7. Beyond matter-only simulations

If you’ve followed this tutorial so far, you’re now fully capable of using CONCEPT for running matter-only simulations. More exotic simulations — taking additional species into account — are also possible, as this section will demonstrate.

To assess the effects resulting from including non-matter species, we shall perform a slew of simulations throughout this section. As most effects are small, we shall also learn how to improve the precision in different circumstances, introducing several new parameters. If you have no interest in any of this, feel free to skip this section, as it’s rather lengthy and more technical than the previous sections of this tutorial.

Each subsection below tackles a separate species/subject. Though you might be interested in only one of these, it’s highly recommended to go through them in order, as they build upon each other. Though each subsection deals with a particular species in isolation, these may be mixed and matched at will when running simulations.

7.1. Radiation


Though universes of interest may contain several different species, in cosmological N-body simulations we are typically interested in following the evolution of the matter component only, as this is the only component which is non-linear at cosmological scales. Even so, we may wish to not neglect the small gravitational effects on matter from the other, linear species. We can do this by solving the given cosmology (including the matter) in linear perturbation theory ahead of time, and then feed the linear gravitational field from all species but matter to the N-body simulation, applying the otherwise missing gravity as an external force.

CONCEPT uses the CLASS code to solve the equations of linear perturbation theory. For details on how the linear perturbations are applied to the N-body particles during the simulation, we refer to the paper on ‘Fully relativistic treatment of light neutrinos in 𝘕-body simulations’.

We begin our exploration by performing a standard matter-only simulation, as specified by the below parameter file:

param/tutorial-7.1 \(\,\) (radiation)
# Non-parameter helper variable used to control the size of the simulation
_size = 192

# Input/output
initial_conditions = [
    # Non-linear matter particles
        'species': 'matter',
        'N'      : _size**3,
]for _species in _lin.split(','):    if not _species:        continue    initial_conditions.append(        # Linear fluid component(s)        {            'species'        : _species,            'gridsize'       : _size,            'boltzmann order': -1,        }    )output_dirs = {
    'powerspec': f'{path.output_dir}/{param}',
output_bases = {
    'powerspec': f'powerspec{_lin=}'
        .replace(' ', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", ''),
output_times = {
    'powerspec': 2*a_begin,

# Numerics
boxsize = 4*Gpcpotential_options = {    'gridsize': {        'gravity': {            'pm' :   _size,            'p3m': 2*_size,        },    },}
# Cosmology
H0      = 67*km/(s*Mpc)
Ωb      = 0.049
Ωcdm    = 0.27
a_begin = 0.01

# Non-parameter helper variable used to specify linear components.
# Should be supplied as a command-line parameter._lin = ''

As usual, save the parameters as e.g. param/tutorial-7.1, then run the simulation:

./concept -p param/tutorial-7.1

possibly with the addition of -n 4 or some other number of processes.


The remainder of this section of the tutorial leaves out explicit mention of the -n option to concept invocations. Please add whatever number of processes you would like yourself. To always use e.g. 4 processes, you may set the CONCEPT_nprocs environment variable:

export CONCEPT_nprocs=4

A relatively large number of particles \(N = 192^3\) is used in order to increase the precision of the simulation. Our goal is to investigate the effects from radiation perturbations, which are most pronounced at very large scales and early times — hence the large boxsize and early output time. The unfamiliar parameter specifications will be explained in due time.


Do not fret if the above parameter file — and those to come further down in this section — looks complicated. They are more complicated than normal parameter files, because here a single parameter file is designed to be used for several different simulations, necessitating parameter definitions being dependent on various flags.

The hunt for high precision

Investigating the resulting output/tutorial-7.1/powerspec_lin=_a=0.02.png you should see a familiar looking simulation power spectrum: decently looking at intermediary \(k\), inaccurate at small \(k\) and with obvious numerical artefacts at large \(k\). As we are interested in fine details at low \(k\), we need to improve the precision here. We can do so by adding

primordial_amplitude_fixed = True

to the parameter file and rerunning the simulation. This has the effect of replacing the uncorrelated random amplitudes of the primordial noise used to generate the initial conditions with amplitudes that are all of the same size. With this change, powerspec_lin=_a=0.02.png should look much better at low \(k\) (larger \(k\) are not very affected by this, as here many more \(\boldsymbol{k}\) with the same magnitude \(|\boldsymbol{k}|=k\) goes into producing each data point (recorded in the modes column in the power spectrum data file), reducing errors arising due to small number statistics).

We expect the evolution of the N-body particles to be completely linear at these large scales and early times, and so we may use the difference between the simulation and linear power spectrum as a measure for the error in the simulation. To better see this difference, we shall make use of the below plotting script:

output/tutorial-7.1/plot.py \(\,\) (radiation)
import glob, os, re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Read in data
this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
ks = {}
P_sims = {}
P_cors = {}
P_lins = {}
for filename in sorted(glob.glob(f'{this_dir}/powerspec*'), key=os.path.getmtime):
    matches = re.findall(r'(?=_(.*?)=(.*?)_)', os.path.basename(filename))
    if not matches or filename.endswith('.png'):
    for var, val in matches:
        exec(f'{var} = "{val}"')
    P_cor = None
        k, P_sim, P_cor, P_lin = np.loadtxt(
            filename, usecols=(0, 2, 3, 4), unpack=True,
    except ValueError:
        k, P_sim, P_lin = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 2, 3), unpack=True)
    mask = ~np.isnan(P_lin)
    ks[len(k)] = k[mask]
    P_lins[len(k)] = P_lin[mask]
    if P_cor is not None:
        P_cors[len(k), lin] = P_cor[mask]
    P_sims[len(k), lin] = P_sim[mask]
# Plot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
def darken(color):
    return 0.65*np.asarray(matplotlib.colors.ColorConverter().to_rgb(color))
linestyles = ['-', '--', ':', '-.']
for i, ((lenk, lin), P_sim) in enumerate(P_sims.items()):
    linestyle = linestyles[
        sum(np.allclose(line.get_ydata()[:30], P_sim[:30], 1e-3) for line in axes[0].lines)
    k = ks[lenk]
    P_lin = P_lins[lenk]
    axes[0].loglog(k, P_sim, linestyle, color=f'C{i}', label=f'simulation: {lin = }')
    axes[1].semilogx(k, (P_sim/P_lin - 1)*100, linestyle, color=f'C{i}')
    P_cor = P_cors.get((lenk, lin))
    if P_cor is not None:
        axes[1].semilogx(k, (P_cor/P_lin - 1)*100, linestyle, color=darken(f'C{i}'))
lenk = max(ks)
k = ks[lenk]
P_lin = P_lins[lenk]
axes[0].loglog(k, P_lin, 'k--', label='linear', linewidth=1)
axes[1].semilogx(k, (P_lin/P_lin - 1)*100, 'k--', linewidth=1)
k_max = 0.5*k[-1]
axes[0].set_xlim(k[0], k_max)
axes[0].set_ylim(0.95*min(P_lin[k < k_max]), 1.05*max(P_lin[k < k_max]))
axes[1].set_ylim(-1, 1)
if P_cors:
        0.5, 0.5, '-',
        color='grey', label='raw', transform=axes[1].transAxes,
        0.5, 0.5, '-',
        color=darken('grey'), label='corrected', transform=axes[1].transAxes,
axes[1].set_xlabel(r'$k\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
axes[0].set_ylabel(r'$P\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^3]$')
axes[1].set_ylabel(r'$P_{\mathrm{simulation}}/P_{\mathrm{linear}} - 1\, [\%]$')
axes[0].tick_params('x', direction='inout', which='both')
fig.savefig(f'{this_dir}/plot.png', dpi=150)

Save the script as e.g. output/tutorial-7.1/plot.py and run it using

./concept -m output/tutorial-7.1/plot.py

This will produce output/tutorial-7.1/plot.png, where the bottom panel shows the relative error between the simulated power spectrum and that computed using purely linear theory. They should agree to within a percent at the lowest \(k\). At higher \(k\) the agreement is worse. Though this can be remedied by increasing the resolution of the simulation (e.g. by increasing _size), we shall not do so here, as we focus on the lower \(k\) only.

The power spectra outputted by the simulation are binned logarithmically in \(k\). This is usually desirable, though higher precision at the lowest \(k\) can be achieved by leaving out this binning. The number of bins per decade — among many other specifics — is controlled through the powerspec_options parameter. Disabling the binning can be achieved by requesting an infinite number of bins per decade. Add

powerspec_options = {
    'bins per decade': inf,

to the parameter file, then rerun the simulation and the plotting script. Though the simulation power spectrum generally becomes more jagged, you should observe better agreement with linear theory at low \(k\).

Including linear species

With our high-precision setup established, we are ready to start experimenting with adding in the missing species to the simulation, hopefully leading to better agreement with linear theory on the largest scales. To keep the clutter within output/tutorial-7.1 to a minimum, go ahead and add

powerspec_select = {
    'matter': {'data': True, 'linear': True, 'plot': False},

to the parameter file before continuing.

The inhomogeneities in the CMB causes a slight gravitational tug on matter, perturbing its evolution. To add this effect to the simulation, we need to add a photon component. This could look like (do not change the parameter file)

initial_conditions = [
    # Non-linear matter particles
        'species': 'matter',
        'N'      : _size**3,
    # Linear photon fluid
        'species'        : 'photon',
        'gridsize'       : _size,
        'boltzmann order': -1,

We do not want to model the photons using N-body particles, but rather as a collection of spatially fixed grids, storing the energy density, momentum density, etc. This is referred to as the fluid representation — as opposed to the particle representation — and is generally preferable for linear components. To represent the photon component as a fluid, we specify 'gridsize' in place of 'N', where 'gridsize' is the number of grid cells along each dimension, for the cubic fluid grids. Finally, the number of fluid quantities — and corresponding grids — to take into account is implicitly specified by the Boltzmann order. As is customary in linear perturbation theory, we transform the Boltzmann equation for a given species into an infinite hierarchy of multipole moments \(\ell \geq 0\). We then partition this hierarchy in two; a non-linear part \(\ell \leq \ell_{\text{nl}}\) and a linear part \(\ell > \ell_{\text{nl}}\), where \(\ell_{\text{nl}}\) is precisely the Boltzmann order. A few examples shall illuminate this concept:

  • Boltzmann order 0: The evolution equation for the lowest moment (i.e. the continuity equation for the energy density) is solved non-linearly during the simulation, while higher moments like momentum density (on which the energy density depends) are solved in pure linear theory.

  • Boltzmann order 1: The evolution equations for the two lowest moments (i.e. the continuity equation for the energy density and the Euler equation for the momentum density) are solved non-linearly during the simulation, while higher moments like pressure and shear (on which the energy and momentum density depends) are solved in pure linear theory.

  • Boltzmann order -1: None of the moments are treated non-linearly, i.e. this results in a purely linear component. Though the evolution of such a component is independent of the simulation, a purely linear component may still act with a force on other, non-linear components during the simulation.


Though higher Boltzmann orders are well-defined, the largest Boltzmann order currently implemented in CONCEPT is \(1\).

We shall look into Boltzmann order \(+1\) in the subsection on non-linear massive neutrinos. For now we shall keep to the purely linear case of Boltzmann order \(-1\).

For fluid components (whether linear or not), the only sensible gravitational method is that of PM. Looking at the parameter file, we see that a grid size of _size is specified for 'pm'. This must match the fluid grid size, i.e. the value specified for 'gridsize' for the fluid component in initial_conditions, so that the geometry of the grid(s) internal to the fluid component matches that of the potential grid. Now the simulation has two potential grids; one for P³M self-gravity of the matter particles (of grid size 2*_size) and one for PM one-way gravity from the linear photon fluid to the matter particles (of grid size _size).


As the PM grid size has to match the fluid grid size, you do in fact not need to specify the 'pm' item of potential_options in the parameter file. You still need to have the explicit specifications of 'gridsize', 'gravity' and 'p3m', though. Specifying simply potential_options = 2*_size sets the P³M and PM grid size to 2*_size, which fails for our fluid with grid size _size.

The parameter file has already been set up to include optional linear fluid components, using the _lin command-line parameter. To perform a simulation with the inclusion of linear photons, run

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.1 \
    -c "_lin = 'photon'"


Note that the _lin helper variable is defined at the bottom of the parameter file to have an empty value (leading to no linear species being included). As this is placed after all actual parameters, this defines a default value which is used when _lin is not given as a command-line parameter. As _size is defined at the top, supplying _size as a command-line parameter will have no effect.

Now redo the plot, and the results of both the matter-only and the matter + photon simulation should appear. The plot will show that — sadly — including the photons does not lead to better large-scale behaviour.

CONCEPT delegates all linear (and background) computations to the CLASS code. Though we have specified \(H_0\), \(\Omega_{\text{b}}\) and \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}}\) in the parameter file, many cosmological parameters are still left unspecified. Here the default CLASS parameters are used, which in addition to baryons, cold dark matter and photons also contain massless neutrinos. With our hope renewed, let’s run a simulation which includes both linear photons and linear massless neutrinos:

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.1 \
    -c "_lin = 'photon, massless neutrino'"

Redoing the plot, we discover that including the neutrinos made the disagreement between the simulation and linear theory even larger!

The gravity applied to the non-linear matter particles from the linear photon and neutrino fluids is the Newtonian gravity, i.e. that which results from their energy densities. By contrast, the linear theory computation includes full general relativistic gravity, meaning that we have still to account for the gravitational effects due to the momentum density, pressure and shear of the photons and neutrinos. As this part of gravity amounts to a general relativistic correction, we shall refer to it as the metric contribution. That is, we invent a new numerical species, the metric, containing the collective non-Newtonian gravitational effects due to all physical species. As demonstrated in the paper on ‘Fully relativistic treatment of light neutrinos in 𝘕-body simulations’, this metric species might be numerically realised as a (fictitious) linear energy density field, the Newtonian gravity from which implements exactly the missing general relativistic corrections.


For the metric species to be able to supply the correct force, the entire simulation must be performed in a particular gauge; the N-body gauge. That is, initial conditions for non-linear species as well as linear input during the simulation must all be in this gauge. This is the default gauge employed by CONCEPT, though other gauges are available as well. Note that all outputs are similarly in this gauge, including non-linear (CONCEPT) and linear (CLASS) power spectra. Direct comparison to output from other N-body codes (which often do not define a gauge at all) is generally perfectly doable, as the choice of gauge only becomes aparrent at very large scales.

To finally run a simulation which includes the gravitational effects from photons and neutrinos in their entirety, run

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.1 \
    -c "_lin = 'photon, massless neutrino, metric'"

Re-plotting, you should see a much better behaved simulation power spectrum at large scales, agreeing with linear theory to well within 0.1%.

Combining species

If you’ve read along in the terminal output during the simulations, you may have noticed that the energy density, \(\varrho\), of each of the linear species are realised in turn. We can save some time and memory by treating all linear species as a single, collective component. To specify this, we would normally write e.g.

initial_conditions = [
    # Non-linear matter particles
        'species': 'matter',
        'N'      : _size**3,
    # Linear fluid component
        'species'        : 'photon + massless neutrino + metric',
        'gridsize'       : _size,
        'boltzmann order': -1,

Using our clever parameter file however, we may specify this directly at the command-line using

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.1 \
    -c "_lin = 'photon + massless neutrino + metric'"

This idea of combining species is embraced fully by CONCEPT. As such, the species 'photon + massless neutrino' may be collectively referred to simply as 'radiation'. Thus,

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.1 \
    -c "_lin = 'radiation + metric'"

works just as well. You are encouraged to run at least one of the above and check that you obtain the same result as before.

You are in fact already familiar with the idea of combining species, as 'matter' really means 'baryon + cold dark matter'.


When performing simulations in a cosmology without massless neutrinos, specifying 'photon + massless neutrino' as the species of a component will produce an error. However, specifying 'radiation' is always safe, as this dynamically maps to the set of all radiation species present in the current cosmology, whatever this may be. Similarly, 'matter' is safe to use even in a cosmology without e.g. cold dark matter.

Noise-corrected power spectra

With confidence in the linear corrections, let us now go back to using binned power spectra (the standard). That is, remove the powerspec_options parameter — which you introduced earlier — from the parameter file. Further add corrected non-linear power spectra to the desired output, by changing powerspec_select to

powerspec_select = {
    'matter': {'data': True, 'corrected': True, 'linear': True, 'plot': False},

inside the parameter file. Now perform one last simulation, including the necessary linear corrections;

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.1 \
    -c "_lin = 'radiation + metric'"

After updating the plot yet again, you should find that you are able to obtain excellent agreement with linear theory with the binned spectra as well, when using the noise-corrected version of the power spectrum.


The corrected simulation power spectrum is obtained from the “raw” simulation power spectrum, with noise due to the binning as well as noise due the current realization (cosmic variance) reduced.

To better disentangle the effects of the linear corrections from those of the corrected power spectrum, you may further wish to rerun the simulation without any linear corrections, keeping the corrected power spectrum output enabled.

7.2. Massive neutrinos

The previous subsection demonstrated how simulations of matter can be made to agree extremely well with linear theory at linear scales, if we include the gravitational contributions from the otherwise missing species, which were treated linearly. We did this by comparing the simulated power spectrum directly to the linear one, for the same cosmology.

With confidence in the strategy of including linear species, let’s now look at the relative difference in matter power between two separate cosmologies, with and without the inclusion of linear species. As dividing one simulated power spectrum by another cancels out much of the numerical noise, this time we can obtain high accuracy without using any of the tricks from the previous subsection.

Our aim shall be to compute the effect on the matter power spectrum caused by neglecting the fact that neutrinos really do have mass, albeit small. If you wish to study the underlying theory as well as the implementation in CONCEPT, we refer to the paper on ‘Fully relativistic treatment of light neutrinos in 𝘕-body simulations’.

Adding massive neutrinos to the background cosmology

To compute the effect on the matter power spectrum caused by neglecting the fact that neutrinos do have some mass, we shall make use of the below parameter file:

param/tutorial-7.2 \(\,\) (massive neutrinos)
# Non-parameter helper variable used to control the size of the simulation
_size = 80

# Input/output
initial_conditions = [
    # Non-linear matter particles
        'species': 'matter',
        'N'      : _size**3,
for _species in _lin.split(','):
    if not _species:
        # Linear fluid component(s)
            'species'        : _species,
            'gridsize'       : _size,
            'boltzmann order': -1,
output_dirs = {
    'powerspec': f'{path.output_dir}/{param}',
output_bases = {
    'powerspec': f'powerspec{_mass=}{_lin=}'
        .replace(' ', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", ''),
output_times = {
    'powerspec': 1,
powerspec_select = {
    'matter': {'data': True, 'linear': True, 'plot': False},

# Numerics
boxsize = 1.4*Gpc
potential_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'gravity': {
            'p3m': 2*_size,

# Cosmology
H0      = 67*km/(s*Mpc)
Ωb      = 0.049Ωcdm    = 0.27 - Ωνa_begin = 0.01class_params = {    # Disable massless neutrinos    'N_ur': 0,    # Add 3 massive neutrinos of equal mass    'N_ncdm'  : 1,    'deg_ncdm': 3,    'm_ncdm'  : max(_mass/3, 1e-100),  # avoid exact value of 0.0}
# Non-parameter helper variables which should
# be supplied as command-line parameters._mass = 0   # sum of neutrino masses in eV_lin  = ''  # linear species to include

You may want to save this as e.g. param/tutorial-7.2 and get a simulation going — of course using

./concept -p param/tutorial-7.2

— while you read on.

The new elements appearing in the parameter file are:

  • The class_params parameter has been added. Items defined within class_params are passed onto CLASS and are thus used for the background and linear computations. That is, class_params is used to change the cosmology deployed within the CONCEPT simulation away from the default cosmology as defined by CLASS.

    As with CONCEPT itself, a vast number of CLASS parameters exist. The best source for exploring these is probably the explanatory.ini example CLASS parameter file, which also lists default values.


    As \(H_0\) (H0), \(\Omega_{\text{b}}\) (Ωb) and \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}}\) (Ωcdm) already exists as CONCEPT parameters, these should never be specified explicitly within class_params.

    Of interest to us now are 'N_ur' and 'N_ncdm'; the number of ultra-relativistic species (massless neutrinos) and non-cold dark matter species (massive neutrinos). In the above parameter specifications, we switch out the default use of massless neutrinos with one ('N_ncdm': 1) 3-times degenerate ('deg_ncdm': 3) massive neutrino, which really amounts to three separate neutrinos but all of the same mass ('m_ncdm').

  • Besides _lin, another command-line parameter _mass is now in play. This is the sum of neutrino masses \(\sum m_\nu\), in eV. As we have three neutrinos of equal mass, the neutrino mass 'm_ncdm' is set to _mass/3.

    We can in fact obtain massless neutrinos in CLASS using the ‘ncdm’ species by setting 'm_ncdm' to zero. To avoid potential safeguards employed by CLASS, we ensure that a specified value of exactly 0.0 gets replaced by a tiny but non-zero number (here \(10^{-100}\)).

  • As you may gather from the name ‘non-cold dark matter’, the massive neutrinos behave like unrelativistic dark matter during most if not all of the simulation time span (unless _mass is set very low). When specifying the amount of dark matter in the cosmology, one may then choose to state \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}} + \Omega_\nu\) instead of \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}}\) alone. Since \(\Omega_\nu\) is implicitly fixed by the choice of neutrino masses (and a few other parameters), this means that \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}}\) can no longer be chosen freely. Rather, if we want the total dark matter energy density parameter to equal e.g. 0.27, \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}} + \Omega_{\nu} = 0.27\), we must specify Ωcdm = 0.27 - Ων, as is done in the above parameter file. Just like h is automatically inferred from H0, so is Ων automatically inferred from class_params. As this latter inference is non-trivial, the resulting Ων is written to the terminal at the beginning of the simulation.

Once the first simulation — with a cosmology including three “massive” neutrinos of zero mass — is done, run a simulation with e.g. \(\sum m_\nu = 0.1\, \text{eV}\):

./concept \
   -p param/tutorial-7.2 \
   -c "_mass = 0.1"

With both simulations done, we can plot their relative power spectrum. To do this, you should make use of the following script:

output/tutorial-7.2/plot.py \(\,\) (massive neutrinos)
import glob, os, re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Read in data
this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
P_sims, P_lins = {}, {}
for filename in sorted(glob.glob(f'{this_dir}/powerspec*'), key=os.path.getmtime):
    matches = re.findall(r'(?=_(.*?)=(.*?)_)', os.path.basename(filename))
    if not matches or filename.endswith('.png'):
    for var, val in matches:
            exec(f'{var} = {val}')
        except Exception:
            exec(f'{var} = "{val}"')
    k, P_sim, P_lin = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 2, 3), unpack=True)
    mask = ~np.isnan(P_lin)
    P_sims[mass, lin] = P_sim[mask]
    P_lins[mass     ] = P_lin[mask]
k = k[mask]

# Plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for (mass, lin), P_sim in P_sims.items():
    if not mass:
    mass_nonzero = mass
    P_sim_ref = P_sims.get((0, lin))
    if P_sim_ref is not None:
        ax.semilogx(k, (P_sim/P_sim_ref - 1)*100,
            label=f'simulation: {mass = } eV, {lin = }',
ax.semilogx(k, (P_lins[mass_nonzero]/P_lins[0] - 1)*100, 'k--',
    label='linear', linewidth=1,
ax.set_xlim(k[0], k[-1])
ax.set_xlabel(r'$k\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
    rf'$P_{{\Sigma m_\nu = {mass_nonzero}\, \mathrm{{eV}}}}'
    rf'/P_{{\Sigma m_\nu = 0}} - 1\, [\%]$'
fig.savefig(f'{this_dir}/plot.png', dpi=150)

As usual, to run the script, save it as e.g. output/tutorial-7.2/plot.py and invoke

./concept -m output/tutorial-7.2/plot.py

The resulting output/tutorial-7.2/plot.png should show that letting the neutrinos have mass results in a few percent suppression of the matter power spectrum. At intermediary \(k\) the simulation and linear relative power spectra agree, whereas they do not for the smallest and largest \(k\). In the case of large \(k\), you should see that the non-linear solution forms a trough below the linear one, before rising up above it near the largest \(k\) shown. This is the well-known non-linear suppression dip, the low-\(k\) end of which marks the beginning of the non-linear regime. We thus trust the simulated results at the high-\(k\) end of the plot, while we trust the linear results at the low-\(k\) end.

Adding gravitation from massive neutrinos

The hope is now to be able to correct the simulated relative power spectrum at low \(k\) by including the missing species to the simulation, without this altering the high-\(k\) behaviour. Besides 'massive neutrino', we should not forget about 'photon' and 'metric'. Note that 'massive neutrino' is not considered part of 'radiation'. We can however just write 'neutrino', as this refers to all neutrinos (massive (‘ncdm’) as well as massless (‘ur’)) present in the cosmology. To rerun both cosmologies with all linear species included, we might call concept within a Bash for-loop:

for mass in 0 0.1; do
    ./concept \
        -p param/tutorial-7.2 \
        -c "_mass = $mass" \
        -c "_lin = 'photon + neutrino + metric'"

Once completed, redo the plot. You should find that including the linear species did indeed correct the large-scale behaviour while leaving the small-scale behaviour intact.

Tweaking the CLASS computation

Though better agreement with linear theory is achieved after the inclusion of the linear species, the relative spectrum is now also more jagged. This added noise stems from the massive neutrinos, the evolution of which is not solved perfectly by CLASS. A large set of general and massive neutrino specific CLASS precision parameters exist, which can remedy this problem.

Here we shall look at just one such CLASS parameter; 'evolver'. This sets the ODE solver to be used by CLASS, and may be either 0 (Runge-Kutta Cash-Karp) or 1 (ndf15, the default). For high-precision CLASS computations used for N-body simulations, it is generally preferable to switch to the Runge-Kutta solver. To do this, just add

# Use the Runge-Kutta evolver
'evolver': 0,

to the class_params in the parameter file.

With this change, rerun the two simulations with linear species included (you may also rerun all four simulations, but the matter-only ones are hardly affected by the change to 'evolver'). After re-plotting, the simulated relative power spectrum should have been smoothed out at low \(k\), showing excellent agreement with the linear prediction.

7.3. Dynamical dark energy

This subsection investigates how to perform simulations where dark energy is dynamic, specifically using the equation of state \(w(a) = w_0 + (1 - a)w_a\). Beyond just changing the background evolution, having \(w \neq -1\) also causes perturbations within the dark energy, leading to an additional gravitational tug. If you’re interested in the physics of dark energy perturbations as well as their implementation in CONCEPT, we refer to the paper on ‘Dark energy perturbations in 𝘕-body simulations’.

Cosmological constant \(\Lambda\)

So far, this tutorial has mentioned nothing about dark energy, but really it has been there all along, as a cosmological constant \(\Lambda\) affecting the background evolution.

CONCEPT assumes the universe to be flat; \(\sum_\alpha \Omega_\alpha = 1\), \(\alpha\) running over all species. Written out in the standard cosmologies we have looked at thus far, this looks like

\[ \Omega_{\text{b}} + \Omega_{\text{cdm}} + \Omega_{\gamma} + \Omega_{\nu} + \Omega_{\Lambda} = 1\, ,\]

where \(\Omega_{\text{b}}\) and \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}}\) are defined through the Ωb and Ωcdm CONCEPT parameters, while \(\Omega_{\gamma}\) (photons) and \(\Omega_{\nu}\) (massless and massive neutrinos) are defined through CLASS parameters (typically, \(\Omega_{\gamma}\) is defined implicitly through the CMB temperature class_params['T_cmb'] while \(\Omega_{\nu}\) is defined implicitly through the effective number of massless neutrino species class_params['N_ur'], the number of massive neutrino species class_params['N_ncdm'] and class_params['deg_ncdm'], their masses class_params['m_ncdm'] and temperatures class_params['T_ncdm']). The remaining dark energy density \(\Omega_{\Lambda}\) is simply chosen as to ensure a flat universe.

Though \(\Lambda\) is present, it does not tug on the matter (or anything else) as it remains completely homogeneous throughout time, which is why we never need to include it as a linear species.

Dynamical dark energy

We can set \(w_0\) and \(w_a\) through the CLASS parameters 'w0_fld' and 'wa_fld'. In CLASS, the cosmological constant is implemented as a separate species, rather than as the special case \(w_0 = -1\), \(w_a = 0\) of the dynamical dark energy species (in CLASS called ‘fld’ for dark energy fluid). To disable the cosmological constant, set the 'Omega_Lambda' CLASS parameter to 0. In total, specifying dynamical dark energy could then look like

class_params = {
    # Disable cosmological constant
    'Omega_Lambda': 0,
    # Dark energy fluid parameters
    'w0_fld': -0.7,
    'wa_fld': 0,

To test the effect on the matter from switching from \(\Lambda\) to dynamical dark energy (here \(w_0 = -1\, \rightarrow\, w_0 = -0.7\)), we shall make use of the following parameter file, which you should save as e.g. param/tutorial-7.3:

param/tutorial-7.3 \(\,\) (dynamical dark energy)
# Non-parameter helper variable used to control the size of the simulation
_size = 128

# Input/output
initial_conditions = [
    # Non-linear matter particles
        'species': 'matter',
        'N'      : _size**3,
for _species in _lin.split(','):
    if not _species:
        # Linear fluid component(s)
            'species'        : _species,
            'gridsize'       : _size,
            'boltzmann order': -1,
output_dirs = {
    'powerspec': f'{path.output_dir}/{param}',
output_bases = {
    'powerspec': f'powerspec{_de=}{_lin=}'
        .replace(' ', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", ''),
output_times = {
    'powerspec': 1,
powerspec_select = {
    'matter': {'data': True, 'linear': True, 'plot': False},

# Numerics
boxsize = 3*Gpc
potential_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'gravity': {
            'p3m': 2*_size,

# Cosmology
H0      = 67*km/(s*Mpc)
Ωb      = 0.049
Ωcdm    = 0.27
a_begin = 0.1if _de != 'Lambda':    class_params = {        # Disable cosmological constant        'Omega_Lambda': 0,        # Dark energy fluid parameters        'w0_fld' : -0.7,        'wa_fld' : 0,        'cs2_fld': 0.01,    }
# SimulationΔt_base_background_factor = 2Δt_base_nonlinear_factor  = 2N_rungs                   = 1
# Non-parameter helper variables which should
# be supplied as command-line parameters._de  = 'Lambda'  # type of dark energy_lin = ''        # linear species to include

The parameter file is set up to use \(\Lambda\) by default, while dynamical dark energy is enabled by supplying -c "_de = 'dynamical'". One can also supply -c "_de = 'Lambda'" to explicitly select \(\Lambda\). Perform a simulation using both types of dark energy using

for de in Lambda dynamical; do
    ./concept \
        -p param/tutorial-7.3 \
        -c "_de = '$de'"

The parameter specifications Δt_base_background_factor = 2 and Δt_base_nonlinear_factor = 2 double the allowable time step size, while N_rungs = 1 effectively disables the adaptive time-stepping. In addition, we start the simulation rather late at a_begin = 0.1, as the effects from dark energy show up only at late times. All of this is just to speed up the simulations, as we do not require excellent precision.


The (global) time step size during the simulation is limited by a set of conditions/limiters, each classified as either a ‘background’ or a ‘non-linear’ condition. The maximum allowed time step size within each category is scaled by the Δt_base_background_factor and Δt_base_nonlinear_factor parameter, respectively.


The adaptive particle time-stepping is a feature enabled by default when using the P³M method, which assigns separate time step sizes to the different particles, allowing for small time steps in dense regions and large time steps in less dense regions, achieving both accuracy and numerical efficiency. The possible particle time step sizes are exactly the base time step size divided by \(2^n\), where \(n \in \{0, 1, 2, \dots\}\) is referred to as the rung. The number of available rungs (and thus the minimum allowed particle time step) is determined through the N_rungs parameter. With N_rungs = 1, all particles are kept fixed at rung 0, i.e. the base time step, and so no adaptive time-stepping takes place. The distribution of particles across all rungs is printed at the start of each time step, for N_rungs > 1.

To make the usual plot of the relative power spectrum — this time comparing the matter spectrum within a cosmology with a cosmological constant (\(w = -1\)) to one with dynamical dark energy (here \(w = -0.7\)) — we shall make use of the following plotting script:

output/tutorial-7.3/plot.py \(\,\) (dynamical dark energy)
import glob, os, re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Read in data
this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
P_sims, P_lins = {}, {}
for filename in sorted(glob.glob(f'{this_dir}/powerspec*'), key=os.path.getmtime):
    matches = re.findall(r'(?=_(.*?)=(.*?)_)', os.path.basename(filename))
    if not matches or filename.endswith('.png'):
    for var, val in matches:
        exec(f'{var} = "{val}"')
    k, P_sim, P_lin = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 2, 3), unpack=True)
    mask = ~np.isnan(P_lin)
    P_sims[de, lin] = P_sim[mask]
    P_lins[de     ] = P_lin[mask]
k = k[mask]

# Plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
linestyles = ['-', '--', ':', '-.']
for (de, lin), P_sim in P_sims.items():
    if de == 'Lambda':
    P_sim_ref = P_sims.get(('Lambda', lin))
    label = f'simulation: {lin = }'
    if P_sim_ref is None:
        P_sim_ref = P_sims['Lambda', '']
        label += ' (dynamical sim only)'
    P_rel = (P_sim/P_sim_ref - 1)*100
    linestyle = linestyles[
        sum(np.allclose(line.get_ydata(), P_rel, 5e-3) for line in ax.lines)
    ax.semilogx(k, P_rel, linestyle, label=label)
ax.semilogx(k, (P_lins['dynamical']/P_lins['Lambda'] - 1)*100, 'k--',
    label='linear', linewidth=1,
ax.set_xlim(k[0], k[-1])
ax.set_xlabel(r'$k\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
ax.set_ylabel(r'$P_{\mathrm{dynamical}}/P_{\Lambda} - 1\, [\%]$')
fig.savefig(f'{this_dir}/plot.png', dpi=150)

Save this to e.g. output/tutorial-7.3/plot.py and run it using

./concept -m output/tutorial-7.3/plot.py

The generated plot should show that the matter power is reduced quite a bit when switching to using the dynamical dark energy. At large \(k\), we see the usual non-linear suppression dip. At low/linear \(k\), the power suppression is larger in the simulation power spectrum than in the linear one. This is due to inhomogeneities forming in the dark energy species itself, the tug on matter we have not incorporated into the simulation. This effect is enlarged as we have specified a low dark energy sound speed 'cs2_fld' (given in units of the speed of light squared, \(c^2\)).

Adding gravitation from dark energy perturbations

As usual, the missing gravity can be incorporated into the simulation by including the missing species in the simulation as a linear component. The parameter file has once again been set up to be able to do this via the _lin command-line parameter. To run both cosmologies again, this time including all linear species, do e.g.

for de in Lambda dynamical; do
    ./concept \
        -p param/tutorial-7.3 \
        -c "_de = '$de'" \
        -c "_lin = 'radiation + dark energy + metric'"

where ‘radiation’ includes the photons and massless neutrinos supplied by CLASS by default.


In the above, we include dark energy as part of the linear species even when we run with \(\Lambda\). Here there are no dark energy perturbations, and so this does not make a difference. It is allowed because in CONCEPT, 'dark energy' maps to whatever kind of dark energy is available within the current simulation; \(\Lambda\) or dynamical dark energy (or both). Their individual names are 'cosmological constant' and 'dark energy fluid', respectively.

After re-plotting, you should see that the simulation spectrum now matches the linear prediction at low \(k\).

Though including all species — i.e. also photons and neutrinos — is what should be done for production runs, it can be educational to run with fewer linear species, to separate out their individual effects on the matter spectrum. Besides being small, the effects from radiation perturbations should be very close to identical between the two cosmologies. We thus expect effects from radiation to be completely negligible for the relative power spectrum. To test this, perform a simulation with dynamical dark energy, including only dark energy as a linear species:

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.3 \
    -c "_de = 'dynamical'" \
    -c "_lin = 'dark energy'"

If you now redo the plot, a relative spectrum between the newly run simulation and the \(\Lambda\) simulation without any linear species will be added. You will see that though it’s close, it has a bit too much power suppression at low \(k\).

The missing power is not due to the missing radiation, but rather the missing gravity from the rather large pressure perturbations in the dark energy, which is accounted for by the fictitious metric species. Performing a simulation including the metric as well,

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.3 \
    -c "_de = 'dynamical'" \
    -c "_lin = 'dark energy + metric'"

and re-plotting, we see that we indeed achieve nearly exactly the same result as when running with radiation.


As the metric always contains the total gravitational contribution from momentum, pressure and shear perturbations of all species, it is not possible to completely separate out the gravitational effects from each species using this set-up. For example, the last simulation above does include some photon and neutrino gravity, since the metric still contains contributions from their momentum, pressure and shear perturbations. The \(\Lambda\) simulation with which it is paired up for the plot does not, however, as here the simulation is performed without including the metric.

7.4. Decaying cold dark matter

This subsection deals with the case of decaying cold dark matter (‘dcdm’), in particular the scenario where it decays to some new form of massless non-interacting radiation; what we might call dark radiation or decay radiation (‘dr’). While the decay radiation is handled in exactly the same way as was done for other linear species in the previous subsections, the decaying cold dark matter itself is simulated using particles. To keep things general, we allow for having both stable and unstable cold dark matter within the same simulation, and so we think of dcdm as an entirely new species, separate from the usual, stable cdm.

If you’re interested in the details of the physics of decaying cold dark matter as well as its implementation in CONCEPT, we refer to the paper on ‘Fully relativistic treatment of decaying cold dark matter in 𝘕-body simulations’.

Particle-only simulations

We denote the rate of decay for the new decaying cold dark matter species by \(\Gamma_{\text{dcdm}}\). We further wish to specify the amount of dcdm today, \(\Omega_{\text{dcdm}}\), but as this depends highly on the decay rate \(\Gamma_{\text{dcdm}}\), this is not a good parameter. Instead we make use of \(\widetilde{\Omega}_{\text{dcdm}}\), which we define to be the energy density parameter that dcdm would have had, had \(\Gamma_{\text{dcdm}} = 0\) (in which case dcdm and cdm would be indistinguishable). Finally, rather than specifying \(\Omega_{\text{cdm}}\) and \(\widetilde{\Omega}_{\text{dcdm}}\) separately, we re-parametrise these as the total (stable and decaying) cold dark matter energy density \((\Omega_{\text{cdm}} + \widetilde{\Omega}_{\text{dcdm}})\), as well as the fraction of this which is of the decaying kind;

\[f_{\text{dcdm}} \equiv \frac{\widetilde{\Omega}_{\text{dcdm}}}{\Omega_{\text{cdm}} + \widetilde{\Omega}_{\text{dcdm}}}\, .\]

Below you’ll find a parameter file set up to run simulations with dcdm, which you should save as e.g. param/tutorial-7.4:

param/tutorial-7.4 \(\,\) (decaying cold dark matter)
# Non-parameter helper variable used to control the size of the simulation
_size = 96
 # Non-parameter helper variables used to control the dcdm cosmology_Ω_cdm_plus_dcdm = 0.27  # total amount of stable and decaying cold dark matter = 80*km/(s*Mpc)       # decay rate
# Input/output
if _combine:
    initial_conditions = [
        # Non-linear (total) matter particles
        {            'name'   : 'total matter',            'species': (                'baryon + cold dark matter'                + (' + decaying cold dark matter' if _frac else '')            ),            'N'      : _size**3,
    # Assume 0 < _frac < 1
    initial_conditions = [
        # Non-linear baryon and (stable) cold dark matter particles
        {            'name'   : 'stable matter',            'species': 'baryon + cold dark matter',            'N'      : _size**3,
        },        # Non-linear decaying cold dark matter particles        {            'name'   : 'decaying matter',            'species': 'decaying cold dark matter',            'N'      : _size**3,        },    ]
for _species in _lin.split(','):
    if not _species:
        # Linear fluid component(s)
            'species'        : _species,
            'gridsize'       : _size,
            'boltzmann order': -1,
output_dirs = {
    'powerspec': f'{path.output_dir}/{param}',
output_bases = {
    'powerspec': f'powerspec_{boxsize=}{_frac=}{_lin=}{_combine=}'
        .replace(' ', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", ''),
output_times = {
    'powerspec': 1,
powerspec_select = {
    'total matter': {'data': True, 'linear': True, 'plot': False},    ('stable matter', 'decaying matter'): ...,}

# Numerics
boxsize = 1*Gpc
potential_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'gravity': {
            'p3m': 2*_size,

# Cosmology
H0      = 67*km/(s*Mpc)
Ωb      = 0.049Ωcdm    = (1 - _frac)*_Ω_cdm_plus_dcdma_begin = 0.02if _frac:    class_params = {        # Decaying cold dark matter parameters        'Omega_ini_dcdm': _frac*_Ω_cdm_plus_dcdm,        'Gamma_dcdm'    : /(km/(s*Mpc)),    }
# Physics
select_forces = {
    'particles': {'gravity': 'p3m'},
    'fluid'    : {'gravity': 'pm'},
}if 'lapse' in _lin:    select_forces |= {        'decaying matter': 'lapse',        'total matter'   : 'lapse',    }
# Simulation
primordial_amplitude_fixed = True

# Non-parameter helper variables which should
# be supplied as command-line parameters.
_lin     = ''    # linear species to include_frac    = 0     # fraction of total cold dark matter which is decaying_combine = True  # combine decaying and stable matter into a single component?

Begin by running this without any additional command-line parameters;

./concept -p param/tutorial-7.4

which performs a standard simulation with just stable matter (baryons and cold dark matter).

In the parameter file, the dcdm parameters \(\Gamma_{\text{dcdm}}\), \((\Omega_{\text{cdm}} + \widetilde{\Omega}_{\text{dcdm}})\) and \(f_{\text{dcdm}}\) are called , _Ω_cdm_plus_dcdm and _frac, respectively. A rather extreme value of \(\Gamma_{\text{dcdm}} = 80\, \text{km}\, \text{s}^{-1}\, \text{Mpc}^{-1}\) is used, corresponding to a dcdm mean particle lifetime \(1/\Gamma_{\text{dcdm}}\) comparable to the age of the universe, meaning that the majority of the primordial dcdm population has decayed away at \(a = 1\).

To run a simulation where some of the cold dark matter is decaying, say 70%, specify _frac:

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.4 \
    -c "_frac = 0.7"

This new simulation still consists of just a single particle component, now with a species of 'baryon + cold dark matter + decaying cold dark matter'. The decay is taken into effect by continuously reducing the mass of each N-body particle according to the decay rate, without changing the particle velocity. As the component now represents three fundamental species, the effective “N-body decay rate” used is

\[\Gamma_{\text{b}+\text{cdm}+\text{dcdm}}(a) = \frac{\bar{\rho}_{\text{dcdm}}(a)\Gamma_{\text{dcdm}}}{ \bar{\rho}_{\text{b}}(a) + \bar{\rho}_{\text{cdm}}(a) + \bar{\rho}_{\text{dcdm}}(a) }\, .\]

To plot the usual relative power spectrum, this time between a cosmology with and without decaying cold dark matter, make use of the below script:

output/tutorial-7.4/plot.py \(\,\) (decaying cold dark matter)
import glob, os, re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Read in data
this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
boxsizes = set()
ks, P_sims, P_lins = {}, {}, {}
for filename in sorted(glob.glob(f'{this_dir}/powerspec*'), key=os.path.getmtime):
    matches = re.findall(r'(?=_(.*?)=(.*?)_)', os.path.basename(filename))
    if not matches or filename.endswith('.png'):
    for var, val in matches:
            exec(f'{var} = {val}')
        except Exception:
            exec(f'{var} = "{val}"')
    k, P_sim, P_lin = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 2, 3), unpack=True)
    mask = ~np.isnan(P_lin)
    ks[boxsize] = k[mask]
    P_sims[boxsize, frac, lin, combine] = P_sim[mask]
    P_lins[boxsize, frac              ] = P_lin[mask]

# Plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
label = 'linear'
for (boxsize, frac), P_lin in P_lins.items():
    if frac == 0:
    P_lin_ref = P_lins.get((boxsize, 0))
    if P_lin_ref is None:
    k = ks[boxsize]
    ax.semilogx(k, (P_lin/P_lin_ref - 1)*100, 'k--',
        zorder=np.inf, label=label, linewidth=1,
    label = None
linestyles = ['-', '--', ':', '-.']
colours = {}
for (boxsize, frac, lin, combine), P_sim in P_sims.items():
    if frac == 0:
    frac_nonzero = frac
    lin_ref = lin
    for lin_ignore in (*['decayradiation', 'darkradiation', 'dr'], 'lapse'):
        lin_ref = (lin_ref.replace(lin_ignore, '')
            .replace('++', '+').replace(',,', ',')
            .replace('+,', ',').replace(',+', ',')
    P_sim_ref = P_sims.get((boxsize, 0, lin_ref, True))
    if P_sim_ref is None:
    k = ks[boxsize]
    colour, label = colours.get((lin, combine)), None
    if colour is None:
        colour = colours[lin, combine] = f'C{len(colours)%10}'
        label = f'simulation: {lin = }, {combine = }'
    P_rel = (P_sim/P_sim_ref - 1)*100
    linestyle = linestyles[
        sum(np.allclose(line.get_ydata(), P_rel, 1e-2) for line in ax.lines)
    if boxsize > min(boxsizes):
        ylim = ax.get_ylim()
    ax.semilogx(k, P_rel, f'{colour}{linestyle}', label=label)
    if boxsize > min(boxsizes):
xdata = np.concatenate([line.get_xdata() for line in ax.lines])
ax.set_xlim(min(xdata), max(xdata))
ax.set_xlabel(r'$k\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
    rf'$P_{{f_{{\mathrm{{dcdm}}}} = {frac_nonzero}}}'
    rf'/P_{{f_{{\mathrm{{dcdm}}}} = 0}} - 1\, [\%]$'
fig.savefig(f'{this_dir}/plot.png', dpi=150)

Save this script as e.g. output/tutorial-7.4/plot.py and run it using

./concept -m output/tutorial-7.4/plot.py

The resulting plot.png should show prominently the familiar non-linear suppression dip on top of an already substantial drop in power due to the decayed matter.

Decay radiation

The plot resulting from the first two simulations shows a familiar discrepancy between the linear and non-linear result at low \(k\). As usual, we may try to fix this by including the missing species as linear components during the simulation:

for frac in 0 0.7; do
    ./concept \
        -p param/tutorial-7.4 \
        -c "_lin = 'photon + neutrino + metric'" \
        -c "_frac = $frac"

Once the above two simulations are complete, redo the plot. Adding the photons, neutrinos and metric perturbations supplied about half of the missing large-scale power needed to reach agreement with the linear prediction.

The remaining missing power should be supplied by further including the decay radiation, of course only applicable for the dcdm simulation:

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.4 \
    -c "_lin = 'photon + neutrino + decay radiation + metric'" \
    -c "_frac = 0.7"

Re-plotting after running the above, you should now see excellent agreement with the linear result at large scales.

Studying the parameter file, we see that the 'species' of the 'total matter' component gets set to 'baryon + cold dark matter' when _frac equals 0 (corresponding to unset) and 'baryon + cold dark matter + decaying cold dark matter' otherwise. (Do not worry about the case of the variable _combine being falsy. We shall make use of this special flag later.) We are used to 'matter' being an alias for 'baryon + cold dark matter', but really it functions as a stand-in for all matter within the given cosmology, including decaying cold dark matter. Go ahead and replace this needlessly complicated expression for the 'species' of 'total matter' in the parameter file with just 'matter'. Likewise, 'radiation' includes not just 'photon' and (massless) 'neutrino', but also 'decay radiation', when present. With the aforementioned change to the parameter file in place, try rerunning both the dcdm and the reference simulation using simply

for frac in 0 0.7; do
    ./concept \
        -p param/tutorial-7.4 \
        -c "_lin = 'radiation + metric'" \
        -c "_frac = $frac"

Updating the plot, we see that the new simulation results are indeed identical to the previous ones.

Additional general relativistic effects and multiple particle components

For most work involving dcdm simulations, the story ends here. For simulations using very large boxes, or possibly extreme values of \(f_{\text{dcdm}}\) and \(\Gamma_{\text{dcdm}}\), additional effects from general relativity show up, which one might wish to include in the simulations.

To begin the exploration of this extreme regime, run the same dcdm and reference simulation as before, but in a much larger box:

for frac in 0 0.7; do
    ./concept \
        -p param/tutorial-7.4 \
        -c "boxsize = 30*Gpc" \
        -c "_lin = 'radiation + metric'" \
        -c "_frac = $frac"

Rerunning plot.py, we see that having the cold dark matter decay actually leads to an increase in power at very large scales. This increase in power is replicated by the new dcdm simulation, though not quite enough to match the linear result.

The continuous decay of all N-body particles happen in unison, according to the set decay rate and the flow of cosmic time. Really though, each particle should decay away in accordance with its own individually experienced flow of proper time, which is affected by the local gravitational field. At linear order, this general relativistic effect may be implemented as a correction force applied to all decaying particles, with a strength proportional to their decay rate. This force can be described as arising from a potential, which in CONCEPT is implemented as an energy density field from a fictitious species — much like the metric species — called the lapse species. For details on the physics of this lapse potential, see the paper on ‘Fully relativistic treatment of decaying cold dark matter in 𝘕-body simulations’.

Just like the metric species needs to be assigned to a linear fluid component in order to exist during the simulation, so does the lapse species. Simply appending '+ lapse' to our _lin string of linear species is no good though, as this would include the lapse potential as part of gravity, affecting all non-linear components, decaying or not (and with a force not satisfying the required proportionality of the decay rate). Instead, what we need is to let lapse be its own separate linear fluid component. As we’ve seen before, the parameter file has been set up to allow separating linear components using ‘,’. That is, to properly include the lapse component, we should use _lin = 'radiation + metric, lapse'.

We further need to assign the new lapse force to the decaying matter component. Studying the specification of select_forces in the parameter file, we see that the lapse force is already being assigned whenever _lin contains the substring 'lapse'. To run the large-box dcdm simulation with the lapse force included then, simply do

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.4 \
    -c "boxsize = 30*Gpc" \
    -c "_lin = 'radiation + metric, lapse'" \
    -c "_frac = 0.7"

Re-plotting after completion of the above run, we see that the lapse force indeed managed to supply the necessary power boost, and only at very large scales, as required.


In the region of \(k\) where the relative power spectra from the simulations in the small and large box meet, we would of course like them to agree, whereas in fact the large-box simulations are slightly off. This is simply a lack of resolution and can be corrected by running larger simulations (i.e. increasing _size).

Being perhaps overly critical, we may conclude that the lapse force in fact overdid its job, with the spectrum from the dcdm simulation now having slightly too much power at very large scales. This small error arises from our choice of combining the dcdm species together with the stable matter species into a single particle component. Doing so in fact introduces new general relativistic correction terms into the equations of motion for the particles, which are not incorporated into CONCEPT. For the physics of these additional correction terms, we once again refer to the paper on ‘Fully relativistic treatment of decaying cold dark matter in 𝘕-body simulations’.

To tackle this problem — or at least confirm that it is indeed caused by combining decaying and stable matter — we may run a simulation which makes use of two separate particle components; one for stable matter ('baryon + cold dark matter') and one for decaying matter ('decaying cold dark matter'). This is done simply by listing each particle component separately in the initial_conditions parameter in the parameter file. Specifying _combine = False, we see that our parameter file file does exactly this. We further want the produced power spectrum data file to contain the combined power of the two particle components, rather than simply listing the power spectra of each component separately. Looking at the specification of powerspec_select in the parameter file, we see that power spectra are to be produced of 'total matter' and ('stable matter', 'decaying matter'). We are used to having these specifications refer to our non-linear component through its species (usually 'matter'), but here we’ve chosen to refer by name, where each (arbitrary) name is set as part of the component specification within initial_conditions. The tuple syntax (<component 0>, <component 1>, ...) used within powerspec_select specifies the combined, total power spectrum of the listed components.


The same use of name referencing is also used when assigning the lapse force within select_forces, as here we do not wish to also assign this force to 'stable matter'. It was this use of name referencing which earlier enabled us to reformulate the 'species' of the total matter component, without this having any effect on the component selections within the parameter file.

As everything is already handled within the parameter file, running the two-particle-component simulation is then as simple as

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.4 \
    -c "boxsize = 30*Gpc" \
    -c "_lin = 'radiation + metric, lapse'" \
    -c "_frac = 0.7" \
    -c "_combine = False"

This of course increases the computation time drastically, as we now have twice the number of particles and several times the number of force evaluations. Once completed, update the plot once again. You should now see better agreement with linear theory on very large scales, but at the cost of noise at “small” (relative to the enormous box) scales.

The noise in the relative spectrum arise from having \(96^3 + 96^3\) particles ('stable matter' plus 'decaying matter') in the dcdm simulation and just \(96^3\) particles ('total matter') in the reference simulation. When (pre-)initialising two particle components containing the same number of particles, CONCEPT places the two sets of particles on interleaved lattices, corresponding to the two simple lattices constituting a body-centered lattice. The same body-centered cubic lattice arrangement is used for the particles within a single component when its number of particles \(N = 2n^3\) with \(n\in\mathbb{N}\). For the final run, then, try doubling the number of particles for the 'total matter' component within the parameter file from _size**3 to 2*_size**3, then rerun the large-box reference simulation:

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.4 \
    -c "boxsize = 30*Gpc" \
    -c "_lin = 'radiation + metric'"

After updating the plot, the noise previously seen in the relative spectrum using separate stable and decaying components should now be gone, leaving a spectrum that has great agreement with linear theory all the way down to where the smaller-box spectra begins.


As the large-box reference simulation now contains \(N = 2\times 96^3\) particles while the large-box “combined” dcdm simulations contain \(N = 96^3\) particles, the corresponding relative spectra now perform worse than previously.

7.5. Non-linear massive neutrinos

Here we’ll explore simulations with massive neutrinos, solved non-linearly within CONCEPT. You should have already completed the linear massive neutrinos subsection of this tutorial before carrying on with this subsection.

Linear neutrinos

The goal of this subsection is to upgrade the massive neutrinos within the simulations from being a simple linear density field to be a non-linearly evolved fluid. For this we shall make use of the below parameter file, which you should save as e.g. param/tutorial-7.5:

param/tutorial-7.5 \(\,\) (non-linear massive neutrinos)
# Non-parameter helper variable used to control the size of the simulation
_size = 80

# Input/output
initial_conditions = [
    # Non-linear matter particles
        'species': 'matter',
        'N'      : _size**3,
    # Linear fluid component
        'name'           : 'linear',
        'species'        : 'photon + neutrino + metric',
        'gridsize'       : _size,
        'boltzmann order': -1,
]if _nunonlin:    initial_conditions += [        # Non-linear neutrino fluid        {            'name'           : 'non-linear neutrino',            'species'        : 'neutrino',            'gridsize'       : _size,            'boltzmann order': +1,        },        # Linear fluid component with neutrinos left out        {            'name'           : 'linear (no neutrino)',            'species'        : 'photon + metric',            'gridsize'       : _size,            'boltzmann order': -1,        },    ]output_dirs = {
    'powerspec': f'{path.output_dir}/{param}',
output_bases = {
    'powerspec': f'powerspec{_mass=}{_nunonlin=}{_nutrans=}',
output_times = {
    'powerspec': 1,
powerspec_select = {
    'matter'             : {'data': True, 'linear': True, 'plot': True},
    'non-linear neutrino': ...,

# Numerics
boxsize = 400*Mpc
potential_options = {
    'gridsize': {
        'gravity': {
            'pm' :   _size,
            'p3m': 2*_size,

# Cosmology
H0      = 67*km/(s*Mpc)
Ωb      = 0.049
Ωcdm    = 0.27 - Ων
a_begin = 0.02
class_params = {
    # Disable massless neutrinos
    'N_ur': 0,
    # Add 3 massive neutrinos of equal mass
    'N_ncdm'  : 1,
    'deg_ncdm': 3,
    'm_ncdm'  : max(_mass/3, 1e-100),  # avoid exact value of 0.0
    # General precision parameters
    'evolver': 0,    # Neutrino precision parameters    'l_max_ncdm'              : 200,    'Number of momentum bins' : 50,    'Quadrature strategy'     : 2,    'ncdm_fluid_approximation': 3,}

# Physicsif _nunonlin:    select_lives = {        'linear'              : (0, _nutrans),        'linear (no neutrino)': (_nutrans, inf),        'non-linear neutrino' : (_nutrans, inf),    }
# Simulation
primordial_amplitude_fixed = True

# Non-parameter helper variables which should
# be supplied as command-line parameters.
_mass = 0          # sum of neutrino masses in eV_nunonlin = False  # use non-linear neutrinos?_nutrans = 0       # scale factor at which to transition to non-linear neutrinos

Start by running this parameter file as is,

./concept -p param/tutorial-7.5

which will perform a simulation with three massless neutrinos, with these as well as photons and the metric included in a combined, linear component.

Once done, also perform a simulation with three massive (but still linear) neutrinos, say with \(\sum m_\nu = 0.5\, \text{eV}\). The parameter file has been set up so that this can be achieved by supplying _mass as a command-line parameter:

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.5 \
    -c "_mass = 0.5"

With both the linear massless and the linear massive neutrino run done, plot the results using the following plotting script:

output/tutorial-7.5/plot.py \(\,\) (non-linear massive neutrinos)
import collections, glob, os, re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Read in data
this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
inf = np.inf
P_sims, P_lins = collections.defaultdict(dict), collections.defaultdict(dict)
for filename in glob.glob(f'{this_dir}/powerspec*'):
    matches = re.findall(r'(?=_(.*?)=(.*?)_)', os.path.basename(filename))
    if not matches or filename.endswith('.png'):
    for var, val in matches:
        exec(f'{var} = {val}')
    k, P_sim, P_lin = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 2, 3), unpack=True)
    mask = ~np.isnan(P_lin)
    k = k[mask]
    P_sims['matter'][mass, nunonlin, nutrans] = P_sim[mask]
    P_lins['matter'][mass                   ] = P_lin[mask]
        k_ν, P_sim, P_lin = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(4, 6, 7), unpack=True)
    except Exception:
    mask_ν = ~np.isnan(P_lin)
    k_ν = k_ν[mask_ν]
    P_sims['neutrino'][mass, nunonlin, nutrans] = P_sim[mask_ν]
    P_lins['neutrino'][mass                   ] = P_lin[mask_ν]
for species in ['matter', 'neutrino']:
    P_sims[species] = {
        key: P_sims[species][key]
        for key in sorted(P_sims[species].keys())
    P_lins[species] = {
        key: P_lins[species][key]
        for key in sorted(P_lins[species].keys())

# Plot
fig = plt.figure()
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, figure=fig)
ax_w  = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0])
ax_ne = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
ax_se = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
linestyles = ['-', '--', ':', '-.']
fmts = {}
i = -1
for (mass, nunonlin, nutrans), P_sim in P_sims['matter'].items():
    if not mass:
    i += 1
    for nutrans_ref in (nutrans, 0):
        P_sim_ref = P_sims['matter'].get((0, False, nutrans_ref))
        if P_sim_ref is not None:
    y = (P_sim/P_sim_ref - 1)*100
    linestyle = linestyles[
        sum(np.allclose(line.get_ydata()[:30], y[:30], 3e-2) for line in ax_w.lines)
    fmt = f'C{i%10}{linestyle}'
    if nunonlin:
        fmts[mass, nutrans] = fmt
    label = rf'simulation: $\Sigma m_\nu = {mass}$ eV, '
    if nunonlin:
        label += rf'$a_{{\nu\mathrm{{trans}}}} = {nutrans:.2g}$'
        label += r'linear $\nu$'
    ax_w.semilogx(k, y, fmt, label=label)
mass_nonzeros = sorted({mass for mass, *_ in P_sims['matter'].keys() if mass})
label = 'linear'
for mass_nonzero in mass_nonzeros:
        k, (P_lins['matter'][mass_nonzero]/P_lins['matter'][0] - 1)*100, 'k--',
        label=label, linewidth=1, zorder=-1,
    label = None
for mass_nonzero in mass_nonzeros:
    P_sim_ref = P_sims['matter'].get((mass_nonzero, False, 0))
    if P_sim_ref is None:
    for (mass, nunonlin, nutrans), P_sim in P_sims['matter'].items():
        if mass != mass_nonzero or not nunonlin:
            k, (P_sim/P_sim_ref - 1)*100, fmts[mass, nutrans],
                rf'simulation: $\Sigma m_\nu = {mass}$ eV, '
                rf'$a_{{\nu\mathrm{{trans}}}} = {nutrans:.2g}$'
for (mass, nunonlin, nutrans), P_sim in P_sims['neutrino'].items():
        k_ν, k_ν**3*P_sim, fmts[mass, nutrans],
            rf'simulation: $\Sigma m_\nu = {mass}$ eV, '
            rf'$a_{{\nu\mathrm{{trans}}}} = {nutrans:.2g}$'
ax_w .set_xlim(k[0], k[-1])
ax_ne.set_xlim(k[0], k[-1])
label = 'linear'
for mass_nonzero in mass_nonzeros:
    P_lin = P_lins['neutrino'].get(mass_nonzero)
    if P_lin is None:
    ax_se.loglog(k_ν, k_ν**3*P_lin, 'k--',
        label=label, linewidth=1, zorder=-1,
    label = None
    ax_se.set_xlim(k_ν[0], k_ν[-1])
for ax in [ax_w, ax_ne, ax_se]:
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$k\, [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
    if ax.lines:
    rf'$P_{{\Sigma m_\nu > 0}}'
    rf'/P_{{\Sigma m_\nu = 0}} - 1\, [\%]$'
    rf'/P_{{\mathrm{{linear}}\,\nu}} - 1\, [\%]$'
fig.savefig(f'{this_dir}/plot.png', dpi=150)

Save the plotting script to e.g. output/tutorial-7.5/plot.py and run it using

./concept -m output/tutorial-7.5/plot.py

The resulting plot.png shows the relative matter power spectrum between the massive and massless neutrino cosmology on the left. You should see the usual non-linear suppression dip. The corresponding result from linear theory is shown as well, which matches at large scales. Be careful not to confuse completely linear theory with non-linear matter simulations containing linear neutrinos, which again is different from the upcoming simulations treating both matter and neutrinos non-linearly.

Non-linear neutrinos

Studying the parameter file it should be clear that setting _nunonlin = True will result in two new components within the simulation, namely 'non-linear neutrino' and 'linear (no neutrino)', the latter of which supplies the simulation with photons and the metric. To not double count these species, the old component named 'linear' should now no longer be used. This is handled by the newly introduced select_lives parameter, which we shall look into shortly. What makes the 'non-linear neutrino' component non-linear is its Boltzmann order of \(+1\), meaning that its energy and momentum density are treated as non-linear fields — evolved within CONCEPT — with pressure and shear still treated linearly. See the radiation subsection for further explanation about the Boltzmann order. For details on how the non-linear fluid evolution is implemented in CONCEPT, we refer to the paper ‘νCO𝘕CEPT: Cosmological neutrino simulations from the non-linear Boltzmann hierarchy’.

Run a simulation with non-linear massive neutrinos with the same mass as used for the linear massive neutrino run:

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.5 \
    -c "_mass = 0.5" \
    -c "_nunonlin = True"

Reading the output in the terminal during the simulation, it’s clear that each time step is now quite a bit more involved. Beyond having to additionally evolve the energy and momentum density of the non-linear neutrinos — which in turn require continual realisation of the linear pressure (written as ς['trace']) and shear (written as ς[i, j]) — the number of gravitational interactions also increases. Below we give an overview of the different kinds of gravitational interactions at play:

  • Gravity applied to 'matter':

    • From 'matter':

      • P³M (long-range)

      • P³M (short-range)

    • From 'non-linear neutrino' + 'linear (no neutrino)':

      • PM

  • Gravity applied to 'non-linear neutrino':

    • From matter + 'non-linear neutrino' + 'linear (no neutrino)':

      • PM

All of this makes non-linear neutrino simulation slower than simulations with linear neutrinos. Even more significant is the fact that non-linear neutrinos require a small time step size due to the Courant condition. As no rung-like system exists for fluids in CONCEPT, the single most extreme fluid cell typically dictates the global time step size, slowing down the entire simulation.

Once the non-linear neutrino simulation has completed, update the plot by rerunning the plotting script. A new line will appear in the left panel, which shows that running with non-linear neutrinos makes the non-linear suppression dip slightly shallower. That is, treating the neutrinos non-linearly slightly increases the matter power. This is caused by the enhanced clustering of the neutrinos. Exactly how much of an increase in matter power we get by substituting linear neutrinos for non-linear neutrinos is shown in the upper right panel. For \(\sum m_\nu = 0.5\, \text{eV}\) it should amount to a few per mille around the \(k\)’s of the non-linear suppression dip. The lower right panel shows the power spectrum of the neutrino component, where \(k^3P_{\nu}\) rather than just \(P_{\nu}\) is plotted, as this results in a better view of the data. Both the non-linearly evolved neutrinos as well as linear ones are shown.


Larger neutrino masses lead to stronger neutrino clustering, in turn leading to further increased matter power. Though non-linear clustering in the neutrino component itself is clearly visible in the neutrino power spectrum even for small masses, the accompanying increase in matter power becomes very hard to see for \(\sum m_\nu \lesssim 0.1\, \text{eV}\).


The default fluid solver used within CONCEPT is that of MacCormack. We have found this method to be bad at handling strong clustering, and so our implementation includes a crude fix to avoid the generation of cells with negative densities. For large neutrino masses and/or high resolution this may not be sufficient, in which case the code will abort, stating that it gives up trying to repair the erroneous negative cells. We thus recommend that you only run CONCEPT with non-linear neutrinos for \(\sum m_\nu \lesssim 0.6\, \text{eV}\) (3 degenerate neutrinos) or \(m_\nu \lesssim 0.2\, \text{eV}\) (per neutrino).

Transitioning from linear to non-linear neutrinos

As you’ve now experienced first-hand, non-linear neutrino simulations can take a long time to complete. As written above, a major reason for this is the small global time step size required by the non-linear neutrino fluid, leading to many more time steps than usual. This is especially true at early times and for light neutrinos, as here the neutrino fluid has a high pressure and thus a high speed of sound.


At each time step of the simulation the equation of state (EoS) parameter \(w\) of the non-linear neutrino component is shown. By following the evolution of the EoS you can get an idea about how far the neutrino component is on its path towards becoming non-relativistic and hence matter-like, with only a small pressure.

As the non-linear neutrino component doesn’t significantly deviate from linear behaviour at early times, we can save on computational resources by running with linear neutrinos in the beginning and then transition to using non-linear neutrinos at some scale factor value \(a_{\nu\text{trans}}\). The parameter file is set up to do exactly this by specifying \(a_{\nu\text{trans}}\) as the _nutrans variable. To rerun the non-linear neutrino simulation, though using linear neutrinos for \(a < a_{\nu\text{trans}} = 0.1\), do

./concept \
    -p param/tutorial-7.5 \
    -c "_mass = 0.5" \
    -c "_nunonlin = True" \
    -c "_nutrans = 0.1"

The transitioning works by terminating the 'linear' component (containing neutrinos, photons and metric) at \(a = a_{\nu\text{trans}}\), while simultaneously activating both the 'linear (no neutrino)' (containing photons and metric) and the 'non-linear neutrino' component. This is achieved through the select_lives parameter in the the parameter file, which maps components to life spans in the format \((a_{\text{activate}}, a_{\text{terminate}})\). When _nunonlin is False (default), select_lives is not set at all, and so all specified components (here only 'matter' and 'linear') live for the entirety of the simulation. With _nunonlin = True we see that 'linear' is only active until the time of _nutrans, whereas 'linear (no neutrino)' and 'non-linear neutrino' are first activated at the time of _nutrans and then continues to be active throughout time.

You should find that this simulation completes significantly faster than the previous one. Once completed and with the plot updated, you should find that running with linear neutrinos at early times doesn’t change the results much. In fact, the non-linear neutrino power spectra at \(a = 1\) looks very close to identical. It does make a noticeable difference at high \(k\) for the matter spectrum, as seen from the top right panel of the plot. However, these (sub per mille) changes come about mostly due to the difference in global time-stepping between the simulations, and so should not be ascribed to early non-linearity of the neutrinos.

Static time-stepping

To confirm that the excess matter power at high \(k\) observed for the simulation where the neutrino fluid is treated non-linear right from the beginning is caused by the finer time-stepping (and as such is not directly related to the neutrinos), let’s now rerun the non-linear neutrino simulations where we force them to use identical time-stepping. To do this, we make use of the static_timestepping parameter to record the fine time-stepping of the simulation using non-linear neutrinos from the beginning, and to apply this time-stepping to the simulation using the linear \(\rightarrow\) non-linear transition:

for nutrans in 0 0.1; do
    ./concept \
        -p param/tutorial-7.5 \
        -c "_mass = 0.5" \
        -c "_nunonlin = True" \
        -c "_nutrans = $nutrans" \
        -c "static_timestepping = f'{path.output_dir}/{param}/timestepping'"

After updating the plot, the upper right panel indeed confirms that the two non-linear neutrino simulations lead to a very similar increase in matter power, when compared to the simulation using linear neutrinos. Note however that a significant fraction of the speed-up gained by employing the linear \(\rightarrow\) non-linear transition precisely arose due to the coarser time-stepping, which has now been reverted back to the finer time-stepping.

To completely eliminate any effects caused by different time-stepping from the upper right panel, we further need to run the linear neutrino simulation using the same time-stepping as the non-linear ones. Feel free to do so.


As stated previously, running with non-linear neutrinos require continual realisation of the linear pressure and shear. For the non-linear neutrino evolution within CONCEPT to turn out correct, the linear inputs from CLASS then need to be nicely converged. For this to be the case, CLASS must be run with much higher precision in the neutrino sector than is used by default, hence the neutrino precision parameters specified in class_params in the parameter file. Stated briefly, 'l_max_ncdm' sets the size of the linear massive neutrino Boltzmann hierarchy, while 'Number of momentum bins' specifies the number of discrete neutrino momenta to employ for mapping the neutrino distribution function. Setting 'Quadrature strategy' to 2 ensures that momentum integrals over the distribution function are integrated all the way to infinity. Lastly, setting 'ncdm_fluid_approximation' to 3 disables the fluid approximation used by default for massive neutrinos.

For simulations with higher resolution or lower neutrino masses, still higher values for 'l_max_ncdm' and 'Number of momentum bins' may be required, which can make the usually quick CLASS computation take up hours. As CONCEPT runs CLASS in a distributed manner (even across compute nodes of a cluster) this is not an issue in practice. Furthermore, CONCEPT caches all CLASS results to disk by default, so that such expensive CLASS computations do not have to be redone repeatedly.

You may play around with different neutrino masses _mass and/or transition times _nutrans — with or without static_timestepping — while continuing to use the plotting script, as it can handle output of multiple masses and transition times at the same time.