Command-line options

This page elaborates on the many options to the concept script, used to launch CONCEPT.

If you have yet to play around with the concept script, you are advised to take the tutorial.

Most options have a short and a long format — e.g. -h and --help — which always does the same thing. Some however only have the long format. When using the long format, you do not have to spell out the entire option, as long as the first part uniquely identifies the full option. For example, --he may be used in place of --help.

Many options require a value, e.g. -n 2 or equivalently --nprocs 2. Instead of a space, the option name and value may be separated by an equal sign; -n=2 or --nprocs=2.

Every command-line option has a corresponding CONCEPT_* environment variable, named according to the long format of the option (with dashes - replaced by underscores _). As an example, executing

export CONCEPT_nprocs=4

will effectively supply --nprocs 4 to future invocations of concept in an implicit manner. Manually supplying --nprocs/-n will overrule the value set by CONCEPT_nprocs.

The command-line options are grouped into four categories as listed below.


The following basic command-line options are all you need to know in order to run CONCEPT simulations locally.

Help: -h, --help

Displays a short description of each command-line option and exits:

./concept -h

This is helpful if you have forgotten the name of some particular option. For learning about the usage of a given option, this page is much preferable.

Parameter file: -p, --param

Specifies the parameter file to use:

./concept -p </path/to/parameter-file>

The path may be specified in any of these formats:

  • Absolutely.

  • Relative to your current working directory.

  • Relative to the CONCEPT installation directory.

  • Relative to the param directory.

Typically, parameter files are kept in the param directory. With the parameter file my_param located in this directory, specifying the use of this parameter file may then look like e.g.

./concept -p param/my_param

The many possible parameters to put inside parameter files are each described in the sections under Parameters. Parameters absent from the supplied parameter file will take on default values. Leaving out the -p parameter file specification when invoking concept, all parameters take on their default values, which does not result in an actual simulation as no output is specified by default.

Command-line parameters: -c, --command-line-params

Directly specifies parameters to use, without referring to a parameter file. E.g.

./concept -c "boxsize = 512*Mpc"

Often this is used in combination with a parameter file, e.g. if a suite of similar simulations is to be run where only a few parameter values change between the simulations. E.g.

# First simulation
./concept \
    -p param/my_param \
    -c "Ωb = 0.049" \
    -c "Ωcdm = 0.270"

# Second simulation
./concept \
    -p param/my_param \
    -c "Ωb = 0.048" \
    -c "Ωcdm = 0.271"

Note that the -c option may be specified multiple times.

Specifying command-line parameters while also making use of a parameter file is equivalent to having the command-line parameters defined at the bottom of the parameter file. Despite of this, the command-line parameters will become available both during the simulation and to the other parameters in the parameter file during read-in.


Be careful about trying to overwrite parameter values defined in a parameter file using -c. As stated above, specifying a command-line parameter with -c is equivalent to defining it at the bottom of the parameter file, which makes it take on the command-line value at the top of the parameter file and down until the parameter is (re)assigned (see non-linear parsing of parameter file content for how this works). During the actual simulation, the value given by -c will be used.

For a completely stand-alone parameter with no other parameters depending on its value, there is then no danger in overwriting its value using -c. It might not be obvious whether a given parameter is stand-alone or not, and so it is generally cleaner to just not have any parameters be defined both in the parameter file and on the command-line.

Number of processes: -n, --nprocs

Specifies the number of MPI processes to use, with each MPI process being mapped to its own CPU core (assuming enough of these are available). To run using e.g. 8 processes:

./concept -n 8

If not specified, this defaults to 1.

You may write the number of processes as a (Python 3) expression. All of these specifies that 8 processes should be used:

./concept -n "2*4"
./concept -n "2**3"
./concept -n "3 + 5"

Specifying multiple nodes

When running on a cluster with multiple compute nodes, you may also specify the number of nodes to be used. The following examples all specify 8 MPI processes distributed over 2 nodes each with 4 CPU cores:

./concept -n 2:4
./concept -n "2:2*2"
./concept -n "2 2*2"
./concept -n "1 + 1 : 2**2"

Note that inhomogeneous layouts are not describable. If you leave out the node specification (i.e. only supply a single number to -n) and the cluster is running Slurm, the specified total number of CPU cores may be distributed in any which way between the available nodes. If the cluster is running TORQUE/PBS, you should always explicitly specify the number of nodes as well as the number of CPU cores/node.


Specifying a number of nodes will enable automatic job submission unless explicitly disabled.

Utility: -u, --utility

Signals that one of the CONCEPT utilities is to be run instead of a simulation. To run e.g. the powerspec utility, do

./concept -u powerspec </path/to/snapshot>

which will then produce a power spectrum of the snapshot file located at </path/to/snapshot>.

Each utility comes with its own command-line options (for the powerspec utility, a required path to a snapshot), which you should specify together with the normal concept command-line options. In the case of the powerspec utility, this could look like

./concept -n 4 -u powerspec </path/to/snapshot>
# or
./concept -u powerspec </path/to/snapshot> -n 4

both of which will produce a power spectrum of the snapshot using 4 processes. Some utilities have elaborate command-line interfaces of their own. Brief summaries gets printed if you do e.g.

./concept -u powerspec -h

You can also read about the different utilities and their command-line interfaces under Utilities.

Many utilities further make use of the standard concept command-line options, like -n to set the number of processes as in the example above, or -p to specify a parameter file to use.

While some utilities are always run locally, the ones that potentially involves large computational resources are subject to the same remote submission behaviour as standard simulations.

Remote job submission

When running CONCEPT on a cluster with a job scheduler (Slurm and TORQUE/PBS supported), directly running simulations (on the front-end) is disabled by default (but can be overruled). Instead, a job script is generated. To automatically submit the job to the scheduler, supply the --submit option. If running locally, none of these options have any effect.

On top of the basic options, the options below are used for additional resource specification when submitting remote jobs. Note that additional possibilities arise for the -n option when running on a cluster with multiple compute nodes, as documented above.

Submit: --submit

Automatic job submission will be requested by using

./concept --submit
# or
./concept --submit True

Conversely, job submission can be held back by specifying

./concept --submit False

This is almost a Boolean command-line option, with the caveat that its default value (“unset”) is neither True nor False. When left unset, no submission occurs unless other options from the remote job submission category are specified. See the note in the description of the --watch option for details on Boolean command-line options.

Queue: -q, --queue

Specifies the name of the queue (called ‘partition’ in Slurm) to which the remote job is to be submitted:

./concept -q <queue>

If using Slurm, you can specify multiple queues:

./concept -q <queue1>,<queue2>,<queue3>

Wall time: -w, --walltime

Specifies the maximum wall time (total computation time) within which the remote job has to have completed. If the job runs for the entire specified maximum wall time, it will be killed by the job scheduler.

You have a lot of freedom in how you want to express this time:

./concept -w 2:30:00       #  2 hours and 30 minutes
./concept -w 45min         #              45 minutes
./concept -w 100m          #  1 hour  and 40 minutes
./concept -w "3 days"      # 72 hours
./concept -w 3:12:00:00    # 84 hours
./concept -w "2d + 7.5hr"  # 55 hours and 30 minutes

If not specified, the system typically sets some default wall time.

Memory: --memory

Specifies the amount of memory allocated for the remote job. If you assign insufficient memory to a job, it will be killed (usually with a somewhat cryptic error message) by the system once its memory needs exceed the specified amount.

Examples of memory specifications:

./concept --memory 4GB       #   4 gigabytes
./concept --memory 2048MB    #   2 gigabytes
./concept --memory "8*2GB"   #  16 gigabytes
./concept --memory "0.5*TB"  # 512 gigabytes
./concept --mem 8G           #   8 gigabytes

Note that the specified memory is the total memory available to the job, to be shared amongst all MPI processes / CPU cores, even when running on multiple compute nodes.

If not specified, the system typically sets some default memory limit.

Job name: --job-name

Specify a name for the job, used by the job scheduler:

./concept --job-name "my job"

This name then shows up when listing your current jobs (i.e. via squeue in Slurm and via qstat in TORQUE/PBS). If not specified, the default name ‘concept’ will be used. Having several jobs with the same name is not a problem, as this name is not a replacement for the job ID.

Job directive: -j, --job-directive

The specifications of system resources — the designated queue(s), the number of nodes and processes, the allowed wall time and the allocated memory — gets saved as ‘job directives’ within a job script, which is then submitted to the job scheduler. If you desire further fine tuning of system resources, you may supply further such directives using this command-line option.

What job directives are available depend on the job scheduler, as well as the local configuration of the cluster and queue. As an example, consider

./concept -j="--exclusive"

which tells Slurm to give the job exclusive access to the allocated nodes, so that the nodes will not be shared with other running jobs which could otherwise make use of still available resources.

The effect of this is simply to place the line

#SBATCH --exclusive

in the header of the job script — assuming Slurm — or

#PBS --exclusive

in the case of TORQUE/PBS (the specific example of --exclusive does not mean anything to TORQUE/PBS, though).


Since the value --exclusive starts with ‘-’, using -j --exclusive or -j "--exclusive" is not legal as the parser registers --exclusive as a whole new (and non-existent) option to the concept script.

The -j option may be specified multiple times.

Watch: --watch

After submitting a remote job, rather than put you back at the system prompt, CONCEPT will run the watch utility in order for you to follow the progression of the job. This have no effect on the job itself, and you may stop watching its printout using Ctrl+C.

If you have no desire to watch the job progression, you may specify this as follows:

./concept --watch False

in which case the watch utility will not be run at all.


This is an example of a Boolean command-line option. As a value, you may use any of False/f/no/n/off/disable/0/0.0 for signifying False and any of True/t/yes/y/on/enable/1/1.0 for signifying True (all case insensitive). In addition, specifying the command-line option alone with no value is the same as setting it to True, i.e. --watch is equivalent to --watch True. As True also happens to be the default value, supplying --watch by itself then does nothing. This is not so for Boolean command-line options which default to False, e.g. the --local option.

Building and running

The following options change the way that CONCEPT is built or run.

While the Python source code for CONCEPT lives in the scr directory, default invocation of the concept script launches a job that runs off of a compiled build, placed in the build directory. If changes to the source is detected, the code is recompiled, updating the contents of build. With the compiled code ready, the requested CONCEPT run is performed. In addition, when working on a remote server/cluster (through SSH), rather than starting the run directly, it is submitted as a remote job.

Local: --local

Supply this option to disregard the fact that you are running on a remote server/cluster. That is, do not submit the CONCEPT run as a remote job using the job scheduler, but run it directly as if you were running locally.

./concept --local
# or
./conceot --local True

This is a Boolean command-line option, defaulting to False. See the note in the description of the --watch option for details.

Pure Python: --pure-python

When this option is supplied, CONCEPT is run directly off of the Python source files in src, disregarding the presence of any build:

./concept --pure-python
# or
./concept --pure-python True

While handy for development, running actual simulations in pure Python mode is impractical due to an enormous performance hit.

This is a Boolean command-line option, defaulting to False. See the note in the description of the --watch option for details.

Build: -b, --build

Specifies a build directory to use:

./concept -b my_build

If a build already exists in this directory and is up-to-date with the source in src, it will be used. Otherwise, the code will be (re)build within this directory. If not specified, the build directory will be used.

This option is handy if you need to maintain several builds of the code, e.g. for different queues consisting of nodes with different hardware architectures.

When working on a cluster, the building of the code will take place as part of the remote job, i.e. on the compute node and not the front-end. Using a designated build directory for a given queue / set of nodes, it is then safe to apply architecture-dependent, native optimizations.

Moreover, Bash variable expansion at runtime is supported, making it possible to use a temporary scratch directory for the build. Say your cluster creates a designated /scratch/<ID> for every job and it uses Slurm, you could then run CONCEPT as

./concept -b '/scratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID'

making use of the Slurm variable SLURM_JOB_ID, holding the job ID.


Note the use of single-quotes above. Were we to do

./concept -b "/scratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID"  # wrong!

it would not work, as $SLURM_JOB_ID would be expanded right there on the command-line, where it does not hold a value.


When the code is built as part of the job, the build process will be carried out on the ‘master node’ only. For multi-node jobs it is thus important to choose a build directory that can be accessed from all nodes. This may not be the case for the temporary scratch directory, as this may be local to each node, so that the same path /scratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID really corresponds to a separate directory on each node.

Rebuild: --rebuild

Even if the compiled code in the build directory is up-to-date with the source in src, a rebuild can be triggered by using

./concept --rebuild
# or
./concept --rebuild True

Conversely, an out-of-date build will be used as is, if you specify

./concept --rebuild False

This is almost a Boolean command-line option, with the caveat that its default value (“unset”) is neither True nor False, as by default the code is rebuild conditionally, depending on whether the present build is up-to-date with the source. See the note in the description of the --watch option for details on Boolean command-line options.

Optimizations: --optimizations

During compilation of CONCEPT, a lot of optimizations are performed. These include source code transformations performed by as well as standard C compiler optimizations (including LTO), applied in the Makefile. Though these optimizations should not be disabled under normal circumstances, you may do so by supplying

./concept --optimizations False


If the build directory already contains compiled code that is up-to-date with the source at src (built with or without optimizations), the code will not be rebuild. To rebuild without optimizations, you can make use of the rebuild option:

./concept --optimizations False --rebuild

This is a Boolean command-line option, defaulting to True. See the note in the description of the --watch option for details.

Native optimizations: --native-optimizations

The default optimizations performed during compilation are all portable, so that the compiled code may be run on different hardware (within reason).

Supply this option if you are willing to use non-portable optimizations native to your particular system, by which it is possible to squeeze a further few percent performance increase out of the compilation:

./concept --native-optimizations
# or
./concept --native-optimizations True

Specifically, this adds the -march=native compiler optimization.

Enabling native optimizations is not possible if optimizations are disabled generally (--optimizations False).

If working on a cluster with nodes of different architectures, having separate build directories for these is recommended if building with native optimizations. See the build option for details.


If the build directory already contains compiled code that is up-to-date with the source at src (built with or without native optimizations), the code will not be rebuild. To rebuild with native optimizations, you can make use of the rebuild option:

./concept --native-optimizations --rebuild

This is a Boolean command-line option, defaulting to False. See the note in the description of the --watch option for details.

Safe build: --safe-build

By default the compilation process is carried out in a safe manner, meaning that changes within a file triggers recompilation of all other files which rely on the specific file in question. If you know that a change is entirely internal to the given file, you may save yourself some compilation time by supplying

./concept --safe-build False

in which case all interdependencies between the files will be ignored during compilation.


Using --safe-build False really is unsafe and may very well lead to a buggy build. To clean up after an unsuccessful build, use the rebuild option or remove the build directory entirely using

(source concept && make clean)

This is a Boolean command-line option, defaulting to True. See the note in the description of the --watch option for details.


The following options are mostly useful for development. As demonstrated by the below examples though, “development” does not have to be restricted to the CONCEPT code itself. That is, these special options come in handy should you wish to hook into the code, or simply check that the code is in a working state.

Test: -t, --tests

CONCEPT comes with an integration test suite, located in the test directory. Each subdirectory within this directory implements a given test, with the test name given by the name of the subdirectory. You may use this option to run these tests, checking that the code works correctly.

To run e.g. the concept_vs_gadget_p3m test — which runs a small CONCEPT P³M simulation and a (supposedly) equivalent GADGET-2 TreePM simulation, after which it compares the results — do e.g.

./concept -t concept_vs_gadget_p3m

The path to the test may be specified in any of these formats:

  • Absolutely.

  • Relative to your current working directory.

  • Relative to the CONCEPT installation directory.

  • Relative to the test directory.

Tests are always performed locally, i.e. not submitted as remote jobs even when working on a remote cluster/server.

Once a test is complete, it will report either success or failure. Most tests also produce some artefacts within their subdirectory, most notably plots.

Multiple tests may be specified together:

./concept -t concept_vs_gadget_p3m render

The entire test suite may be run using

./concept -t all

which runs each test sequentially. If one of the tests fails, the process terminates immediately. To clean up after all tests, do

(source concept && make clean-test)


When testing with an initially clean job directory, any warnings produced by tests will count as errors, leading to test failure. This behaviour is not present if starting from a non-empty job directory.

Main entry point: -m, --main

The responsibilities of the concept script are to set up the environment, build the actual CONCEPT code (if not running in pure Python mode) and then launch a job (or submit a remote job which then is launched from within a generated job script). Skipping over many details, this final launch step looks something like

python -m build/  # compiled mode
python src/       # pure Python mode

which fires up the main module, which in turn initiates the simulation. We can use this option to switch out the default main module for some other main entry point.

As an example, consider the script below:
from commons import *  # import everything from the CO𝘕CEPT commons module

h = H0/(100**units.Mpc))
print(f'{h = :g}')

We can run this script using

./concept \
    -m \


Here we need pure Python mode since the script itself is not compiled, and the compiled commons module does not expose H0 as a Python-level object.

To see that this really does hook into the CONCEPT machinery:

./concept \
    -m \
    -c "H0 = 72*km/(s*Mpc)" \

Using -m with a script as above is convenient for e.g. making plotting scripts which need access to some CONCEPT functionality. For small printouts, we can specify the Python code directly as the value to -m. To e.g. get the value of the gravitational constant implemented in CONCEPT, we can do

./concept \
    -m "from commons import *; \
        unit = units.m**3/(*units.s**2); \
        print(f'{G_Newton/unit:g}'); \
    " \
    --pure-python \
| tail -n 1

Interactive: -i, --interactive

Normally when running concept, you are sent back to the system prompt once the run has completed. You can use this option to instead end up in a live Python prompt, with the main scope available for exploration and further execution.

You could run a simulation interactively if you wanted to:

./concept \
    -c "a_begin = 0.1" \
    -c "initial_conditions = {'species': 'matter', 'N': 16**3}" \
    -i \
>>> output_times['a']['render2D'] = (1, )
>>> timeloop()
>>> exit()

where >>> indicates input which should be typed at the interactive Python prompt. We use pure Python mode as our interactive commands are interpreted directly by Python.


At least when using the standard main entry point, running in interactive mode using more than one process is not a good idea, as the interactive prompt is attached to the master process only.

While the above example requires knowledge of the internal code and serves no real use outside of development, a perhaps more useful usage of interactive mode is to combine it with the main entry point option when writing auxiliary scripts, or to use it purely exploratory.

Say we did not know the variable name and value of the gravitational constant implemented in CONCEPT, an we wanted to find out. We might go exploring, doing something like

./concept -i --pure-python
>>> # 💭 What variables are available?
>>> dir()

>>> # 💭 I see one called 'G_Newton'
>>> G_Newton

>>> # 💭 Its value looks unrecognisable! It must not be given in SI units.
>>> # 💭 I see something called 'units'.
>>> units
>>> units.m
>>> units.Mpc

>>> # 💭 What if I try ...
>>> G_Newton/(units.m**3/(*units.s**2))

>>> # 💭 Success!
>>> exit()

This is a Boolean command-line option, defaulting to False. See the note in the description of the --watch option for details.

Version: -v, --version

Prints out the version of CONCEPT that is installed:

./concept -v