The ‘simulation’ parameter category contains parameters specifying the accuracy of the time integration, as well as parameters having to do with the random numbers used for the primordial noise.
Description |
This scales all background time step limiters |
Default |
Elaboration |
The global time step size \(\Delta t\) within CONCEPT depends on various limiters as described in the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’. This parameter acts as a scaling factor on all background limiters. |
Example 0 |
Scale the background limiters by a factor \(\frac{1}{2}\), typically cutting the time step size \(\Delta t\) roughly in half at early times compared to its usual size: Δt_base_background_factor = 0.5
Description |
This scales all non-linear time step limiters |
Default |
Elaboration |
The global time step size \(\Delta t\) within CONCEPT depends on various limiters as described in the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’. This parameter acts as a scaling factor on all non-linear limiters. |
Example 0 |
Scale the non-linear limiters by a factor \(\frac{1}{3}\), typically reducing the time step size \(\Delta t\) to about a third of its usual value at late times: Δt_base_nonlinear_factor = 1/3
Example 1 |
Effectively remove the non-linear limiters by scaling them by \(\infty\), so that the global time step size \(\Delta t\) is controlled solely by the background limiters: Δt_base_nonlinear_factor = ထ
Description |
Specifies a limit to the allowed relative increase of the global time step size |
Default |
ထ # no limit
Elaboration |
As described in the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’, the global time step size \(\Delta t\) is periodically allowed to increase. This parameter sets an upper limit for the allowed relative change of \(\Delta t\) each time it is increased. |
Example 0 |
Allow a maximum relative increase to \(\Delta t\) of \(15\,\%\): Δt_increase_max_factor = 1.15
Description |
This scales the rung time step size required for particles |
Default |
Elaboration |
As described in the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’, adaptive particle time-stepping is achieved through rungs; power-of-two subdivisions of the global time step size, \(\Delta t/2^{\ell}\). The rung \(\ell \in \mathbb{N}_0\) on which a given particle belongs depends on the (short-range) acceleration \(\boldsymbol{a}\) of the particle, as
\[\frac{\Delta t}{2^{\ell}} \underset{\sim}{\propto} \frac{1}{\sqrt{|\boldsymbol{a}|}}\, ,\]
with the proportionality scaled on the right by this parameter. |
Example 0 |
Decrease the rung time step sizes by a factor of \(2\), effectively pushing the particles up one rung, resulting in particle time-stepping which is “twice as fine” as usual: Δt_rung_factor = 0.5
Description |
Specifies the maximum allowed change to the scale factor at early times |
Default |
Elaboration |
As described in the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’, one of the time step limiters include the condition that — at early times — the global time step size \(\Delta t\) must not be so large as to correspond to an absolute change in scale factor \(\Delta a\) larger than some value. This parameter sets this value. |
Example 0 |
Allow only a much smaller change \(\Delta a\) at early times, typically leading to finer time-stepping at such times: Δa_max_early = 0.0008
Example 1 |
Ignore this limiter by setting it equal to \(0\): Δa_max_early = 0
Note As the instantaneous Hubble time \(H^{-1}\) is part of the same limiter as the early-time \(\Delta a\) (see the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’), doing this means that \(H^{-1}\) will be used to set the global time step size at early times, leading to finer time-stepping at such times. |
Example 2 |
Effectively disregard this limiter completely by setting it equal to its late-time version: Δa_max_early = Δa_max_late
Note For this to work, you must explicitly set a value for
the Note As the instantaneous Hubble time \(H^{-1}\) is part of the same limiter as the early-time \(\Delta a\) (see the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’), doing this effectively also removes any explicit limitation of the global time step size due to \(H^{-1}\). |
Description |
Specifies the maximum allowed change to the scale factor at late times |
Default |
Elaboration |
As described in the paper on ‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’, one of the time step limiters include the condition that — at late times — the global time step size \(\Delta t\) must not be so large as to correspond to an absolute change in scale factor \(\Delta a\) larger than some value. This parameter sets this value. |
Example 0 |
Significantly decrease the allowed \(\Delta a\) at late times, leading to finer late-time time-stepping for simulations with low resolution (in simulations of high resolution, non-linear limiters probably dominate at late times regardless of this): Δa_max_late = 0.01
Example 1 |
Effectively disregard this limiter by setting it equal to \(\infty\): Δa_max_late = ထ
Description |
Specifies whether to use (or record) static time-stepping |
Default |
Elaboration |
This parameter is used to overrule the default global
time-stepping within CONCEPT. It can be specified
as a function \(\Delta a(a)\), defining the global
time step size \(\Delta a\) as a function of
\(a\), \(a\) being the cosmic scale factor.
Alternatively, it can be specified as a file path
( |
Example 0 |
Force the simulation to use the simple global time-stepping \(\Delta \ln a = 0.025 \Rightarrow \Delta a = 0.025a\): static_timestepping = lambda a: 0.025*a
Example 1 |
Write/read global time-stepping information to/from file: static_timestepping = f'{path.output_dir}/timestepping'
On the first run, the time-stepping is not altered, but recorded to the given path (plain text file with \(a\) and \(\Delta a\) as columns). Future runs will read in and reuse the recorded time-stepping. |
Description |
Specifies the number of available rungs |
Default |
Elaboration |
As described in the paper on
‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’,
adaptive particle time-stepping is achieved by placing
the particles on rungs \(\ell \in \mathbb{N}_0\)
according to their acceleration. This parameter
specifies the maximum number \(n_{\text{rung}}\) of
these rungs, with \(0 \leq \ell < n_{\text{rung}}\).
Particles with accelerations large enough for them to
belong to rung \(\ell \geq n_{\text{rung}}\) (see
the |
Example 0 |
Increase the number of available rungs to \(10\): N_rungs = 10
Note As demonstrated in
‘The cosmological simulation code CO𝘕CEPT 1.0’,
the time step limiters (see the
Description |
Specifies the rigour level to use when gathering FFTW wisdom |
Default |
Elaboration |
The FFTW library used by CONCEPT to compute distributed FFTs knows of a multitude of different methods for computing a given FFT. Which method is the fastest is not obvious, and so FFTW plan the FFT ahead of time, deciding on some strategy. The knowledge gathered by this planning step is called wisdom. This parameter sets the rigour level to use when gathering said wisdom, with a higher level taking longer to gather, but hopefully also resulting in a superior plan, saving time in the long run. The available rigour levels — from lowest to highest — are:
Example 0 |
Run with the highest possible level of FFTW wisdom rigour, producing optimal FFTW plans at the cost of slow planning: fftw_wisdom_rigor = 'exhaustive'
Description |
Specifies whether to reuse FFTW wisdom between simulations |
Default |
Elaboration |
The gathered FFTW wisdom (see the Caution Depending on the rigour level, the gathering of wisdom may not be a deterministic process. When not reusing wisdom between simulations, they may then end up with different FFTW plans for the same problem, introducing indeterminism. |
Example 0 |
Always gather FFTW wisdom anew, disregarding available stored wisdom: fftw_wisdom_reuse = False
The gathered wisdom will similarly not be stored on the disk. |
Description |
Numbers with which to seed pseudo-random number generators, used for various purposes |
Default |
'general' : 0,
'primordial amplitudes': 1_000,
'primordial phases' : 2_000,
Elaboration |
Several aspects of CONCEPT requires the use of (pseudo-)random numbers, with each such aspect having its own dedicated stream of random numbers and thus an individual seed. The The
\[\delta(a_{\text{begin}}, \boldsymbol{x}) \propto \underset{\hspace{-0.5em}\boldsymbol{x}\leftarrow\boldsymbol{k}}{\mathcal{F}^{-1}}\bigl[\mathcal{R}(\boldsymbol{k}) \zeta(|\boldsymbol{k}|) T_\delta(a_{\text{begin}}, |\boldsymbol{k}|)\bigr]\, ,\]
with \(\zeta(k)\) and \(T_{\delta}(a, k)\) the
primordial curvature perturbation and (density) transfer
function (see the Tip To change the primordial noise, you generally want to
change both Tip The primorial noise is generated in such a way as to be independent on the number of processes. Tip When running successive simulations with different resolution (e.g. number of particles) but fixed box size, the random noise will be identical for the \(k\) modes shared between the simulations, with new values used only for the higher \(k\) not available in the lower-resolution simulations. This allows for e.g. convergence tests without fear of changes to the random realisation. |
Example 0 |
Use some particular random sequences for the initial conditions: random_seeds = {
'primordial amplitudes': 123,
'primordial phases' : 456,
Example 1 |
Have each successive simulation use a unique random realisation of the primordial noise: random_seeds = {
'primordial amplitudes': 1_000 + jobid,
'primordial phases' : 2_000 + jobid,
Description |
Specifies the scheme to use for imprinting primordial noise |
Default |
Elaboration |
See the
Both schemes are based on a Fourier space-filling curve, which walks through each point in Fourier space in the order of \(|\boldsymbol{k}|\), starting from the origin. In the simple scheme, all processes iterates through the entirety of Fourier space, though imprinting only the drawn random numbers at local grid points. In the distributed scheme, only local grid points are ever visited. This makes the distributed scheme much faster in the case of many processes, why this scheme is generally preferable. The only real benefit of the simple scheme is precisely its simplicity, making it easy to port to other simulation codes, for easy construction of identical realisations across different codes. |
Example 0 |
Use the simple scheme when imprinting the primordial noise: primordial_noise_imprinting = 'simple'
Note Note that this will result in a realisation different from that obtained with the distributed (default) scheme, even when identical random seeds are used. |
Description |
Specifies whether to use fixed primordial amplitudes |
Default |
Elaboration |
See the Tip The random complex numbers generated when using fixed
amplitudes will have the same phases as when not using
fixed amplitudes. Though not equal, the underlying
random noise of two sets of initial conditions,
one generated with fixed amplitudes and the other
without, will then be similar (provided they use the
same value for the
Example 0 |
Use fixed primordial amplitudes, leading to improved (e.g. smoother) power spectra and bispectra: primordial_amplitude_fixed = True
Description |
Specifies a constant offset to use for the primordial phases |
Default |
Elaboration |
See the Note This is typically used together with fixed amplitudes, but it does not have to be. |
Example 0 |
Use completely out-of-phase primordial noise compared to the default: primordial_phase_shift = π
By taking the average of e.g. power spectra or bispectra
from this simulation and a simulation with
Description |
Specifies whether to use cell-centred as opposed to cell-vertex grid discretisation |
Default |
Elaboration |
The geometry of a CONCEPT simulation is that of a
fixed (in comoving coordinates), periodic, cubic box of
size length \(L_{\text{box}}\) (corresponding to
the In effect, the two choices of grid discretisation come down to whether they tabulate the underlying field at \((L_{\text{c}}/2, 3L_{\text{c}}/2, 5L_{\text{c}}/2, \dots)\) (cell-centred) or \((0, L_{\text{c}}, 2L_{\text{c}}, \dots)\) (cell-vertex), with \(L_{\text{c}}\) the cell width and the tabulations applying for each of the \(3\) dimensions separately. Ideally the discretisation strategy should not alter the simulation results noticeably, but for low-resolution simulations this is not so. |
Example 0 |
Swap out the default cell-centred grid discretisation strategy for cell-vertex, as used by e.g. GADGET: cell_centered = False
Description |
Specifies maximum trusted \(k\) modes for CLASS perturbations, with higher modes being constructed through extrapolation. |
Default |
Elaboration |
CONCEPT uses CLASS for computing linear perturbations, for use with e.g. initial condition generation. CLASS perturbations at high \(k\) can be prone to non-physical defects, due to the larger degree of precision required here for convergence. This parameter allows for specification of a maximum \(k\) at which to make use of CLASS perturbations, beyond which required perturbation data is obtained from that at lower \(k\) using interpolation. The |
Example 0 |
Do not trust any CLASS perturbations above \(k = 10\, \text{Mpc}^{-1}\): class_k_max = {'all': 10/Mpc}
Example 1 |
Do not trust the velocity divergence \(\theta\) perturbations for baryons beyond \(k = 10\, h\, \text{Mpc}^{-1}\), nor the \(\partial_{\tau}h\) perturbations beyond \(k = 5\, h\, \text{Mpc}^{-1}\): class_k_max = {
'theta_b': 10*h/Mpc,
'h_prime': 5*h/Mpc,
Example 2 |
Do not trust any perturbations in any class_k_max = {r'.*ncdm.*': 8/Mpc}
Description |
Specifies whether to reuse results of CLASS computations between simulations |
Default |
Elaboration |
CONCEPT delegates the computation of background
quantities (unless the |
Example 0 |
Do not make use of any pre-existing CLASS results: class_reuse = False
Note Even when not making use of cached CLASS results, new CLASS runs will still be cached to disk. Existing cache content will not be overwritten by results from a new CLASS computation. |