlled through the _conf helper variable. We could rerun the many simulations in a manner similar to what we did above (now with _conf = 'squeezed' included), but we can save time by computing the bispectra directly off of the snapshots dumped during the 2LPT runs (that’s right; all of the 2LPT simulations sneakily dumped snapshots as well!).

In order to compute bispectra directly from the snapshots, we shall make use of the bispec utility:

./concept \
    -u bispec \
    -p param/tutorial-8 \
    -c "_conf = 'squeezed'" \

(possibly with the inclusion of -n). Note that the above will compute the squeezed bispectrum for all snapshots produced by the 2LPT runs. For a given snapshot, the output files produced by the bispec utility will be placed in the directory containing said snapshot. That is, they will not all be neatly collected into a separate subdirectory named squeezed, next to the already existing equilateral subdirectory. Let’s organise the squeezed bispectra appropriately ourselves, then:

organise() {
        cd output/tutorial-8/2LPT \
        && for d in *; do \
            cd $d \
            && mkdir -p $1 \
            && mv bispec* $1/ \
            && cd ..
organise squeezed

If you now take a look at the contents of the output/tutorial-8/2LPT directory, each subdirectory should have equilateral and squeezed bispectrum files neatly sorted into separate further subdirectories.

Rerunning the plotting script, we now additionally get plot_squeezed.png, showing only the 2LPT (as we did not compute the squeezed bispectra for the 1LPT simulations) results together with their tree-level predictions. Looking at the lower \(Q\) panel, the agreement between the simulation measurements and the tree-level predictions does not appear to be as good as for the equilateral configurations. From this it is clear that we cannot generally expect our simulations to be initialised with a bispectrum matching the tree-level prediction for a general triangle configuration, even when using 2LPT. The striking agreement we found for the equilateral configurations then appears even more incredible. Looking at the upper \(B\) panel of plot_squeezed.png, we see that the simulation and theory results do manage to closely follow each other over many orders of magnitude.


To specify a given triangle configuration, CONCEPT uses the \((k, t, \mu)\) parametrisation, related to the side lengths of the triangle \((k_1, k_2, k_3)\) through

\[\begin{split}k &\equiv k_1\,,\\ t &\equiv \frac{k_2}{k_1}\,,\\ \mu &\equiv \frac{k_1^2 + k_2^2 - k_3^2}{2k_1k_2}\,.\end{split}\]

Here \(k\) specifies the overall size of the triangle, while \(t\) and \(\mu\) together specify the shape. The equilateral configuration \(k_1 = k_2 = k_3\) thus corresponds to \(t = 1\), \(\mu = \frac{1}{2}\), leaving \(k\) to be varied. The squeezed limit is defined by \(k_3 = 0\) and thus \(k_1 = k_2\), corresponding to \(t = 1\), \(\mu = 1\). At this very limit, the \(k_3\) shell contains no modes and so no measurement of the bispectrum can be performed. A slight deviation from the true squeezed limit thus has to be made, with CONCEPT choosing to use \(\mu = 0.99\).

The first three columns of the bispectrum data files contain \(k\), \(t\) and \(\mu\), respectively.

For further details on the \((k, t, \mu)\) parametrisation used for the various pre-defined configurations in CONCEPT, see the bispec_options parameter.

Using the same snapshots as before, we can compute the bispectrum for yet another class of configurations. Let’s choose “S-isosceles”:

./concept \
    -u bispec \
    -p param/tutorial-8 \
    -c "_conf = '$conf'" \
    output/tutorial-8/2LPT/* \
&& organise $conf \
&& ./concept -m output/tutorial-8/plot.py

Note that the above includes the bispectrum measurements, file organisation and subsequent plotting. Once completed, plot_S-isosceles.png will have appeared. This plot is qualitatively different from the equilateral and squeezed plots, as now the configuration subspace is two-dimensional, with both \(k\) and \(\mu\) varying. In fact, “S-isosceles” is defined through \(\frac{1}{2} \le t \le 1\), \(\mu = (2t)^{-1}\) (or equivalently \(k_1 \ge k_2 = k_3\)), meaning that \(t\) varies as well, but in a manner dependent on \(\mu\). The simulation results are shown in this plot as shaded regions, with the colours corresponding to \(B\) and \(Q\) values as indicated by the colorbars. The tree-level predictions are shown on top with dashed, black contour lines. Though it can be difficult to see, each dashed tree-level line further consists of a full, coloured line (drawn underneath), with the colour again corresponding to the value via the colorbars. For the lower \(Q\) panels, the colours of the tree-level lines appear more clearly on top of the shaded regions (especially toward high \(\mu\)), indicating a significant difference between the simulation and tree-level \(Q\) value. Conversely, the fact that the colour of the tree-level lines does not stand out on top of the upper shaded regions tells us that the tree-level and simulation results for \(B\) agree well. As expected, the simulation results start to clearly deviate from the tree-level prediction at late times, as seen in the upper right panel.

Let us measure the bispectrum for yet another two-dimensional configuration subspace, say that of “elongated” triangles, meaning triangles with no enclosed area; \(\frac{1}{2} \le t \le 1\), \(\mu = 1\) (or equivalently \(k_1 = k_2 + k_3\)).


In the literature, “elongated” configurations are also sometimes referred to as “flattened”, “folded” or “linear”.

Perform the bispectrum measurements in the usual manner:

./concept \
    -u bispec \
    -p param/tutorial-8 \
    -c "_conf = '$conf'" \
    output/tutorial-8/2LPT/* \
&& organise $conf \
&& ./concept -m output/tutorial-8/plot.py

The resulting plot_elongated.png will again show two-dimensional subplots, though this time with \(t\) as the second independent variable. We again see reasonable agreement between the simulation and tree-level results, though not quite as stunning as for S-isosceles. Most strikingly though, a significant chunk of parameter space is missing, corresponding to low \(k\) and high \(t\). Though this part in fact belongs to the elongated subspace of the full triangle configuration space, it has been excluded due to \(k_3\) being dangerously small, leading to measurements of \(B\) being much less accurate here.

You are encouraged to explore even more triangle configurations on your own. The plotting script will recognize the following configurations:

  • elongated

  • equilateral

  • isosceles-right

  • L-isosceles

  • right

  • S-isosceles

  • squeezed

  • stretched

To learn more about the different bispectrum configurations available in CONCEPT — including completely general, manual configuration specification — consult the documentation for the bispec_options parameter.